My experience with drinking fenugreek water
Drinking fenugreek water may have a sour taste, but these yellow seeds are considered a repository of natural remedies, and can be used to prevent and treat some health problems. The evidence for this is the reviews of women’s experiences with drinking fenugreek water, learn about them below.
My experience with drinking fenugreek water
– The first experience: In the morning, I would boil water in the kettle and put in a cup two teaspoons of ground fenugreek + a teaspoon of sugar. After the water boiled, I poured it over the fenugreek and stirred it with a spoon, then covered it and left it, and then I would go and clean the house. After about half an hour, I would return, stir it a second time, cover it, and repeat this movement every time. I didn’t remember that you don’t have to have a truck come every half hour!! I hope you understood that butter is the largest amount of benefit that comes out of the fenugreek. On the back, I drink it and leave the scum. Only water. The result that the girls really believed in is whiteness. My face before was like the face of a pregnant woman, but after 40 days of starting to drink it, it lightened noticeably, and as for my body, it became two shades whiter than before. !! I did not see any change in my hair, and the most important thing is that I did not gain weight by even a kilo of it, and the reason she told me about it is a great prohibition that I know, which is drinking scum, as it accumulates in the body and stores water in the cells!!
– The second experience: I consider the fenugreek to be like magic, and God gives you results at the same time, and the more you continue with it, you will see a wonderful result. You may be put off by its smell, but by God, it has benefited me so much that I no longer care about its smell. Now I started to love it after my face was yellow, pale, and rough, and oh how cute I was. I was frivolous, but I wanted to put an end to the ugliness. I started putting a lot of oils on my face, but they did not give immediate results until I discovered fenugreek. After I was also thin and frivolous, as I said, I wanted to change and rise up against the ugliness. I started putting half a spoonful of ground fenugreek with half a cup of water every day before breakfast in the morning. Mix them and drink them all at once. It is correct. It has a very bitter taste, that is, a lot of bitterness. But three days had not passed until I got fat and my body was full and I became a woman. I really like fenugreek. It stimulates the appetite and I started to eat other than the sweet mood when I gave it. By God, I was full and I became sweet. I forgot to talk about fenugreek water for the face. It is important that I started putting fenugreek in it. Ground them with water and put them in a box and hide them in the refrigerator. Every day, I wipe my face with fenugreek water three times, and by God, it tightens my face. After 10 minutes, I wash my face with lukewarm water. By God, two days have not passed until my face has become soft after it was rough, and my skin has become as fresh as a child’s, and I have become beautiful. My experience with Drink fenugreek water
– The third experience: I convey to you my experience with the ring, of course. One day, while I was browsing on Google, I wanted the benefits of something, and I wrote the benefits. As usual, Google got ahead of the events and wrote to me the benefits of the ring. I said to myself, why not enter it, and I found that it has many benefits for the skin, hair, protection from diseases, and useful things. Very much, when I read the experiences of some girls, I found that they were getting fat, and the girls, explaining their condition, were in a state of extreme joy. I said why not try it, and in fact, I was drinking a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening, and for a period of five days, it exploded like a balloon, especially since I was anticipating the events and putting 3 spoons in one cup, which equals 6 spoons a day in… Five days, 30 spoons – the results are clear skin like glass, praise be to God + strong hair without loss and smoothness + strong and good braids + excessive obesity. This is my experience for those who wanted to benefit from fenugreek and the smell was in their way. They must pay attention to personal hygiene and will not notice the smell. Do not forget me in your prayers and responses.
My experience with fenugreek for the skin
My experience with fenugreek for the skin
– First experience: From my experience with drinking fenugreek for the skin, it helps get rid of blackheads. Some experiments have shown that fenugreek can be used for the skin, and that it has helped get rid of the effects that result from the heat of the sun, and many problems that happen to the skin, which we will explain. In this report, everyone should learn about the benefits of fenugreek mask or drinking fenugreek for the skin, the details of which we will reveal.
– The second experience: My experience with the fenugreek mask. Skin type: Combination. Ingredients: a spoonful of fenugreek and a spoonful of yogurt. Frankly, I do not adhere to the ingredients, but I just feel that it is cohesive and has a sweet texture, meaning it is easy to spread on the skin. How to use: Leave it until it dries, and if it remains a little, take it on the tip of my finger and Massage gently until the mask comes off. I advise you if your face has some hair. Of course, I scrub so that it doesn’t make me tired to wash, but too much rubbing makes the skin tired. Duration of use: From the second or third day, the result will appear {freshness}, God willing. In fact, as soon as you wash the mask, you feel fresh. As for lightening: I The last time I used it was in the month of Ramadan for my cousin’s wedding on Eid, and she was with us, so I was encouraging her to wear the mask by making it and keeping it with her for about 3 weeks. We used it, and when my cousin came to the house, she said that they said that I had used a lightening cream before the event >> Frankly, I was I forgot the story of the ring, but when she told me that your and the bride’s skin was fair and fresh, I remembered that I did not notice the results because all day I had the mirror in my hand. The second time I used it before Eid al-Adha for a week, and when I went to school, my friend commented and told me, “Your face is shining.”
– The third experience: My experience with the fenugreek mask. By God, sisters, my skin has become white and bright. Even my husband asked me, “What do you do with your face every day? To comfort my husband at all times, I take a cotton ball with Skinnol with lemon and clean my skin, and you will see what happens with the cotton. It cleanses the skin of impurities. I rub it with almond oil lightly. After that, I prepare the mixture in the refrigerator. I take some of it with my fingertips all over my face, except for the nose. Be careful if something comes on. It also swells around the eyes because it is a thin layer that cannot be tolerated. Leave it for at least half an hour, then wash your face with papaya soap. Rinse it with cold rose water until the smell of fenugreek does not appear. May God help you with it. A box of yogurt, 3 tsp. Fenugreek, 2 tsp milk. Dried 2 tsp honey 2 tsp yeast 1 tsp ground lupins Mix them with a blender and put them in the refrigerator until use. They will last for more than two weeks.
My experience with fenugreek for hair
My experience with fenugreek for hair
– The first experience: I would like to convey to you my experience with fenugreek to lengthen hair. I was suffering from very short hair and it only grew very slowly after using many treatments and recipes. One of my friends advised me to try fenugreek to lengthen hair and she told me about its many benefits for hair. I actually tried this recipe by soaking it. 3 tablespoons of fenugreek in water for an entire night, then I filtered the fenugreek from the water and ground it until it became a soft paste. I put it on my hair for half an hour and then rinsed it with shampoo designed for my hair. This mixture, in addition to its importance for lengthening my hair, also treated the problem of dryness in it. This experiment is from My best experiences.
The second experiment: boiling fenugreek and coconut to treat dryness and split ends. A cup of boiled fenugreek is placed with three or four tablespoons of coconut oil, the hair and scalp are massaged in a circular motion, and it is left for 45 minutes to an hour on the head, then it is washed and can be used. The process is repeated weekly, and this method contributes to treating dryness and reducing breakage that may affect the hair. Boiled fenugreek and milk for hair to treat dandruff. In this method, put a cup of boiled fenugreek seeds, filtered with half a cup of milk, with the mixture on the hair, massage the scalp and hair roots, leave for half an hour, then wash with shampoo and lukewarm water, and apply the recipe twice a week. .
– The third experience: Regarding my experience with fenugreek water for hair, I searched for ways to prepare it and found many of them. But an easy-to-prepare recipe caught my attention. All you need is fenugreek seeds and water, so I chose to use it in my experiment. The method for preparing fenugreek water for hair in my experience is as follows: Place the fenugreek seeds in a glass bowl and pour the water. Leave the seeds to soak overnight. Step 2: Transfer the seeds to a bowl the next morning and add another half cup of water. Step 3: Leave it to boil so that the water absorbs the fenugreek extract properly. Step 4: Let the boiled fenugreek water cool and filter the mixture. Step 5: Put the obtained fenugreek water in a spray to use on the hair.
– Fourth experiment: To reduce the problem of hair loss, take a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, mix some essential oils that are beneficial for hair, such as olive oil or castor oil, with an appropriate amount of fenugreek powder, mix the mixture well, then put it on the hair. A mask is made that reduces the problem of hair loss. It is as follows: Soak the fenugreek seeds with two cups of water for a day, then filter the seeds from the water and grind them with an electric blender until the dough is formed. Massage the hair with the previous mixture from the roots to the ends. Cover the hair with a plastic cap and leave it for half an hour. Wash the hair well after the period ends with water and shampoo.
My experience with drinking fenugreek to enlarge the buttocks
I looked at many advanced techniques for buttock enlargement, but all the procedures, even the simple ones with reliable results, were for me a lot of risk, in addition to their high cost. So I decided to resort to natural recipes, so I searched for the best ones, taking into account the availability and safety of their ingredients, the most important of which is the fenugreek recipe.
My method for enlarging the buttocks is as follows. Fenugreek oil achieves a rapid increase in the size of the buttocks, and this formula gives you a rounder buttocks and larger buttocks. As for how to make the buttocks double in size with fenugreek oil: The oil is applied to the buttocks as well as to the buttocks. You can massage one area or both. How to enlarge the buttocks with the ring in detail? To enlarge the buttocks, put a few drops of fenugreek oil in the palm of your hands, then: Rub your hands to warm the oil. Spread the oil widely on the buttocks. Repeat the same process once or twice a day for at least 4 weeks. You can take a break of 6 or 7 days and then Resume your fenugreek treatment to fatten the buttocks.
Another woman says: Fenugreek is one of the herbs that increases the size of the buttocks quickly. All you have to do is follow the following steps: Buy a quantity of Pakistani fenugreek seeds from one of the herbalists. Bring a quantity of water into a pot, add the fenugreek seeds to it, and place it on top of the fire until it reaches a boil. Remove the pot from the fire and wait for it to warm. Empty an amount of fenugreek oil and an amount of yeast, stir well, wait for the ingredients to react, and stir again. Get a piece of cloth with a soft texture and place it in the mixture. Take out a piece of cloth and tie it to your buttocks. Wait for a period of time of up to 4 minutes to pass and remove the cloth after that. Start by running your hand over your buttocks in a circular motion, adding an amount of the mixture during the massage. Make sure to repeat the following steps on a daily basis and get a firm and full buttocks after two weeks.
My experience with fenugreek for bones
My experience with fenugreek for bones
All people’s experiences with fenugreek have praised its benefits for bones, and one of these benefits is that it works to get rid of any pain in the joints, in addition to getting rid of joint inflammation and the complications that occur after it.
Fenugreek works to prevent the bone erosion that many people are exposed to due to its high percentage of calcium, iron and phosphorus.
As we age, bones become afflicted with diseases, but those who regularly take fenugreek are not exposed to this problem at all, as a spoonful of fenugreek daily reduces bone diseases.
Fenugreek also contains large amounts of antioxidants, which have contributed to getting rid of knee pain in some people.
Many people mention that they were suffering from shivers due to their bone pain, but after continuing to drink fenugreek for a long time, the problem completely disappeared.
– Those who regularly drank fenugreek also resisted severe bone infections.
– All women who suffer from bone problems and fragility that some women are exposed to after entering menopause, help them with treatment by eating fenugreek daily.
As fenugreek contains many nutritious elements for the body, it contains some vitamins and many other minerals that are beneficial to the body and help build bones. It is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant that works to reduce it. You can put the fenugreek in water at night and leave it until the morning, then you can eat it without water, and you can use it daily.
My experience with fenugreek for men
My experience with fenugreek for men
Many men refuse to eat fenugreek despite the great physical and sexual benefits that have been proven effective, due to its strong smell that it leaves on the body immediately after eating fenugreek seeds or leaves, whether dried or fresh. Fenugreek is prepared by soaking it in a little water and boiling it over a fire. In some cases, it is preferable to soak it overnight and drink it on an empty stomach with the addition of honey or milk, which increases the effectiveness of fenugreek in improving the sexual and physical ability of men.
Relying on natural recipes such as fenugreek in order to maintain men’s sexual ability is common due to the side effects carried by medications to treat sexual problems, and this is what we learned about through my experience with fenugreek for erection.
Fenugreek contains many important nutrients that give the body many health benefits. Among these benefits, we mention the following: It increases the secretion of testosterone in men, as some studies have indicated that eating fenugreek raises testosterone levels.
It reduces appetite, as studies have indicated that fenugreek can reduce fat consumption, but this benefit requires more studies to prove its effectiveness. Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.