Who tried cupping for clogged pipes?
Who tried cupping and became pregnant? Regarding those who tried cupping for blocked tubes, we did not find any experience to share with you, but you know that the fallopian tubes, or tubes, are two thin tubes, each of which is located on one side of the uterus, through which the mature egg passes from the ovary to the uterus. To the uterus, and if a blockage occurs in the fallopian tubes, this blockage will prevent the egg from reaching the ovary to the uterus, and sometimes the blockage occurs on one side or on both sides.
– If you have a blockage in only one duct or tube, and the other duct is healthy and has no blockages, you may not need any treatment and you can get pregnant, and the doctor can prescribe you some stimulants to increase your chances of ovulation from the side that does not have blockages.
In some cases, the doctor may be forced to perform endoscopic surgery to remove the blockage from the ducts, but unfortunately this method has few chances of success and depends on age. The younger the age, the better. It also depends on how bad the blockage is and its location, as well as on the cause of the blockage. If the blockage is simple adhesions, the chances of pregnancy after the operation are better, but if the blockage is thick and consists of multiple adhesions, the chances of pregnancy remain low after the operation.
Who became pregnant after cupping?
Who tried cupping and became pregnant: Here in this paragraph is someone who became pregnant after cupping, as experts believe that there is blood stagnation in the lower abdomen area for women who have problems conceiving. These women also suffer from several problems such as endometriosis, polycystic uterus syndrome, or dysmenorrhea. Therefore, some believe that cupping may be beneficial for these women.
– The first experience: “I did cupping less than a year ago, and it actually worked a lot for me, because my period was intermittent and not regular, and when I did it, thank God, I felt a difference from the beginning, and of course there was a little pain at first, but with rest the pain lessens, but the pain only lasts a few days, and it is a crack.” The skin of the back is a little, and the incision of the legs is also a few lines, which means a few incisions and very small ones that disappear after a few days (and the incision depends on the situation, and do not be afraid at all, the important thing is intention and trust in God)). To God, may God grant you a recovery and grant us good offspring sooner than later, oh God.
– The second experience: “I wanted to benefit you as much as I did, thank God. My sisters, I had a cyst and thanks to God, thanks to God, I recovered from it completely. Of course everyone knows what the cause of the cyst was, my wife, because of medical negligence. She gave me Clomid even though, God willing, I had a normal pregnancy. It caused me cysts.. and she used to give me maybe about 3 months of needles, Clomid, and sputum.. and it would not become a pregnancy.. and I was taking Glucophage and other things.. and I told the doctor. That’s it, I don’t want to get pregnant.. I want to treat the cyst.. She said, if I treat it for you, but one day you think about getting pregnant, you have to take steroids.. She became upset and was praying to God that he would cure me of the cyst and make my healing subservient to me.. And glory be to Him. Suddenly I read about cupping.. and its benefits and the benefits of women who were They suffer from severe cysts, and thanks to God they were cured and they became pregnant.. And my Lord made fun of me who cupped.. through my sister, thank God, and I was cupped.. And of course I cupped.. Praise be to God, God willing.. And the same month I was prevented so that pregnancy would not happen, because, God willing, the one who cups and has a cyst gets pregnant immediately. .. By God’s will.. The first time I did the hormone test, the doctor told me that she was in shock for the weeks I was there.. She says that there are no healthy cysts with hormones. My eyes are tearing up and I don’t believe it.. And every time I tell her the doctor means I can get pregnant naturally, there are no cysts, she responds and tells me she and I don’t believe it.. Even when she suspected that it was a problem with my test, she called them and they confirmed to her that it was mine.. Imagine half a year of me suffering. Praise be to God and thanks.. This is a test for us girls.. Oh God, praise be to You.. And do not deprive us of the reward of patience.. I advise every single person who has a cyst or uterine fibroids or anything else to do it. His cupping.. Glory be to God, it is a miracle.. and the will of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, is for us.. Your prayers for me, may God bless me with a child, O Lord.. and may God heal and restore every sick and deprived person, O Lord of the Worlds.”
– The third experience: “Cupping is very useful.” I did it and there was no pain in it. I did it at a nurse and she advised me to do it. She told me that you are envied, and cupping brings out bad blood and brings out envy and everything that is harmful to your body. Thank God, I did it in the month of 1/2007, and in the month of 2, I had my period and the month of 3 was sitting. I was waiting for my period and it did not come and the girl was pregnant, praise be to God, and all the grace is from my Lord, then the mark.”
– The fourth experience: “I did cupping once before pregnancy, and praise be to God, may God make it easy for me, and I got pregnant while I was pregnant. I did it once in the 5th month, once in the 6th month, once in the 7th month, and twice in the eighth month.”
Who tried cupping for cysts?
Who tried cupping and became pregnant: Cupping is considered an effective way to improve fertility in women, and thus enhance their ability to conceive and give birth, as it plays a major role in stimulating blood circulation in the body and purifying it from toxins present in the ovaries and uterus. It also regulates the menstrual cycle, strengthens the ovaries, and enhances the process of Ovulation, treats hormonal problems, high prolactin, polycystic ovary syndrome, various infections, vaginal discharge, treats the problem of endometriosis, strengthens the uterine wall, and reduces the chance of miscarriage. Follow with us the experiences of those who have tried cupping for cysts in the following lines:
– The first experience: “I am the sister of Al-Shamsi’s soul. I had it last month, and thank God it helped me. The cysts and ovulation went away. Praise be to God. In the past, it was fine. In the past, it was delivered at 12 m with needles, but last month, thank God, it reached 19 m. Now I am pregnant with wet cupping. There is no pain, but it is light. You need to know the days of cupping.” Because there are unpleasant and undesirable days at the herbal center in Al Ain.”
– The second experience: “My sister, I married her in the month of 3, after she finished her period, and she became pregnant immediately after that, praise be to God. The marriage I gave her is a good hand and follows the Sunnah of the Prophet.”
– The third experience: “I tried dry cupping, which they also call air cups. After my miscarriage, my mother suggested that I do it, and in fact, its duration was 3 days on an empty stomach. The midwife comes and relaxes, puts the cup on hot coals, and there is a bundle with herbs or something inside it, and it falls on my back, God willing, she told me. Your back or uterus is descending and it will be lifted up for her, God willing. Try it. I will be patient. It has only been a month and thank God I got pregnant with her, but I had a miscarriage with the second pregnancy because the pregnancy was weak. I think it was from the sperm, may God bless you. My husband had a little distorted sperm that caused a miscarriage, but I swear to God, I trust a woman I know. Poor woman sat on 10. She did not have many years left behind and she worked, and thank God, now she has a son. She is very, very excellent. She raises the womb and you feel, Glory be to God. The next day you work or something, your back doesn’t hurt. But she texted me and said, “Don’t go back and carry heavy things. It will fall on you the next time. Take care of yourself and keep away from carrying heavy things.”
Who tried cupping and got pregnant?
In our article, here are the experiences of women who tried cupping and became pregnant. It helps improve blood circulation and thus improve and prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. The cupping process breaks down the tissue in the uterus, which prevents blood from entering the uterus smoothly.
Who tried cupping and got pregnant?
– The first experience: “I have a friend of mine who spent 8 years of marriage without children and went to many doctors. She looked for doctors in many provinces. She was going to do an IVF and I prepared everything for her, but before she did it, she had an increase in a hormone or something that she didn’t remember, so the doctor told her we couldn’t do it. ICSI now and I postponed it, and then people told her about cupping and about a doctor who does cupping, and she went to him in a month, but she had a period of redness, so he was refreshed to do it, and he did it for her husband, and the month after that, she went and had cupping, and Glory be to God, the month after cupping, she became pregnant, meaning after cupping, she had no period at all, and she became pregnant, thanks to God, and did cupping. On specific days in the Hijri month, not on any day in the month.”
– The second experience: “I did cupping on the 11th of 2011, and I did not get my period. Rather, it was delayed until the next month. Then I repeated the cupping in the month of 1, 2012, and I became pregnant, then I miscarried after two or three weeks. I waited and missed my period, and after that another period, so I intended to do cupping again, and I was I am absolutely certain that I will get pregnant, thanks to God. I finished my period around Sunday and had cupping on Monday. Thank God, I got pregnant immediately.”
– The third experience: “My sisters in God…before I said anything, I was alone in the same state as you, late in the pregnancy…and I went through everything that you went through, and thanks to God, then I became pregnant through cupping…Cupping is a great treasure…and the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said ((Healing is in Three drinks of Zamzam, a cup of cupping, and cauterization, and I am forbidding my nation from cauterizing..)) From this hadith, I became certain that cupping is permissible. After the doctor decided for me to have an ovarian perforation due to cysts, I refused and insisted on doing cupping. May God make it easy for me alone who understands the news ((If you want her number, send me a private message. )) She is experienced and has been practicing cupping for 16 years.. Can you imagine what the blood that came out of the ovary looked like.. It was black.. Thank God, it was my last period and after that I brought the light of my life, my daughter.. When she was two years old, I weaned her.. and she conceived naturally without treatment, thanks to God. I will tell you about my relatives’ experiences with cupping. My cousin sat for 6 years and did not get pregnant and got pregnant twice, and she became pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, thank God.. ((She had problems and her husband also, and she and her husband had cupping and got pregnant, thanks to God.)) My second cousin has two daughters and she sat for 7 years and did not get pregnant and got pregnant and got pregnant after this cupping.. My aunt suffers from chronic migraines and does not sleep on painkillers. She cupped and forgot something called a headache. My mother, haha, oh, from my mother. She cupped for the year, meaning not for pregnancy, and she became pregnant.. And I say, “Oh, because she got pregnant and she is the type who gets tired of pregnancy because of varicose veins.. and there are many others.”
Who has tried cupping during her period?
Who tried cupping and became pregnant: Regarding those who tried cupping during their period, we did not find any experience to share with you, but in reality, cupping is prohibited during the menstrual period according to the available practical references, but one study showed that its dry type may be a useful treatment method in reducing the amount of flow. Blood in the menstrual cycle is abundant, but there is a need to conduct more randomized clinical trials and verify the validity of this in a large number of individuals, and this treatment may not be suitable for many people, as extreme caution must be taken for the following groups:
– Children: Children under the age of 4 should not undergo treatment, while older children should only undergo it for very short periods.
– Older people: The skin becomes more fragile and sensitive with age, and any medication you take may also have an effect.
Pregnant women: This treatment should be avoided on the abdomen and lower back during pregnancy.
My experience with dry cupping
Who tried cupping and became pregnant: Here in this paragraph is my experience with dry cupping. Cupping is considered one of the easy methods of treatment, and it is performed without exposing the patient to any kind of risks or complications, in addition to the possibility of a person doing it for himself or others, and the goal is considered The basic principle for performing the cupping procedure is to rid the body of contaminated blood that has accumulated in one area of the body.
– The first experience: “A friend was late in pregnancy for 6 years, and the doctors told him that his sperm was almost non-existent, and its motility was very weak, meaning the pregnancy rate was very weak. They advised him to do cupping, but where is the pubic area, and it would be with someone who mastered cupping, and he went to change it immediately, and after that, Glory be to God after that.” 3 months later, his wife became pregnant, and now she has a daughter and a son, God willing. When he returned to the doctor, the doctor was surprised that the sperm returned naturally and strong. The doctor asked him, “How did you do it?” He said to him, “Cupping in such and such place.” The important thing is that my brother asked me to go and do it, but you know where it is directly on the uterus. My husband cups the pubic area and it was a very wonderful experience. I cupped my whole body for the first time and my back. I won’t tell you, the back pain completely disappears and you become as light as a feather. Glory be to God, and my afflictions came out. Even the cupping woman was surprised and said to me, “You are lost, sister, and you have an eye because of the blood.” If there are white dots, you can see them with your own eyes. She said to me, “This is an eye.” Keep doing the ruqyah a lot, and she gave me a prescription for bathing. My husband and I advise you, women. Every woman has a body that hurts and feels less pain in the back and legs. My soul is to cup quickly, and the latecomer like me hasten to cupping over the uterus. You. And your husband, because it stimulates the ovaries, and in men it also activates the cells and sperm. The first of them is Mimosa, take it together and leave it to God.”
– The second experience: “I tried it after I was late in pregnancy, and I was desperate to go to hospital and they advised me to wish me well that I should do the cupping. I put my trust in God and did it while asking for forgiveness and reciting Surat Al-Baqarah. Praise be to God, my Lord blessed me with patience that lasted 7 years of hardship.”