Who tried the ovulation device and got pregnant?
Who tried the ovulation device and became pregnant? We find that there are many experiences of women who tracked their ovulation period and, thanks to God and His generosity, they conceived a child. Let us get to know some of those experiences.
Who tried the ovulation device and got pregnant?
– I was using Yasmine contraceptive for five months, but I stopped it because I wanted to get pregnant, especially since there was a topic that I postponed until I got pregnant. Since she stopped, I have had three months to get pregnant because she does not come exactly on the same date. I mean, I had Ramadan 6, Shawwal 4, and Shawwal 28. These are the last cycles. Since the last cycle, intercourse occurred on the 7th, and I tried it. The ovulation device showed me one line, meaning there was no ovulation, and it happened a second time on the 13th. I tried the device and it had a darker line than the second, meaning, as written in the pamphlet. On the second day of ovulation, there were secretions like the secretions that they say are in the ovulation period. I tried the device and two lines appeared that were still similar in color. Then there was intercourse. My husband traveled on the 14th, and this month is my last chance to get pregnant.
– I got pregnant by planning, but I don’t know whether I am pregnant with a girl or a boy. I used ovulation strips from Clear Blue Digital, and when the laughing Facebook came out, I had intercourse and became pregnant. Oh God, praise and thanks be to you until you are satisfied. After you are satisfied, people will know the sex, but I dreamed a dream whose interpretation is a boy, by God. Know.
– I used the regular ClearBlue ovulation device, which shows me lines. To be honest, I was not comfortable with it because I did not know how to read the lines. For hours I saw them clearly and for hours not, so I did not know when I ovulated, so I used the ClearBlue digital ovulation device. Its price is approximately 300 dirhams and it contains 7 test sticks. I found it easy and affordable. It has a small screen that shows you the result in the form of a happy face, which means you are ovulating and have had your period, and hours show you an empty circle, meaning there is no ovulation.
– The growth of the fetus stopped and it fell during the second month of pregnancy, and because I heard a lot of girls recommending the use of an ovulation detection device, I said to myself that I should buy this device so that I can get pregnant. Of course, everything is by the will of the Lord of the Worlds, but loneliness takes its toll, and I wanted to share with you my experience with the device. Ovulation detection from clearblue and I will see your opinion and experiences with this device. As soon as I had my period, I went to the pharmacy and bought this device, clearblue digital ovulation test. This device works to determine ovulation times through the rise in the LH hormone, which precedes ovulation at a more precise time between 12-24 hours…and from it you can Determine fertile days.
Who tried the ovulation device and got pregnant with a girl?
An ovulation monitor is a home test that you can use to determine when a woman is ovulating and when she is fertile. Ovulation test strips work by measuring levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. An increase in this hormone indicates that the ovary is ready to release an egg – which means ovulation will occur within the next 12 to 36 hours.
Who tried the ovulation device and got pregnant with a girl?
There is a theory, which is the theory of Landrum Shettles, author of the book Selection of the Sex of the Fetus, and based on it, whenever marital relations occur far from the days of ovulation, the Y sperm will die at first. Then the X sperm remains to fertilize the egg, and this helps and increases the chance of conceiving a girl, not a boy. If you, madam, dream and want to give birth to a girl, you must have marital relations three days before the ovulation period. For example, if your ovulation days are January 25, 26, and 27, it is preferable to have sexual intercourse on January 22, as this increases the chance of giving birth to a girl.
Ovulation test strips can do an excellent job of letting you know when you are most fertile, and studies indicate that this test can detect ovulation up to 97%, making it the most accurate option, but you must consider other factors that may affect your fertility, such as: some medications, Diseases such as: polycystic ovary syndrome, irregular menstrual cycle.
There is no specific time of day for conducting ovulation tests. They can be performed at any time, and some advise performing them in the morning hours, knowing that this is not necessary. It is preferable to reduce drinking fluids 4 hours before performing them, and they should be performed at the same time every day. To obtain more accurate results, some fertility monitoring devices determine the date of ovulation with greater accuracy up to 7 days before it, and another group of fertility devices rely on recording fertility and ovulation information directly on mobile phone devices.
How to use an ovulation device to conceive a boy
The ovulation device indicates the ideal day for conception by the appearance of a smiley face. Therefore, when this face appears, be sure to have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation and the next three days in order to increase the chance of pregnancy. Also, the Bold pregnancy ovulation device comes with a booklet that includes instructions on how to use it.
How to use an ovulation device to conceive a boy
– Do the test when you notice vaginal discharge. It is worth noting that these secretions indicate ovulation.
– On the day of the test, make sure not to drink large amounts of fluids and try not to urinate.
– Take the test stick out of the package.
– Put the urine in a clean plastic cup, and place the test in it for 15 seconds.
– Take the test out and do not place it facing up, but rather place it on a flat table.
-Wait three minutes.
– If you see a happy face, this indicates that ovulation has occurred after 12 and 72 hours.
It should be noted that when using an ovulation device, the urine must be sufficiently concentrated. To achieve this, avoid drinking large amounts of fluids and try not to urinate one or two hours before the test.
ClearBlue digital ovulation device
Pregnancy is only possible if you have unprotected sex during the few days before and including the day of ovulation of each menstrual cycle. So, if you’re trying to get pregnant, Clearblue Ovulation Tests allow you to pinpoint those fertile days; Which helps pregnancy occur faster.
ClearBlue digital ovulation device
Clearblue has been a leader in pregnancy testing for over 30 years, and we’ve continued to innovate and introduce products to help women like you on their pregnancy journey. We’re proud of our long history, and we wanted to share some of Clearblue’s first products in the industry.
– The method of reading an ovulation test depends on the test used; Each test has a special way to use it to obtain fertility results. Ovulation Test and Digital Ovulation Test give you your results with a smiley face. When an ovulation test tells you that you are highly fertile or on your peak fertility days, that is the best time to have intercourse if you are trying to have a baby.
– Clear Blue ovulation test. A woman only has several days for ovulation to occur during which pregnancy is possible. Among them, there are only two days that are the most important and most likely for pregnancy to occur with intercourse, and they are the day before the day of ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. Determining the days of ovulation doubles the chances of pregnancy. The ovulation test is easy. Use and gives results exceeding 99%. It contains 20 test units that help determine the best four days for ovulation.
Who has tried the Geratherm device?
A device that relies on examining saliva to confirm the phenomenon of ovulation by evaluating a woman’s dried saliva sample. The results are verified through a small microscope that is magnified by 50 times. It is easy to use and is used an unlimited number of times. Here are experiences with this device.
Who has tried the Geratherm device?
– The first experience: I tried it for a whole year and I was determining ovulation and counting 36 hours and then intercourse would occur and I would not get pregnant and I did not know the reason. The last month in which I became pregnant he determined ovulation and after 4 hours intercourse occurred and I became pregnant. By coincidence, I did a test after 24 hours had passed and I did not find that ovulation was present. I did not find anything. This means that ovulation was ending before the scheduled time for the release of the egg. This means that the tests will give a positive result if ovulation is present, my love, so that you can benefit more. Calculate. I did the test at 10 in the morning, and every day I did the test at the same time a week ago, and on the 14th day of my cycle, I did the test and found that there was ovulation and I said it was over after that. 4 hours later, I wanted to have intercourse, and in fact, it was four hours later, and on the second day, at 10 in the morning, I did a test, I checked the egg, and I did not find ovulation. Ok, they are written on the box. When you find an ovulation signal, it means that the egg will come after 24 to 36 hours and will remain fertilized for 24 hours. Okay. I found an ovulation signal, and after 24 hours it disappeared. It turned out that the device was giving at the same time as ovulation.
– The second experience: A month ago, I bought an ovulation detection device with saliva. It means that it determines the fertile days, which are 3 days according to what they wrote in the attachment, and I was trying it daily to see what happens to me. I noticed that during an entire month, it gave me ovulation even before my period, which came two days ago, giving me ovulation, and my period came and the same. It causes ovulation! I was nervous, afraid there would be something wrong with the hormones Who has tried an ovulation test with saliva and it worked like this? Every day it gives me ovulation and I have no ovulation secretions or anything and my period comes and gives the same result.
Who has tried ovulation strips?
Ovulation strips help in identifying the date of ovulation in a woman, thus enhancing the chances of pregnancy and childbearing, but before using it, you must learn all the information about it through the following experiments, follow them with us.
Who has tried ovulation strips?
– After I gave birth to my daughter, my cycle was mixed up and down, so I sat searching on the internet for contraceptive methods, including hisbah, which is the method I had adopted before my pregnancy, and because it was an unsafe method. I sat searching for signs and indications of the occurrence of ovulation, and I found from it measuring basal body temperature and monitoring and examining its viscosity. I did not like vaginal secretions, which are two methods that I did not like, so I focused on checking the time of ovulation with an ovulation determination device, and I began my search for an ovulation test. I could not find the device here, and if I did find it, its price was very expensive, so I was determined and ordered ovulation test strips from abroad.
I decided to use an ovulation test device. I bought a device from Al-Nahdi Pharmacy. The pharmacist told me that it was the best device available with the words “fertility” written on it in Arabic. It had 5 strips to test ovulation and 2 free pregnancy tests. Its price was 175 riyals. I told him I wanted a Clear Blue device to test ovulation. He said it was better than it and based on its value. Clear Blue for 150 riyals and a much better pregnancy. The important thing is that I bought two boxes for 350 riyals. My cycle is regular, but I said I want 10 strips so that I can start from the tenth day of my period. I don’t want to miss a day. The important thing is that today is the tenth day. I used the device at 2 noon, and I have to be there before using it. I did not go to the bathroom for a while. 4 hours and I have to use it every day at the same time.
– I almost ovulated on the 16th, but I started on the 10th day, and the result was a clear line and a very light line. This means that if there was no ovulation, a light line would not appear. I mean, at the beginning of ovulation, I was very happy, and God willing, day by day the line will darken. I will write down everything that happens. I am here with you until the time of my next period, which will be on December 8. I ask God Almighty that I will bear a good boy. Amen. I will also tell you that I have heard a lot that pineapple stimulates ovulation. Once upon a time when I was on my period, I used to drink 3 cans a day of pineapple Caesar juice. A small can is 3 riyals or juice. Spring and the rest of it is continuing and I will stop it on the 13th of the cycle because if pregnancy occurs, pineapple is not suitable for pregnant women, according to what I heard.
My test was with the ept Male & Female Complete Home Fertility Kit: it gives immediate results, determines sperm concentration for males, determines the amount of eggs with high accuracy for females, fertility test for females: unlike ovulation tests, which predict the level of the LH hormone, this device detects Another hormone called FSH (stimulating hormone). When tested on day 3 of a woman’s cycle, FSH indicates a state of readiness of the woman’s ovaries and the possibility of her becoming pregnant. Male fertility test: Men usually become ready when they have 20 million sperm per millimeter or more. Low sperm count is the main cause of male infertility. This device is easy to use at home for men to indicate in just 10 minutes whether a man has a normal or low sperm count.