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My experience with tummy tuck after cesarean section

A tummy tuck after a cesarean section improves the shape of the abdomen and gives a flat abdomen a distinct feature and appearance to the beautiful body contours. Tummy tuck operations achieve a more beautiful and slimmer appearance. Here is my experience with a tummy tuck after a cesarean section.
My experience with tummy tuck after cesarean section
– Before the tummy tuck procedure, you will be given intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Then a horizontal incision is made between the navel and the pubic hair line. The shape and length of this tiny wound varies from patient to patient, and is related to the amount of excess skin. Once the incision is made, the abdominal skin is lifted in order to make repairs to the muscles below. If there is excess skin in the upper abdomen, a second incision may also be necessary. Next, the abdominal skin is stretched, trimmed, and stitched together.
– The surgeon will create a completely new opening for your belly button, push it to the surface of the skin and stitch it in place. The wounds are closed and dressings are placed. You will be placed in a compression or elastic garment designed to reduce swelling and provide support for your abdomen during the healing process. In some cases, drainage tubes are placed under the skin to drain blood or fluid. A complete plastic surgery can take from one to two hours or more.
One of the women says that my experience with tummy tuck surgery came after I was exposed to repeated pregnancies, which resulted in sagging skin on the abdominal wall, and the postpartum corset did not give the results that I wanted to achieve. I saw the results of the tummy tuck operation in pictures and the results were interesting, so I went for tummy tuck surgery in Turkey and got the results I dreamed of

Who has tried a tummy tuck with a cesarean section?

The biggest advantage of performing a full tummy tuck operation with a cesarean section is that the woman gets rid of the accumulations of fat and sagging abdomen in one compulsory operation with one anesthesia and one recovery period, and then returns to her normal life gradually without carrying internal psychological worries about the shape of her stomach and what will happen to it, but what How dangerous the two operations are at the same time, this is what we will answer by anyone who has tried a tummy tuck with a cesarean section.
Who has tried a tummy tuck with a cesarean section?
It may seem like combining childbirth with a Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is ideal. Instead of two separate surgeries, you will only have one round of anesthesia, one operating room, and one recovery period. This combination is informally known as “C- tuck,” but most doctors feel that performing both surgeries at the same time is not wise.
In this procedure, the woman undergoes a caesarean section, then the doctor gets rid of excess sagging skin and fat resulting from the weight of pregnancy, then closes the surgical incision after cutting the excess skin and connecting the abdominal muscles separated as a result of pregnancy, to obtain a smooth, flat abdomen. And regaining the previous shape of the abdomen, after cutting and sculpting the muscles, tissues and skin. When thinking about undergoing a tummy tuck operation with a cesarean section, women who wish to do so imagine that entering the operating room once, undergoing anesthesia once, and the same for the recovery period, may seem easy, ideal, and shorten a lot, but the matter is not as it seems.
Combining the two surgeries means combining the potential risks of both. The woman undergoing surgery may be exposed to double accumulations of fluid and blood under the skin, and a double change in the level of fluids in the blood may affect the health of the mother and child, especially in the case of breastfeeding. The chances of infection also increase. Abdominal walls and uterus for simultaneous surgery. During a cesarean section, the body loses a large amount of blood, and when a tummy tuck is performed with a cesarean section, the body may lose more blood, which exposes the mother to danger, in addition to the difficulty of controlling pain and returning to normal activity during the recovery period, so the combination must be Between the two surgeries in very special circumstances.

My experience with abdominal binding after cesarean section

A tummy tuck belt after a cesarean section. Many women think about wearing it in order to regain their attractive and graceful appearance as they were before pregnancy. Therefore, every woman needs to know all the information related to it through women’s experiences with a tummy tuck belt after a cesarean section.
My experience with abdominal binding after cesarean section
– During my first cesarean section, my stomach became saggy and protruded, and I tried many recipes to make my stomach return to being as tight as before, but to no avail. During the second birth, I asked the doctor, and she told me that after giving birth, the abdomen must be tied with a folding corset to tighten the abdomen and not sag, so two weeks after the birth. I bought a medical corset from the pharmacy, and I tied my stomach lightly due to the severity of the pain of the cesarean wound, and I continued doing that daily, but after three weeks I tied it tightly after I lifted it with my hand in order to tie it while it was raised up so that the belly would not protrude, and indeed when I continued to do that daily for the first three months after Childbirth: My abdomen was tightened a lot. I advise every pregnant woman who will give birth by Caesarean section to bind her abdomen after giving birth to protect her from sagging.
One of the other women said that my doctor advises me to wear an abdominal belt after bleeding forty, as it helps a lot in returning the abdomen to its normal position without doing any exercises or using prescriptions.
In another experience, one of the women’s opinion was that in my first birth I did not wear an abdominal belt at all, but I continued to do exercises that helped me and my stomach returned to being like the first time without using a belt.
Another woman’s opinion was that she said, “I gave birth to my first child by caesarean section. My mother advised me to wear an abdominal belt. I bought an abdominal belt and wore it, but I bought the leather belt from the pharmacy. The leather belt caused a lot of sweat in my stomach. When I took off the belt, I was suffering from colic.” With the stomach.

My experience with pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery

Doctors usually recommend performing a tummy tuck after completing pregnancy and childbirth experiences. One of the most common questions among women is: Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck and what if the pregnancy is sudden? Learn in this paragraph the answer to your question through my experience with pregnancy after a tummy tuck. Belly.
My experience with pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery
Pregnancy after a tummy tuck operation means going through the same changes that the body went through during previous childbirth experiences, which exposes the abdomen to sagging again, even though the abdomen is stronger after a tummy tuck operation, and it is not easy to be affected by the changes of pregnancy, but this matter varies from one woman to another. Depending on the body’s tendency to sag, it cannot be predicted because it is relative. There is no risk of pregnancy after a tummy tuck to the health of the mother or the fetus. However, doctors recommend performing a tummy tuck after the last birth and stressing the importance of the woman making sure that she does not think about becoming pregnant again in the future, so that the results do not deteriorate again and lead to… To undergo another surgery.
A woman can repeat the pregnancy experience after a tummy tuck operation again, although it is preferable to perform the surgery after completing the pregnancy trials, but this depends on the health of the mother and child, and the extent to which they are affected by the birth process. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck operation is a common condition, and does not necessarily constitute There are no health risks for the child and the mother, but there are some conditions that the woman must follow. You must wait for a period of time until the mother regains her full health, and the ideal period recommended by most doctors is after 6 months. Putting the body under the influence of another operation requires a recovery period and a lot of care, in addition to paying attention to the child’s health and paying attention to nutrition in order to Breastfeeding the fetus. All of these factors will certainly put the mother under a lot of pressure, so it is preferable for the tummy tuck recovery period to pass completely, then pregnancy can be considered.

My experience with abdominal suction

My experience with abdominal liposuction. Abdominal fat is linked to various diseases because it is the most harmful fat in the body. Aside from exercise, avoiding eating fast food and alcohol is among the quick ways to get a flat stomach. Follow along with us in this section on experiments with abdominal liposuction.
My experience with abdominal suction
– The first experience: The operation took only about two hours, then I was driven home with my husband, and as the doctor asked me, I had prepared the house in advance with comfortable pillows, food and liquids, but the first thing I thought of was lying down and sleeping, and what increased my desire to sleep was Feeling pain in the abdomen, but it was bearable, and after I took some painkillers and antibiotics, the pain went away. From the first day after the operation, I made sure to walk lightly at home, as the doctor advised me, so as not to cause any blood clots. This period passed peacefully, and I preferred to return to work. Several weeks after the procedure, although the possibility of returning after 10 days was available. Then I invited my best friends home and I won’t tell you how surprised they were at the size of my stomach and waist, even though some light bruises were still there. What made my experience with abdominal liposuction much easier was adhering to the doctor’s instructions and anticipating the side effects of swelling and puffiness, especially the fluids resulting from the surgery, which made me feel some fear at first, but by the beginning of the fourth day, they had noticeably disappeared.
– The second experience: The experimenter says that she has been practicing cardio exercises to tighten the abdomen for a long time and she is very happy to have a flat and perfect stomach. She also noticed the results of that exercise shortly after doing it, and says that it is one of the best types of exercises that she has benefited greatly from. It produces effective results in tightening the abdomen.
The third experience: A 22-year-old woman said: “Although I exercise regularly and my weight is considered ideal, I was suffering from the accumulation of stubborn fat in my abdomen. That’s when I decided to experiment with VASER liposuction. After I consulted the doctor and the day before the operation, I bought a medical corset and provided everything I might need at home during the recovery period after the operation. The next day I had the three-hour operation, went home and slept. The next day I had some nagging pain around the surgery, but I distracted myself by watching some movies. Three days later, I was able to shower for the first time, and the appearance of the bruises surprised me, but I was very happy with the result, and I achieved the figure I had hoped for.”

Is tummy tuck painful?

A tummy tuck is a major surgery, and the recovery period is longer compared to other reconstructive operations. The patient should expect a period of one to three weeks before returning to his normal life. But is a tummy tuck painful?
Is tummy tuck painful?
– In the first days after surgery, the abdomen will be swollen and painful. It is also preferable for the patient to start walking a little every day in the first week, and then increase the pace of walking in the following weeks, in order to avoid blood clots and reduce the tumor.
Also, abstaining from smoking and following the instructions will help the wounds heal quickly. While the scars take approximately nine months to lighten in color, disappear, and blend in with the skin, they will not be visible while wearing a swimsuit or bikini, even immediately after surgery.
The tummy tuck procedure involves a long incision between the thigh bones and above the pubic area. The surgeon will make a cut, remove excess fat from the abdomen, pull the skin up over the incision line, remove the excess skin, and then stitch the stomach back. As you can imagine, sleeping on your back horizontally after surgery may not be a good idea. Lying down causes the abdomen to expand and exerts pressure on the sutures and the operation site. Therefore, doctors recommend that the body be slightly bent during sleep. To do this, you need to use two large, comfortable pillows under your body.
To prevent rolling while sleeping, you should use two pillows on your sides to prevent you from moving. Ultimately, this condition will allow you to rest, recover, and prevent possible complications. Make sure to adjust the position of the pillows so they don’t move during the night and cause problems. If you can, place a pillow under your feet so that the body is in a V shape.

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