Who has tried bikini laser?
Bikini laser is a cosmetic medical procedure through which excess hair can be eliminated in unwanted areas that are found in large areas of the body. Learn with us about women’s experiences with bikini laser.
Who has tried bikini laser?
– The first experience: My experience with the bikini laser for lightening. One of the women mentioned her experience with the bikini laser for lightening. She said that she had heard about the use of lasers for lightening sensitive areas such as the bikini area. She mentioned that she was suffering from the problem of darkening in the bikini area, which It prompted her to think about trying laser to lighten the bikini area, as she mentioned that she had used several methods for lightening, but that was to no avail, so she consulted her doctor about the possibility of using laser to lighten the bikini area.
– The second experience: To be honest, my area was dark brown, okay, and when I got engaged for a long time, I applied a laser to the area. I noticed that it cleans the first thing, the second thing it opens, because it is known that the laser opens the area, but it is a natural lightening, meaning it was dark and clear. I was a afraid woman and used a mixture from only God. May God grant her success. I was happy with it and I used it, and indeed, I swear to God, I am not lying to you. The color became the same as my skin color. I became lonely and I was happy because, by God, I was suffering in a way from darkening, especially on the face of my marriage. Believe me, the laser is a good mirror for these areas. At least it gets rid of the hair that sag and the razor that hardens the hair and blackens.
– The third experience: The honorable sister says that when she found some simple tanning, she used one of the mixtures from a virtuous sister who showed her it, and the color of this area became very similar to the color of her skin. These mixtures are widely available on the Internet, and the herbs are not harmful to them at all, and what made a lot of One of the doctors and therapists who recommend laser over candy or razor is that it does not cause darkening like the razor and the harshness that comes from it or sagging like candy causes.
Who tried supplying bikinis?
There are many ways to lighten sensitive areas, whether using creams or, more recently, using lasers to whiten sensitive areas. As the beauty and appearance of this region is one of the most important things a woman aspires to as part of her care for her body and appearance, we therefore review some proven and effective methods of supplying a bikini.
Who tried supplying bikinis?
– Angel laser for whitening and lightening. This type of laser is characterized by high accuracy in affecting the pigment cells without affecting the rest of the skin cells. This procedure is completed in a short time, and does not require time to recover.
– PICOSECOND laser: This technology affects dark areas such as the bikini and underarm areas, where it affects the pigment cells and thus reduces the darkening of those areas. It also exfoliates and reconstructs the skin during the days following the procedure.
The carbon dioxide laser aims to reduce or prevent the production of melanin, which is the natural pigment of the skin in these areas. These treatments are renewed every two weeks according to the degree of hyperpigmentation in the person. A specific cream is applied locally as a maintenance treatment.
– A healthy and medical cream. I consulted a great doctor about it. It whitens the skin and makes it shine like glass. It has no side effects. It is used for dark places on the body and is also used for the face. To be honest, I used it and it was awesome once and two days showed its effect. The name of the cream is ((Betno Veet)) and its box is white and has a pink line.
– Peeling the bikini area. The bikini area is often peeled in three consecutive sessions every week for 14 days. However, the results vary from one woman to another. Before peeling, it is preferable to remove hair with wax or other means, and it is recommended to avoid it after the peeling procedure to reduce the occurrence of excess pigmentation after the procedure. It is also recommended to reduce exercise that requires friction with the inner thighs so as not to affect the results of the peeling process.
Harmful effects of bikini laser
After the emergence of laser hair removal technology, it became the preferred choice for many women because of its semi-permanent results, and it is not painful compared to other methods. What are the harms of laser hair removal?
Harmful effects of bikini laser
– Redness and irritation are common, minor side effects that can go away after a few hours.
– Eye injuries: Laser facial hair removal in particular may carry some risks, as the rays used in the laser are strong and may affect the eye, so eye protection must be worn during the procedure, and a reliable place should be chosen to ensure that the person performing the hair removal is either a doctor or a specialist.
– Skin peeling, dryness and itching in some cases.
– Risks of skin infection: Like any other cosmetic procedure, laser hair removal may cause skin infection, especially in sensitive areas, as severe skin inflammation may occur accompanied by wounds, which increases the chances of infection occurring, and no topical antibiotics should be used on the skin in If any symptoms indicating an infection appear without consulting a doctor.
– Hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, which is the transformation of the skin of those with dark skin to a lighter color, and vice versa.
– Non-sterile tools can cause infection, but they are not among the common harms of bikini laser hair removal, as most procedures are performed completely safely.
There are many unfounded myths and rumors surrounding laser hair removal, including the myth that laser hair removal treatment can cause cancer, which is an unfounded myth, as lasers are specifically designed to pass through skin cells and target only hair follicles. inside the skin.
– The lasers used in laser hair removal produce a small amount of radiation, however; This radiation is not thought to be harmful, and there is no evidence that laser hair removal treatment causes skin cancer.
My experience with laser for the sensitive area
Laser is considered one of the modern technologies that has spread widely due to its effective results in hair removal for both sexes. It also saves women from following traditional methods that cause some pain and skin inflammation, especially in the sensitive area, so we offer you some experiments with laser for the sensitive area.
My experience with laser for the sensitive area
– The first experience: I thought about the laser, and I did not leave any site or any inquiries regarding the laser except that I read it and decided to do it. Above all, I put my trust in God, and I was patient and went to the clinic and went to the doctor and she gave me an idea about it and the device that is Gentle Laser. Two weeks before that, I removed the underarm and the underwear with a razor so that the hair would be… It is harsh and I started to comb the hair after she removed my hair with the razor and started working on it. Frankly, it stings a lot. It is not that pain that one cannot bear. Once you move to another place, the pain disappears. The same thing with the underwear, and after she finished, she put a cream on me and I made it soft and white from the first time, God willing, and I feel clean after ten days. I’m having a retouching session.
– The second experience: When I tried removing excess hair from the bikini area with laser, I found that laser is the easiest and fastest way to remove hair from sensitive areas, and its results are guaranteed and effective. After performing the sessions, I felt irritation and slight redness in the skin, but when I used anti-inflammatory creams and followed the instructions that the doctor advised me, I noticed that this irritation and redness disappeared.
The third experience: A girl talks about her experience with hair removal from the sensitive area with a laser. She says that she tried all kinds of traditional methods, including creams, razors, and wax, but they caused some pimples to appear, especially in the sensitive area, in addition to the severe pain that she felt. Until one of her friends advised her to completely get rid of the hair growth problem by performing laser sessions on the sensitive area. The girl had already decided to choose a reliable medical center to perform laser sessions on the sensitive area. The girl was advised to shave the hair before the first session with a razor, confirming that after 6 sessions the hair had completely disappeared with wonderful smoothness in the sensitive area.
Who has tried carbon laser for the sensitive area?
The carbon laser session for whitening sensitive areas from the inside, as it is called, the carbon peeling session begins with bringing an amount of carbon paste, a light layer of which is distributed on the sensitive area externally. Here is some information about the carbon laser for the sensitive area from my experience.
Who has tried carbon laser for the sensitive area?
Carbon laser is a very effective treatment and solves many skin problems that women face in particular. Carbon laser sessions to lighten the sensitive area or any place in the body in general do not require anesthesia or anesthesia for this, and the carbon laser does not cause damage to the sensitive area. Or the body in general, any pain or problems were done under the supervision of a doctor or a distinguished treatment center. This is the best laser to lighten sensitive areas at the present time.
Doctors and therapists have said, according to experiments, that the carbon laser does not cause any side effects later like some other types, because this type of laser removes dead layers and gets rid of large pores and blackheads without touching the inner layer of the skin at all. Laser lightening of sensitive areas greatly lightens and freshens the skin. It is completely compatible with sensitive skin and there are no problems when used on it. The carbon laser does not require a lot of time, but rather the person’s day can continue normally after he finishes the session without problems.
– Skin care after the carbon laser session to ensure the continuity of the results obtained. Below we show you the most important tips on skin care after the carbon laser session: It is recommended not to be exposed to strong sunlight immediately after the carbon laser procedure, and sunscreen should be used on normal days. This point is one of the most important steps in skin care after a carbon laser session. It is recommended to use a suitable moisturizing cream immediately after the procedure and during the days that follow. You should not worry and resort to using creams if the cheeks become red immediately after the operation, as this effect usually goes away on its own after about 4 hours of the operation at most.
Who has tried lightening sensitive areas?
The skin in sensitive areas is very sensitive to bleaching preparations and related products. Because it contains a lot of chemicals, therefore, these areas can be whitened with ingredients proven through women’s experiences in lightening sensitive areas.
Who has tried lightening sensitive areas?
– The first experience: From aloe vera to tomatoes, and others, I did not find a natural recipe for whitening the sensitive area, or known as the pubic area, like the cucumber recipe. In fact, I followed two cucumber recipes alternately. The first method used only cucumber juice. I extracted the juice from ½ cucumber and applied it to the skin of the sensitive area. I waited for 10 minutes to ¼ hour, then showered with cold water. Because it is an easy and quick recipe, and I wanted a quick result, I followed it twice a day, in the morning and evening. As for the second method, I mixed two tablespoons of cucumber juice with ½ tablespoon of lemon juice and ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder. I applied the mixture to the skin of the sensitive area and left it for 10 minutes, then washed it with cold water. I followed this recipe 3 times a week, alternating with the first recipe as mentioned. The result was really satisfactory.
– The second experience: I wanted to tell you about my experience with the sensitive area and how I finally achieved the result I wanted… By God, girls, I tried more than one mixture, and I did not leave a website or a forum without entering and trying to find a solution. One time I called the pharmacist and said that I have a dark sensitive area and I want something to be opened and guaranteed ((I know) Recklessness)) The important thing is that he told me about Beesline cream to lighten sensitive areas, and I sat down to investigate with him and he said, “By God, the product will be there as soon as it goes to the pharmacy. I mean, it won’t be a week until you find it again, and he says that there is a lot of demand for it.”
– The third experience: My experience was with a mixture of almonds and milk for the bikini area: Almonds are rich in vitamin E and have the ability to moisturize the skin wonderfully. In addition, it contains exfoliating properties that greatly contribute to lightening dark areas – Soak an appropriate amount of almonds in water for a few hours – Grind the almonds well, and transfer them to a large bowl. 3- Add a little milk to the ground almonds and stir until the mixture becomes dough – Grease the area Use this dough on your bikini in the evening before bed, wait for it to dry, and leave it overnight. The next morning, wash this area with warm water, and you will notice the difference.