Expressions about livelihood
Expressions about sustenance: Sustenance is everything that God has written for us, and it is divided into every human being as God Almighty has written it. In our article, we show you the most beautiful expressions that have been said about sustenance.
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– Al-Shafi’i: Whoever thinks that sustenance comes with the power of the bird eating anything with the eagle… you will disappear from this world, for you do not know if the night descends on you whether you will live until dawn.
Al-Shafi’i: He combined the lawful with the unlawful in order to multiply it. He added the unlawful to the lawful and scattered it.
– Oh God, praise and thanks be to You as befits the majesty of Your face and the greatness of Your authority.
– Oh God, protect me with your lawful things from your unlawful things, and make me rich with your grace beyond those other than you.
– Oh God, I praise you greatly and thank you with a great gratitude that befits the majesty of your face and the greatness of your authority.
– Oh God, if my provision is in the sky, then send it down, and if it is on the earth, then bring it out, and if it is far away, then bring it closer, and if it is near, then make it easy, if it is little, then increase it, and if it is much, then bless it for me.
– Praise be to God, who humbled everything to His greatness, praise be to God, who submitted everything to His power, praise be to God, who humbled everything to His glory, praise be to God, who submitted everything to His dominion.
– Ali Tantawi: If you want happiness, do not look to the one who is allocated more than you, but rather to the one who is allocated less.
– Aristophanes: Wherever a person lives, that is his home.
Words that bring livelihood
People complain a lot about the hardship of living and the lack of blessing with the large number of burdens and responsibilities and forgetting what God Almighty has prescribed for His servants regarding the reasons and keys that bring sustenance, including supplication, and in this article we are presenting to you the most beautiful words that bring sustenance.
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– O God, O Provider of those who ask, O Merciful of the poor, O Possessor of strength and strength, O Best of helpers, O Protector of the believers, O Helper of those who seek help, You we worship and You we seek help, O God, I ask You for an ample and good provision from Your provision.
– O Remover of stumbling blocks, O Judge of needs, fulfill my needs, relieve my distress, and provide for me from where I do not expect.
– Oh God, grant me an ample, lawful and good provision without hardship, and answer my supplications without response, and I seek refuge in You from poverty and debt. Oh God, O Provider of the beggars, O Merciful of the poor, O Possessor of strong and steadfast, O Best of helpers, O Guardian of the believers, O Helper of those who seek help, beware of You. We worship and You we seek help.
– O God, bless our master Muhammad, and the family of Muhammad, O Possessor of Glory and Honor, O Judge of needs, O Most Merciful of the Merciful, O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living, There is no god but You, the True and Clear King.
– Oh God, I praise you greatly and thank you very much, worthy of the majesty of your face and the greatness of your authority. Oh God, protect me with your lawful things from your forbidden things and make me rich with your grace beyond anyone else.
– Oh God, grant me an ample, permissible and good provision without hardship, and answer my supplications without response, and I seek refuge in You from the two scandals, poverty and debt, O God, O Provider of those who ask, O Merciful of the poor, O Possessor of strong strength, O Best of helpers, O Protector of the believers, O Giver of those who seek help. , Beware of worship and Thine aid we seek.
– Oh God, protect me with your lawful things from your unlawful things, and make me rich with your grace beyond those other than you. Oh God, I praise you very much and thank you very much, worthy of the majesty of your face and the greatness of your authority.
– Oh God, praise and thanks be to You as befits the majesty of Your face and the greatness of Your authority
A prayer for sustenance and success
Many people need prayers for sustenance and success, and in this article we are presenting to you the best supplications for sustenance and success. Choose what you deem appropriate and give your loved ones the most wonderful motivational and encouraging supplications ever. Share now.
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“O God, just as you have protected my face from prostrating to others, so protect my face from begging to others.”
– Oh God, satisfy me with what You have provided for me and bless me with it.
“O God, I ask you for the best of prayers, the best of supplication, and the best of success.”
“O God, make me rich with Your lawful things over Your unlawful things, and with Your grace make me rich from those other than You.”
– Oh God, the Owner of the kingdom, You give kingdom to whomever You wish, You take away kingdom from whomever You wish, You exalt whomever You wish, and humiliate whomever You wish. In Your hand is good. You are capable of all things. Most Merciful of this world and the Hereafter and Merciful of them. You give them to whomever You wish, and withhold from them whomever You wish. Have mercy on me with a mercy that enriches me with it. By the mercy of anyone but you.
– Oh God, I have no knowledge of the location of my livelihood, but I seek it with the dangers that come to my heart, so I travel across countries seeking it, and while I am seeking it I am as bewildered, I do not know whether it is a plain or a mountain, or on land or in the sky, or on land, or in the sea. And at the hands of whom and before whom, and you know that its knowledge is with you and its causes are in your hand.
“O God, write for us of Your goodness that which does not occur to us, and provide for us from where we do not expect.”
– O God, Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the Great Throne, our Lord and Lord of all things, so remove love and intentions and the revelation of the Torah, the Gospel, and the Criterion. I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything that You hold by the forelock. You are the first, so nothing is before you, you are the last, so nothing is after you, and you are the Manifest, so nothing is above you. You are the inner one, and there is nothing without you. Pay off our debt and enrich us from poverty.
– Oh God, I ask you to provide me with a lawful, ample, and good provision, without fatigue, hardship, or harm, and let it be known that you are capable of all things.
Twitter supplication
Supplication in Islam is a worship that is based on the servant asking his Lord and requesting from Him. It is one of the best worships that God loves purely for Him and it is not permissible for the servant to divert it to anyone else. In this article that we are presenting to you, we present to you the most beautiful supplications that you can share with your friends on Twitter.
– Oh God, I ask You to sincerely trust in You and have good faith in You.
– Oh God, guide me, then guide me, then guide me, then take me to You.
– Oh God, improve my character, so improve my character. Oh God, put your hope in my heart and cut off my hope from anyone but you so that I do not hope for anyone but you.
– Oh God, I ask You for constant faith, I ask You for a humble heart, I ask You for useful knowledge, I ask You for true certainty, I ask You for a valuable religion, I ask You for protection from every affliction, I ask You for complete well-being, I ask You for continued well-being, I ask You for gratitude for well-being, and I ask You to be rich from people.
– In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. In the name of God, the best of names.
– In the name of God, the Lord of heaven and earth.
– Oh God, You know my secret and my public, so accept my apology, and You know my need, so grant me my request.
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-And know what is in my soul, so forgive me my sins. Oh God, I ask You for faith that enters my heart, and sincere certainty so that I know that nothing will happen to me except what You have written for me, and contentment with what You have allocated for me, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.
– Oh God, I have become unable to repel what I hate, nor do I have the benefit of what I hope for, and the matter has become in the hands of others.
– Oh God, do not let my enemy gloat over me, do not displease my friend, do not make my calamity a part of my religion, do not make this world my greatest concern, and do not impose over me those who do not have mercy on me.. O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living.
– In the name of God, with whose name nothing on earth or in heaven can be harmed.
– There is no god but God, the Forbearing, there is no god but God, the Most High, the Great.. Glory be to God, Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the seven earths, and Lord of the Great Throne.. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
– In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.. O He who created creation without an example, and O He who spread the earth without helpers.. O He who managed matters without a minister.. O He who provides for creation without a counselor.
Prayers for sustenance Twitter
There are many supplications that can be prayed to increase livelihood. The goal of a person in his life is to achieve success and achieve the ambition that he seeks. Success is a provision from God, like money, morals, religion, health, and protection. In this article, we will show you the most beautiful supplications for seeking livelihood, which can be adopted as publications for you. On Twitter.
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– Oh God, increase my wealth and my children, and bless me with what you have given me
– Oh God, I ask you, O God, that you are the One, the One, the Eternal, the One who did not give birth, nor was born, and there is no one equal to Him, to forgive me my sins. Indeed, you are the Forgiving, the Merciful.
– Oh God, if I disobey you openly, forgive me, and if I disobey you secretly, cover me, and do not put my test in my body.
– Oh God, open to me the conquests of those who know your wisdom, spread your mercy upon me, remind me of what I have forgotten and let my tongue loose with it, and strengthen my resolve through it with your power and strength.
– Oh God, protect me with Your lawful things from Your unlawful things, and make me rich with Your grace above all others. Oh God, preserve my face with the left, and do not waste my strength with frugality, so that I may provide sustenance for those who seek Your sustenance, and I seek the sympathy of the most evil of Your creation, and I am afflicted with the praise of the one who gave me, and I am tempted by the disparagement of the one who prevented me, and behind all of this you are the guardian of giving and withholding. Indeed, you are capable of all things.
– Praise be to God, who does not forget to mention Him. Praise be to God, who never disappoints in His hope. Praise be to God, whoever trusts in Him is sufficient for Him. Praise be to God, whoever trusts in Him does not entrust him to others. Praise be to God, who is our trust when our distress due to our deeds worsens. Praise be to God, who is Our hope when the tricks and ropes are cut off from us.
– O God, O Lord, O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living, O Possessor of Majesty and Honour, I ask You in Your great and greatest name to grant me an ample, lawful and good provision, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
– Oh God, I ask You for the best of what I come to, the best of what I do, the best of what I conceal, the best of what I reveal, and the highest levels of Paradise, Amen.
Call him Twitter
Supplicate it on Twitter. A Muslim should be diligent in supplication, as it is one of the greatest acts of worship and closeness to God Almighty. In this article on our website, Iqra, we show you the most beautiful supplications. Do not hesitate to publish them on your page on Twitter.
– My God, if you only have mercy on the obedient, then on the disobedient, and if you only accept the doers, then on the negligent. My God, the fasting ones won, those who stood up won, and the sincere ones were saved, and we are your sinful servants, so have mercy on us with your mercy, find it upon us with your grace and grace, and forgive us all with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. May God’s blessings be upon our master Muhammad and upon him. His family and companions, peace and blessings be upon him.
– Our God, do not deprive us of intercession from your Prophet, and make piety for us the most profitable commodity, and do not make us in this month of ours among the people of negligence and waste, and protect us from our fear of the Day the Hour arrives by your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
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– O Lord, make all our days happiness. O Lord, dispel sorrows, heal illnesses, extend livelihoods and good morals, spread mercies, and erase bad deeds. Blessed are you, O Lord of creation, O Lord of the earth and the heavens.
– Glory be to God the number of what He created in the sky, and Glory be to God the number of what He created on earth, and Glory be to God the number of what is between that, and Glory be to God the number of what is the Creator, and God is Greater like that, and praise be to God like that, and there is no power nor strength except in God like that.
– Oh God, do not leave us a sin except that You have forgiven it, nor a concern except that You have relieved it, nor a flaw except that You have corrected it, and there is no need for us of the needs of this world and the hereafter in which You are satisfied and in which we have goodness except that You facilitate them and fulfill them with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
– O Most Generous of the Generous, we ask You for Your blessing, compassion, kindness, well-being, righteousness, mercy, and love. We seek refuge in You from the vicissitudes of hearts and days. Protect us from disobedience and sins. Keep us busy with goodness that pleases You with us. Protect us from the harm of people. Keep us busy with You from our worries. Make the afterlife all our concern.