Experiences of praying to conceive a boy
God Almighty has what is in the wombs. Likewise, He provides whomever He wishes with males, and He provides whomever He wishes with females. Below we show you some successful answers for women who had a child thanks to supplication. To know the details, continue reading:
This woman says she has adopted supplication and seeking forgiveness, as everyone knows that supplication restores fate, so my sister must increase your supplication and seeking forgiveness with the intention of conceiving a child. I will write the supplications that I always recited, in order, meaning starting from any supplication until it ends.
– Praying for the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, 100 times, and everyone knows its benefit, because if it is mentioned before the supplication, it will be one of the reasons for it being answered.
– Repeat Glory be to God and praise be to Him 100 times.
– Repeat the saying “There is no power nor strength except in God” 100 times. This includes your complete certainty that everything is in His power and strength, Glory be to Him.
– Asking for forgiveness in this formula and with the intention of carrying the child (I ask forgiveness from God Almighty for my sin and for the believing men and believing women and the Muslim men and Muslim women, living and dead) because the number of your asking for forgiveness in this formula is very large and innumerable by the number of all the believing men and believing women and Muslim men and Muslim women, living and dead. -Repeat it 100 times-
– O Most Friendly, O Most Friendly, O Possessor of the Glorious Throne, O Realizer of what He wants, O Initiator, O Restorer, I ask You by Your power with which You have power over all of Your creation, and I ask You by the light of Your Face that filled the pillars of Your Throne, and I ask You by Your mercy that encompasses all things, there is no god but You, to You make what is in my stomach a good and perfect male.
– I used to repeat it all the time, but sometimes I shortened it and said, Oh God, I ask you by your power with which you have power over all of your creation to make what is in my womb a good, fully created male, and indeed I gave birth to a boy.
Who has tried aspirin to conceive a boy?
Many women ask about the effectiveness of aspirin for pregnancy, and we will find out the effectiveness of aspirin for pregnancy through these scientific experiments:
Clinical research has proven that aspirin increases the probability of giving birth to a male child by approximately one third, and modern scientific theory says that taking aspirin close to pregnancy makes women with a history of miscarriage more likely to give birth to a boy compared to women who received alternative treatment.
Scientists put this theory to the test in a recent study conducted at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in the United States. They followed the case of 1,228 women with a history of miscarriage, by giving them a low dose of aspirin before sex or folic acid.
The experiment found that 31% of those who took aspirin gave birth to male children, compared to 23% of those who took alternative medications.
Studies have shown that aspirin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance used to treat pain, fever, and inflammation, increases the pregnancy rate among women undergoing artificial insemination.
Your experiences with sodium bicarbonate to conceive a boy
He conducted an opinion poll to find out your experiences with sodium bicarbonate for conceiving a boy, and these were the most prominent comments we received:
The experimenter says that she used sodium bicarbonate to determine the sex of the fetus, but she suffered greatly due to excessive secretions and delayed pregnancy for a long time. When I went to the doctor, he confirmed to me that the bicarbonate had prevented the sperm from reaching the uterus, and I faced severe difficulty in getting pregnant and an increase in the acidity rate of the secretions. the vagina.
She said that she had used it because she had heard that it improves the ability to determine the sex of the newborn, which is one of the traditions that was passed down to her from the family, and that it increases the rate of male pregnancies, but she had faced some problems for a long time because of that experience.
Successful experiences of conceiving a boy
Successful experiences of conceiving a boy are among the most requested topics, as there are many people who prefer males to females. Children are a blessing from God Almighty, and we must always thank Him for this blessing. To find out this answer, keep reading:
Experiment 1:
The experimenter says: I had a daughter and I wanted to get pregnant and give her a brother. I mean, frankly, I was in love with a boy. I tried alkaline douche with sodium carbonate as a vaginal douche half an hour before intercourse. Thank God, God was kind to me and gave me the best gift for my dear son. After 3 years, I wanted to try it again, and of course I loved my son’s brother. (greed haha)
– Of course, before I did anything, I had faith in the Lord of the Worlds that everything was God’s will, whatever I did. So I used to pray that I would do all the methods, and the rest is up to the Lord of the Worlds, in addition to pure supplication, then taking into account the reasons, which are first: I reduced milk products, and frankly, from the first day of my period to the month in which I want to get pregnant. I used to eat 3 bananas every day, in addition to popcorn and jello. Secondly: I used to douche every day, and on ovulation days, half an hour before intercourse, and of course, I drank coffee for my husband half an hour before.
– Also, thirdly: I bought an ovulation tester and watched when two lines appeared and I had intercourse after 24 hours. Thank God, the pregnancy occurred. I am currently pregnant in the fifth month, and the doctor told me that I will give birth to a boy, God willing. I wanted to share my experience with you for those who want to try it.
Experiment 2:
A woman says, “My only wish when I got married was to become a mother to a child so that I could fulfill my husband’s wish, but every time I get pregnant, the fetus is a female, and my hopes are disappointed.” “My husband and most of his family love males and hurt me with words, and I am completely unable to fulfill their desires… and I fear for my marriage to them.” Collapse! I relied on a group of methods that help in conceiving a boy, the most important of which are:
Determine the exact date of ovulation according to the date of the menstrual cycle each month. The date of ovulation will be more accurate if the cycle is regular, as the days of ovulation are usually on the 14th, 15th, and 16th day of the menstrual cycle.
Eating specific foods that increase the chance of conceiving a boy, such as bananas, spinach, nuts, spices, sesame, and red meat. I actually succeeded, thank God.
Experiment 3:
This woman says: I have two daughters, may God protect them, and before this pregnancy I wished to have a son, and I followed all the instructions that will make you give birth to a boy, and I had intercourse 5 days after my period, meaning before I reached the days of ovulation, which are 14 and 15.
– And God wanted it, and I got pregnant, thank God, and the first ultrasound I did, the doctor said that there was a boy, but I was saying to myself that maybe I made a mistake and waited until the seventh month, and I was also certain that it was a boy.
Who has tried the method to conceive a girl and succeeded?
Who has tried the method to conceive a girl and succeeded?
Some people consider welcoming females into the family to be a pleasant thing, unlike what they may feel when welcoming a boy, and this is uncommon, so we find many fathers and mothers searching for things that will help in giving birth to a girl, and at the beginning of our article we will show you a group of these successful experiences. For women who are pregnant with a girl, they are as follows:
The person with the experience says: I wanted to write to you about my experiences in trying to conceive a girl after God’s will. Perhaps some of you will benefit or take a lesson from it. In the end, they are all written and divided provisions from God. My first pregnancy happened two months after my marriage, and I was a bride and just young, and I do not know about the sideburns of ovulation or Other than that, the surprise was that I was pregnant with twins, praise be to God, and I was hoping that God would bless me with a boy and a girl, but my husband was wishing for two sons, and Glory be to God, my husband’s wish came true and they had two sons, God willing, may God bless the Most Merciful. And after that I was happy and thanked my Lord for them and said, “Next time, a daughter, God willing.” The important thing is that girls, I sat for a while because I was tired of raising them. My children, and then I decided to get pregnant
– I longed to have a daughter, and I became pregnant by God’s grace and generosity. I also did not know about the side effects of ovulation, and my pregnancy began on the 13th day. I was hoping a lot about the girl, and I went around the markets looking at girls’ things and praying to God to bless me with them. My fourth first revealed, and the doctor confirmed to me that it was a boy, and during my pregnancy, I learned about the forum and entered. Umm Ghazi’s file, may God remind her of the goodness of getting pregnant with a girl, and I regretted that I had not known her before I became pregnant. Of course, I do not deny that I was upset and cried, but I came back to my senses and asked forgiveness from my Lord and thanked Him for His blessings upon me. I was happy and prepared for my son, and I am satisfied and thankful to my Lord. After a while, I came back and missed the girl again.
– And I decided to get pregnant, but at that time I collected information and followed the file, and in our file during that period there were many successful experiences for the members of the file, and I was encouraged. The first month, I stopped two days before ovulation, and no pregnancy occurred. At that time, there was a member called Rawnaq Al Jamal. Most of the girls followed her and became pregnant with girls, God willing, and I wrote to her and gave her the dates of my cycles, and I calculated I applied some tips from the file. I washed with Lux soap before intercourse and slept on my left side. Thank God, I got pregnant the second month after the contraindication and flew out of happiness. I was confident that it was a girl, after God’s will. I reached the first of the fourth, had the ultrasound done, and the surprise was a boy. Praise be to God. Of course, I broke down and cried until my tears dried.
– I was tired of crying, and after a while I came back and asked my Lord’s forgiveness, and I also prepared for my son with all happiness and longing to see him. At the time of my pregnancy, I was following the file, and at that time I read the experience of Umm Fahd, may God remind her of goodness, and that she followed up with Dr. Imad, and, God willing, she became pregnant with a girl, as she had hoped, and I decided at that time that I would follow up with him after I had rested a little from the situation. Pregnancy and childbirth, although I had decided that this would be the end of the pregnancy, and it would be enough for me to be able to raise them. After my son completed two years of age, I decided to get pregnant after daily follow-ups of my dear file to give birth to a girl, and I now had a lot of information on the subject.
– And the important time for ovulation, girls, is that I did not leave anything behind. May God ease all the reasons for me. Praise be to God. I sat for a year trying to get pregnant and did everything I could. I continued ovulation, followed a light diet, increased dairy products and sweets, took calcium and vitamin C, and drank water. Of course, I followed up with Dr. Imad, took the formula, and stopped intercourse. Two days before ovulation, and of course, I never forgot what was between me and my Lord, and I was attached to Him, Glory be to Him, and not to the reasons. I finally became pregnant and was filled with joy. I was almost certain that it was a girl, by God’s will, but inside I was afraid of the ultrasound, and I sat throughout my pregnancy praying to my Lord to make what was in my uterus a perfect female. I waited for the ultrasound until I reached the end of the sixth. I couldn’t be patient, especially since everyone who saw me said, “You look pregnant with his daughter.” Even my dreams were strongly indicating a girl. I went to my appointment and had the ultrasound done, and it was a huge surprise.
– A boy was born, praise and thanks be to God. It was a quadruple ultrasound and there was no room for doubt. Glory be to God. At every appointment, the doctor confirmed that it was a boy. Of course, I don’t know how to describe to you my feeling at this time, but praise be to God. I held myself together and thanked my Lord and thanked Him for the blessing and I endured his two moans because everyone knew that I was dying for the girl and that I was ovulating. This was the biggest mistake I made against myself, and I blamed myself for it. You see, daughters, people don’t gloat, but in those who have daughters, no, by God, they gloat over the thing you don’t have and you wish for it, but my God knows that I wished for this daughter for myself because I am the one who fathers her and needs her, not because of what people say, but my God did not write her for me. Praise be to God, I am satisfied with my provision. Now, my four-month-old son is my whole life, and my money is on the house, and everyone dies on it. May God protect him and keep him and his brothers for me. This is the story of my follow-ups and experiences that anyone can benefit from.
Male gum to conceive a boy
The use of male gum to stimulate fertility in men and women and treat the problem of delayed childbearing and conceiving a boy is one of the popular things in folk medicine, but it is not true, and there is no scientific proof or proof of its feasibility.
There is only one study that has proven that male gum may stimulate fertility in mice, but there is no evidence that it does this in humans.
Therefore, I advise you, my dear, if you or your husband are suffering from any problem that causes a delayed pregnancy to go to a specialized doctor, do the necessary tests, and follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding medication or therapeutic procedures, and do not waste your time, effort, and money on useless matters.