Who tried artificial insemination and got pregnant with twins?
Artificial insemination involves transferring a single embryo into a woman’s uterus during assisted reproductive surgery (ART) instead of transferring multiple embryos. However, it has been found that even when a single embryo transfer (SET) is performed, some women still get pregnant with twins or even triplets.
Who tried artificial insemination and got pregnant with twins?
During IVF, eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm provided by her partner or a donor. One or two embryos – fertilized eggs – are implanted into the woman’s uterus. The following are the typical stages in an IVF cycle:
A woman’s natural menstrual cycle is stopped by daily injections or nasal spray. A woman has injections of fertility hormones to stimulate her ovaries so that they produce several eggs, instead of just one.
– When the eggs are mature, they are collected using a fine needle, guided by ultrasound, under anesthesia. The eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with sperm provided by the woman’s partner or donor. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are grown in an incubator for a few days.
– 1 or 2 healthy embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus using a thin tube that is inserted into the vagina and cervix. If the embryo succeeds, the woman becomes pregnant. You will need to wait two weeks to take a pregnancy test.
– Any remaining healthy embryos can be frozen and stored for later use if necessary. Women who have IVF often have more than one cycle. There are many variations of the IVF procedure.
– For example, sperm or eggs may be collected from a donor. In some cases, the surrogate may carry the pregnancy.
Successful artificial insemination experiments
A sperm sample is obtained from the man through masturbation, and care must be taken not to have sexual intercourse for a period of up to about five days in order to increase the number and concentration of sperm. Treatments are performed on the sample in order to obtain valid and strong sperm, which are healthy and fast, and work to raise their concentration rates. Here are the successful artificial insemination experiences.
Successful artificial insemination experiments
The experimenter says that she resorted to artificial insemination to help with pregnancy, and God has indeed honored her, as the problem was between her and her husband, which led to infertility, as she was suffering from hypothyroidism.
– In an experience that says, praise be to God, I became pregnant through artificial insemination the first time after four years of waiting. I am a student, I study, and I work every day. In the second month, I had brown secretions only when I went to work, and in the third and now the fourth month, the secretions have disappeared because I had Hajj leave:: And now I do. In the middle of the fourth month, I have an appointment in two weeks to find out the sex of the fetus and the latest news about it… My problem is that I am afraid of going back to school again. It is true that at that time the pregnancy progressed and I would be in the 16th week, and although my condition, thank God, is stable, I have a belief that anyone who becomes pregnant through artificial insemination must rest. I am afraid of sitting on a chair a lot to listen to lectures because my back hurts from a lot of sitting.
– I did artificial insemination 4 times, and I succeeded. The fourth time, I was taking Clomid and an explosive needle, and the last time I took 3 needles with Clomid, and on the day of insemination, my husband’s sample was taken by the laboratory, and they put steroids in it and cleaned it. Then I took Dephaston pills for stabilization. Thank God, I have twin girls. Pray for me, God, to heal my daughters and give them success.
Among other experiences is the experience of artificial insemination. A woman became pregnant after three years of despair and deprivation, so the doctor advised her to go for artificial insemination. Indeed, when she did it, she succeeded and became pregnant with twins and gave birth to them. She was happy with this experience because it compensated her for years of deprivation of children.
– As for this experience, the doctor says the success rate of artificial insemination is four to one, meaning four out of five people will get pregnant and one might get pregnant the next time. I tried artificial insemination twice. Once I failed because the doctor never gave me details. I had insemination from here and went to the market from there, meaning it was useless and the second time. I got the result of my pregnancy, but the pregnancy has arrived, may God make it go well for you. The most important thing after vaccination is to avoid movement and do not lift anything heavy. Always rest as much as possible.
Pregnant from artificial insemination
Some women resort to undergoing artificial insemination to get pregnant and have a child, and get rid of the problem of infertility. Artificial insemination is a method of treating infertility by inserting semen directly into the uterus. Medical scientists developed the procedure for raising livestock. Since then, they have adapted the technique for use in humans. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the most common method of artificial insemination.
Pregnant from artificial insemination
There may be no signs or symptoms indicating a successful pregnancy after artificial insemination. This does not mean that the embryo transfer was not successful, and even the symptoms that occur in some women may often be the result of an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and the only sure way to know if it was successful. Pregnancy is getting a positive result after performing a pregnancy test; In addition, these symptoms and signs are not only related to pregnancy; It may occur as a result of other causes.
The symptoms of successful artificial insemination are similar to the symptoms of natural pregnancy. These include: Implantation bleeding: One of the first signs of implantation of the egg in the uterus is implantation bleeding. It causes small vaginal discharge, and can often be accompanied by cramps. Delayed menstruation: A delay in the time of menstruation may be a sign of a successful pregnancy. Breast pain: You may feel sensitive to your breasts. If the feeling persists after a delayed period, you should take a pregnancy test. Nausea: Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy due to increased levels of estrogen in your body.
This may happen due to a strong smell, or a dislike for a certain food, and sometimes for no reason at all. Fatigue: You may feel very tired during this time due to the high level of progesterone in your body, because this hormone induces sleep. In addition to lower blood pressure and sugar levels. Food cravings: You may feel an intense and abnormal desire for some foods. This is one of the symptoms of pregnancy that can stay with you for a long time. This intense desire and hunger for smells and foods occurs due to hormonal changes in the body.
In fact, natural pregnancy and pregnancy through artificial insemination differ only in the way the pregnancy occurs. Hence, a pregnant woman through artificial insemination will notice the same pregnancy symptoms that a pregnant woman experiences naturally. Therefore, even if you are pregnant from artificial insemination, you must follow some important tips to ensure the success and continuity of your pregnancy: – Follow a beneficial and healthy diet based on protein, vitamins, and dietary fiber (fruits, vegetables, lean meat).
– Avoid eating added sugars and saturated fats. – Do some light exercise (after consulting your doctor), such as walking and jogging for 30 minutes a day. Try to get 8 hours of sleep during the night, and respond to your body’s need for rest during the day. – Never neglect appointments to visit the doctor and undergo the necessary tests and examinations, which protect your child from serious complications that could cause miscarriage.
Who has tried home artificial insemination?
The process of home artificial insemination is carried out by placing the male sperm into the woman’s reproductive system without intercourse. The semen is inserted into the cervix.
Who has tried home artificial insemination?
– Home injection: A couple can perform artificial insemination without seeking help from a doctor. This method is more comfortable for the couple, as it does not include going to the doctor and preparing a semen sample, but its success rate is much lower. In this method, the husband either masturbates or has intercourse with his wife, and immediately before ejaculation, he withdraws the penis and ejaculates. Inside a funnel (a small plastic box), after about 10 to 20 minutes, the semen changes from the cohesive stage to the liquid stage. Here the woman places this funnel at the top of the vagina, touching the cervix. Sometimes this funnel has a small syringe in which the husband fills the semen, and when the wife places the funnel. On the cervix, the husband injects the sperm with a funnel and leaves it for 6 hours. To obtain the best results, the process is repeated 2 to 3 times during ovulation.
One of the most common methods of home artificial insemination is intracervical insemination. One of the most important benefits of home artificial insemination is that the woman enjoys privacy inside her home. There are also some harms or side effects of home artificial insemination, such as an increased risk of infection, as the home is not Sterile, as in health clinics designated for this purpose. It should be noted that there is the possibility of purchasing home artificial insemination kits, such as semen containers and syringes to collect semen and insert it through the vagina. However, it may be difficult for the woman to do this herself, and it may require several experiments. And attempts before successful pregnancy.
Who tried artificial insemination and got pregnant with twins?
Artificial insemination involves transferring a single embryo into a woman’s uterus during assisted reproductive surgery (ART) instead of transferring multiple embryos. However, it has been found that even when a single embryo transfer (SET) is performed, some women still get pregnant with twins or even triplets.
Who tried artificial insemination and got pregnant with twins?
During IVF, eggs are removed from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm provided by her partner or a donor. One or two embryos – fertilized eggs – are implanted into the woman’s uterus. The following are the typical stages in an IVF cycle:
A woman’s natural menstrual cycle is stopped by daily injections or nasal spray. A woman has injections of fertility hormones to stimulate her ovaries so that they produce several eggs, instead of just one.
– When the eggs are mature, they are collected using a fine needle, guided by ultrasound, under anesthesia. The eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with sperm provided by the woman’s partner or donor. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are grown in an incubator for a few days.
– 1 or 2 healthy embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus using a thin tube that is inserted into the vagina and cervix. If the embryo succeeds, the woman becomes pregnant. You will need to wait two weeks to take a pregnancy test.
– Any remaining healthy embryos can be frozen and stored for later use if necessary. Women who have IVF often have more than one cycle. There are many variations of the IVF procedure.
– For example, sperm or eggs may be collected from a donor. In some cases, the surrogate may carry the pregnancy.
Who tried artificial insemination and became pregnant with a boy
In vitro fertilization is short for “in vitro fertilization.” This method was first performed in 1978. The simple fertilization of a female egg with a male sperm in a laboratory is artificial insemination. After fertilization, the embryo is grown in the laboratory for a certain stage and then inserted into the uterus through the cervix, but how effective is it in giving birth to a boy?
Who tried artificial insemination and became pregnant with a boy
– There are many ways that may be good for conceiving a boy, and one of the most famous of these methods is to have intercourse and insert semen on the day of ovulation itself, that is, at the time of the release of the egg, as the male sperm is faster than the female sperm, and the male sperm does not It lives as long as the male animal lives with the female, and here we advise the necessity of practicing marital relations on the day of ovulation, in order to conceive a child, God willing. It should be known that no matter how advanced knowledge is and no matter how advanced methods are, God’s will and power always precede everything, and supplication is considered one of the most important means by which you get what you want.
Fertilization techniques used in artificial insemination have a significant impact on the success rate of male procreation, as males are produced by washing the man’s semen and the egg is fertilized with it inside the woman’s uterus (Sperm Washing & Intrauterine insemination). This is done after the date of the egg’s release is determined. The woman has an ultrasound image and uses a device to determine ovulation. Then the semen is washed using preservatives that separate the male sperm from the female ones, and then they are returned to the uterus so that the egg can be fertilized.
As for the success rate of this method, it is between 60-70%, and this method can be somewhat difficult, because the sorting is not conclusive, as 30% of the females may remain after the sorting, and this reduces the probability of males in general, and then it is In this case, one egg is taken, which reduces the chance of conceiving in general.