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Talk about mother Twitter

Talk about mothers Twitter – Who looks like you, mother? There is no world that can compare to you, and no homeland can replace you. The world needs hearts as pure as yours.
-Who looks like you, mom? There is no world that can compare to you, and no homeland can replace you. The world needs hearts as pure as yours.
– Children will not advance in a nation unless the mothers have been promoted.
– Talk about the mother: There is no pillow in the world softer than a mother’s embrace.
– The mother’s heart is the child’s school.
The father’s heart does not fall asleep until all hearts fall asleep.
– Mother, you are the life of the soul, you are more precious than my eyes.
My father, you were, still are, and will remain a symbol of everything beautiful.
– When we want to talk about the mother, the talk does not end.
A mother’s heart is sometimes made of gold and sometimes wax.
– When you are sad, she will be the one who is sad as you are. She will be happy with the smallest details, and your illness will make her cry. She will pray to God for you, even if you make her sad. She will stay up until she sleeps and get tired until you rest.
– My mother, the light in the darkness of life, the guidance among the shadows, my mother, is the beginning of every good thing.
– The most painful thing is a home without a mother. O Lord, compensate everyone who lost their mother by seeing her in heaven.
– Talk about the mother: My mother, she always loved me, protected me, was by my side, held me every time I fell, and I lived my life
– How comforting it is for my morning to start with a cup of coffee with my mother’s features and voice.
– Whenever I want to belittle something in my eyes, I compare it to my mother.
– And strive for your mother until she is satisfied, and after her satisfaction is the satisfaction of God and Paradise.
– Talk about the mother: My mother is the homeland of everyone after her is a stranger. May God bless your evening with all the best.
– My mother, the first love I ever experienced in my world, you are the love of my soul and water in my veins.
Because she is my mother, I have to thank God secretly, publicly, and at all times.
A man remains a child until his mother dies and then he grows old.
– How small my mother’s concern is with her tenderness, and how do you know what my mother is?

BBC about Mother Twitter

Talk about the mother Twitter: YC about the mother who endured the pain of pregnancy and childbirth in order to see only the eyes of her son healthy and in good health. She stayed up nights over him and endured the hardships of raising him, taking care of his health, and taking care of all his private details, whether large or small. She took from her comfort for the sake of his comfort and took from her health to be May his health be better. Happy new year to every mother. We present to you the best BBC messages about mothers on Twitter. We hope you will find them.
BBC about Mother Twitter
the mom
Its existence: life
Her prayers: Survival
Her feet are paradise
Sorry, Pythagoras♥♥
My mother is the hardest equation ♥♥‏
Sorry Newton, my mother is the secret of gravity ♥♥‏
Sorry Edison, my mother is the first lamp in my life♥♥
Sorry Plato, my mother is the virtuous spot in my heart ♥♥
Sorry Roma, all roads lead to my mother’s love
Sorry, Juliet, my mother is my love♥♥
An excuse for everyone, no matter how much I love you, I have never and will never love anyone like I loved my mother, for she is a woman that will never be repeated in this life.♥♥
If you say: What is good?
…And how do we dry up in our time!
…Come and see, but (my mother’s) facial features are enough.
My mother
I love you as you are
In kindness, gentleness and cruelty
Because I know anyway
You only care about my interests
Happy New Year, mother
My mother
My world with you is beautiful
And in my lips you are a song
And on your day, my most beautiful rose
If I can give you my life as a sacrifice
My Lord, I advise you well to my mother.
And you are the best person to recommend.
If she asks you, give her, and if she calls you, answer her.
I have never loved anyone like her from your creation.
It is the best I can hope for

A mother never replaces Twitter

Talk about the mother on Twitter: A mother can never be replaced. Mother is a small word and its letters are few, but it contains the greatest meanings of love, giving, tenderness, and sacrifice. It is an inexhaustible river that never dries up and never tires, always flowing with a lot of endless kindness. The compassionate chest on which you lay your head and complain of your worries and troubles. Here are the most beautiful expressions that indicate that a mother is never compensated.
My mother, the bridge of love that ascends me to heaven, your feast is a valley of blessing, a river of contentment.
– My mother, the bridge of love that ascends me to heaven, your feast is a valley of blessing, a river of contentment.
– How comforting it is for my morning to start with a cup of coffee with my mother’s features and voice.
– Whenever I want to belittle something in my eyes, I compare it to my mother.
– And strive for your mother until she is satisfied, and after her satisfaction is the satisfaction of God and Paradise.
– My mother is a homeland and everyone is a stranger after her. May God bless your evening with all the best.
– My mother, wrap me in a beautiful prayer that resembles you, for nothing other than your prayers can make me happy.
– Life, my mother, joy, my mother, love, my mother, happiness, my mother, then my mother, then my mother.
I did not pray for my mother except Paradise as a home, and I did not wish for her except my father as a neighbor.
– When you are sad, she will be the one who is sad as you are. She will be happy with the smallest details, and your illness will make her cry. She will pray to God for you, even if you make her sad. She will stay up until she sleeps and get tired until you rest.
– My mother, the light in the darkness of life, the guidance among the shadows, my mother, is the beginning of every good thing.
– The most painful thing is a home without a mother. O Lord, compensate everyone who lost their mother by seeing her in heaven.
– My mother, she always loved me, protected me, was by my side, and caught me whenever I fell. I lived my life comfortably because I knew she was behind me.
– Life makes me sad, but I cannot get rid of it, not from strength, but it is my mother, when she looks at me with all that hope, how can I let her down?
– Your mother was the most affectionate towards you when you were young, so are you the most compassionate toward her when she was old?
I love my mother because she is the only one who cares about my sadness and shares my sadness in all the most difficult circumstances and because she is the only one who is always happy with my joy more than me.

Bisiyat about the mother

Talk about the mother Twitter: Bisiyat about the mother Twitter, tweets about the mother Twitter, mother is a small word in size, but it carries great meanings of love, loyalty, tenderness, sincerity, health and giving, and it is rivers that do not dry up, flowing with endless giving, for it is the compassionate chest on which we lay our heads. We complain to Him about our concerns, so that we can feel comfortable and safe.
Talk about the mother Twitter – Bisiyat about the mother
My mother is the only one who still makes me feel every day that life will be fine as long as she is with me.
Oh Lord, she is my mother and a piece of my heart, remove everything that saddens her from her chest and give her everything she desires.
My mother, may God protect you for a heart that gets lost without you.
My mother is God’s plant that is still growing between my ribs and making me greener and more alive.
Except my mother, oh Lord, do not test my patience with anything that will harm her.
My Lord, I advise you to treat my mother well. If she asks you, give her, and if she calls you, answer her, for I have never loved a human being like her, and she is the best I have. Oh God, I entrusted you with my mother from all evil.
Eternal wish;
Sorry, Pythagoras
My mother is the hardest equation
Sorry Newton, my mother is the secret of gravity
Sorry Edison, my mother is the first lamp in my life
Sorry, Plato, my mother is the virtuous spot in my heart
Sorry Roma, all roads lead to my mother’s love
Sorry, Juliet, my mother is my love
An excuse for everyone. No matter how much I love you, I have never and will never love anyone the way I loved my mother, for she is a woman who will never be repeated in this life.
Be your mother a servant and a friend. She is the most beautiful woman in the world and the most sincere in her love for you. She fears you the most, and if she gets angry with you, she gets angry for you! Whoever is a servant to his mother becomes a master of his people. As for the one whose mother has passed away, he should not be stingy with his prayers and charity. Oh God, protect my mother and the mothers of Muslims for me, and have mercy on every mother who has passed away.

My dear mother Twitter

Talk about mother Twitter: Mother is a word that carries with it great expressions and meanings. It carries the meaning of loyalty and tenderness, it carries giving and generosity, and it expresses everything beautiful that is missed by everyone who lost their mother or did not feel the meaning of motherhood. We present to you the best messages about that can be published via Twitter. We hope you get it.
Talk about mother Twitter – My beloved mother Twitter
– Oh mother, if you asked for my life, I would give it to you. I and my money are all the property of your right hand.
– My beloved mother, you who give without return, I will return your endless giving by living up to your good expectations and those of my dear father, and to be the apple of your eye.
– Oh mother, while you are far away with a hurt heart, when will you come back and make hearts happy? O possessor of a tender heart, and possessor of a merciful chest, it is impossible for me to describe this tenderness and this mercy. It is impossible for me to see a chest more compassionate to me than yours, my dear mother. I will sacrifice my heart for you if it pleases you.
– I did not know the meaning of motherhood until I had a son. Then I knew that everything I offer to my mother is not worth a single night that she stayed up for me.
– There is not a single woman in life who gives all her life, all her tenderness, and all her love, without asking for anything in return except the mother.
– My mother, I cannot imagine my life without you. Life is not sweet without your presence, and every day that passes in your presence, I pray to my Lord not to deprive me of your presence. Happy New Year.
– My mother, you are my role model in life. From you alone I learned how to be a human being.
– My mother, in your absence, words are incapable of slaughtering her, and with you near her tonight her moon embraces her, in your voice there is warmth and in my veins there is loyalty.
– My mother, my heart rejoices and dances at your presence. My mother, how beautiful your smile is. My mother, how wonderful your upbringing is. My mother conquered the full moon when she shone at night among the stars in magic. My mother, you have from me a kiss that I long for between the eyes that watch with the star.

Mom Twitter Thoughts

Talk about the mother Twitter: No matter what writers write about the mother, they will not be able to describe her tenderness, her fatigue, and her staying up late for us. That is why we have put here for you the most beautiful thoughts that have been said about the mother. Share them on social networking sites, especially Twitter, or send them to your mother. Perhaps they will be the reason for her smile.
Talk about Mother Twitter – My Mother Twitter Thoughts
– My dear mother, my heart, I find safety in its beats, my home that smells of tenderness throughout.
Oh my mother, you are the best and the blessing throughout time. I love you and my heart overflows with joy and gratitude. I love you, mother.
– To you, my dearest people, my beloved mother, these are words that I write to you with the ink of my heart and I send them to you with the fragrance of roses and the fragrance of jasmine and jasmine, O moon that illuminated the darkness of my mind and illuminated my path in life, and O sun that melted the stagnation of my heart and burst forth the springs of hope.
– My mother, may God grant you a longer life, better health than mine, better health than mine, happiness greater than mine, and a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.
– Mother is one of the trees of Paradise. Water it with righteousness and kiss the forehead and hands so that its branches will carry you to Paradise.
– My mom; Do you then pronounce sentences?
– As long as my mother stays, everything will go away.
-Mom, how can I reward you? Oh God, look at my mother’s heart, and if you find worry in her, remove it from her and replace it with joy and strength and make her happy, O God.
– I will not find a merciful heart like my mother’s heart.
– I lost my age in order to become a man.
– When my mother smiles, her face shines from here, and the sun shines from there.
Oh my mother, a flower in my heart that has sprouted. I know how much you worked for me and how many screams of pain I caused you. I know that I lived in your wombs bigger and bigger, and I know that you still feed me with your tenderness, oh the pearl of sight, oh the pleasure of sight, oh my pulse.
– Like a mother, we meet beauty, and my mother is the best one my eyes have ever met.
– My mother, words cannot describe your generosity, your sacrifices, and your tenderness over the course of eternity, as I stand before your greatness and majesty, tongue-tied and weak in strength. How could it not be when I am in front of my sun, my moon, my night, my day, or even my entire life?
– My dear mother, the sea was created to embrace the wave of sand and rocks. The sun rises to surround the deserts and seas with its warmth. Butterflies are always there. With the most delicate roses and flowers, my mother, my sea, my sun, and my bouquet of flowers. I always need you. I love you forever.

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