Expressions about travel for WhatsApp
Messages about travel: There are many phrases that are considered the most beautiful expressions about travel for WhatsApp, and you can use them and send them to your traveling friend via WhatsApp to express to him the extent of your love and care for him and his presence with you.
– Will we separate after all that, for our hearts have come together in love for God? Will we separate after this matter? Who will share my happiness or console me in my sorrows and ease my pain in this treacherous time?
We will not say goodbye to you, but rather the memory and images of love will remain high in our memories, with the hope of meeting you again and the promise of endless prayers and endless love.
– Why do you leave me when I was the one who stayed up all night for your eyes and gave you his soul as a ransom for him?
Whoever wants to travel like a sheep knows very well that there is always a moment when it is necessary to part with the dearest loved ones.
– It was fate, it was fate that we meet, it was fate that we separate, and perhaps fates will continue and we will meet together later.
– Even if days separate us and our souls are far apart, in the chest there is a heart that beats with your love, lives with your remembrance, and recalls moments of torment, meetings with loved ones, sincere laughter, and souls soaring in the sky of creation.
– I see Al-Zein wants to travel. Perhaps his absence will last a month. Perhaps my Lord will protect him as he travels and leave me on fire, longing to see him.
O you who left me by force, it is difficult for me to say goodbye to you. Spare me the burning of tears. I only tell you, may God cover them with you.
– No matter how far apart we are, and no matter how long the separation between us, love remains between us, and affection and connection remain between us.
You were our hope that increases the moments of my life and removes sadness from my eyes, and you will later become the dream and wish that has been far away and separated from my world for millions of years.
– When the farewell came, I left my pen here to bid you farewell and to herald a new era in our lives.
Messages about travel on Twitter
Messages about travel: In this paragraph, there is a group of messages about travel on Twitter for all lovers of travel and expressing their thoughts on Twitter about travel:
– I traveled more than Sinbad traveled, I saw the greatest cities and seas, I met fools who thought they were guiding the world, I entered the richest palaces and the poorest huts, I listened to the logic of philosophers and the delirium of lovers, I experienced success and failure, love and hate, wealth and poverty, and I lived a life full of experience, travel, reading and contemplation, but I admit that I did not discover the meaning of Happiness except during these moments when we used to prostrate in the Sacred House of God in Mecca.
We travel around the world to find beauty, but if we do not carry it within us, we will not find it.
Traveling as a child is part of education, and as an adult it is part of experience.
Travel makes a wise person better, and a fool worse.
– Stay away from your homeland in pursuit of glory and travel. For travel has five benefits: relieving oneself of distress, gaining livelihood, knowledge, morals, and glorious companionship.
My soul longs for travel, solitude, and a union with oneself that is not marred by interruption or interference from anyone.
– Go around the world, travel wherever you want. You will see many things in the world that enrich you and open horizons before you that you had never thought of. All of this renews you.
Messages: My beloved is coming from travel
Messages about travel: The following are messages to my beloved coming from travel to express longing and love for the beloved and joy at his return from travel:
Messages: My beloved is coming from travel
– Welcome to all the sunrises and sunsets, welcome to the number of stars in the sky and their beauty, welcome when the sea waves crash on its shores, welcome when the dew drops fall on the roses and their flowers.
We welcome you with the most beautiful bouquets of roses and jasmine, and the most beautiful words of welcome we offer you. We are pleased to have you with us.
– Here are the roses spreading their scent to be received with all love and affection and with the sweetest words of welcome. We welcome you and hope to see the scent of your perfume spread throughout our existence. Welcome to you and your generous introduction, and I hope with all my heart that you will be a shining moon with the light of your presence and radiance.
We came to give you roses and basil, with melodies to formulate the colors of poetry for you. Your presence made us happy and happy.
The birds flew to us, singing sweetly to us about your arrival. Everyone came to see who was coming to us with all respect, and we welcomed you with bouquets of roses.
Everything welcomes you, everything smiles with joy at your arrival, everything hopes for your participation, interaction, and wonderful creations.
Lyrics of songs about travel
Messages about travel: In this paragraph, we present to you the lyrics of songs about travel, which are as follows:
Singer Zikra:
And my life is with you
If I had a mind,
To retreat your heart
Before the day comes and you travel
And my life is with you
If I had a mind,
To retreat your heart
Before the day comes and you travel
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
Take me with you
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
Take me with you
Dana, it is never possible
I long for the day when you travel
And my life is with you
If I had a mind,
To retreat your heart
Before the day comes and you travel
And my life is with you and my life is with you
You know me well, my love
I am confused even if I am gone for hours
I need to see you and hear your voice
I’m not used to answers
You know me well, my love
I am confused even if I am gone for hours
I need to see you and hear your voice
I’m not used to answers
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
take me with you
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
take me with you
Dana, it is never possible
I long for the day when you travel
And my life is with you
If you had any thoughts
To retreat your heart
Before the day comes and you travel
And my life is with you and my life is with you
Oh, the sleepless nights of longing
I ask why my soul is away from you
You’ll say goodbye to me after a while
What would I do without you?
Oh, the sleepless nights of longing
I ask why my soul is away from you
You’ll say goodbye to me after a while
What would I do without you?
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
take me with you
Even if your distance is something that is appreciated
take me with you
Take me with you without thinking
take me with you
Dana, it is never possible
I long for the day when you travel
And my life is with you
If you had any thoughts
To retreat your heart
Before the day comes and you travel
And my life is with you and my life is with you
Singer Najat Al-Saghira:
When I travel, I will see you in the sky
Drawn on the clouds
On the sun
On the fog
On the page of a book
On the tears of winter
On tears and groans
And in the eyes of companions
On the moon
You travel with me and see me here and there
O traveler, my journey with you has been long
The travel was long
When I travel, I will see you in the evening
Drawn on the stars
At the end of the day
At the beginning of the day
A decree, O Me, for cuddling on holidays
On the laughter of children who have forgotten their worries
You travel with me and see me here and there
O traveler, my journey with you has been long and the journey has been long
Expressions about travel for WhatsApp
Messages about travel: There are many phrases that are considered the most beautiful expressions about travel for WhatsApp, and you can use them and send them to your traveling friend via WhatsApp to express to him the extent of your love and care for him and his presence with you.
– Will we separate after all that, for our hearts have come together in love for God? Will we separate after this matter? Who will share my happiness or console me in my sorrows and ease my pain in this treacherous time?
We will not say goodbye to you, but rather the memory and images of love will remain high in our memories, with the hope of meeting you again and the promise of endless prayers and endless love.
– Why do you leave me when I was the one who stayed up all night for your eyes and gave you his soul as a ransom for him?
Whoever wants to travel like a sheep knows very well that there is always a moment when it is necessary to part with the dearest loved ones.
– It was fate, it was fate that we meet, it was fate that we separate, and perhaps fates will continue and we will meet together later.
– Even if days separate us and our souls are far apart, in the chest there is a heart that beats with your love, lives with your remembrance, and recalls moments of torment, meetings with loved ones, sincere laughter, and souls soaring in the sky of creation.
– I see Al-Zein wants to travel. Perhaps his absence will last a month. Perhaps my Lord will protect him as he travels and leave me on fire, longing to see him.
O you who left me by force, it is difficult for me to say goodbye to you. Spare me the burning of tears. I only tell you, may God cover them with you.
– No matter how far apart we are, and no matter how long the separation between us, love remains between us, and affection and connection remain between us.
You were our hope that increases the moments of my life and removes sadness from my eyes, and you will later become the dream and wish that has been far away and separated from my world for millions of years.
– When the farewell came, I left my pen here to bid you farewell and to herald a new era in our lives.
Sad words about travel
Messages about travel: Travel is separation from relatives, loved ones, and friends, and it is distance from the country. Travel leaves an impact on the traveler’s heart that never goes away no matter how much time passes, but travel is beautiful when we travel with those we love for the purpose of excursion and entertainment, or learning about the culture of the country we are traveling to. , or for the purpose of education if you travel with your friend with whom you will learn, and these are a few sad words about travel:
– If one day they ask you about a person you loved, do not reveal a secret that was between you and do not ever try to distort the beautiful image of this person whom you loved. Make your heart a secret hideout for all his secrets and stories, for love is morals before it is feelings.
– They said, “Farewell.” I said, “Oh, it is difficult to say goodbye.” How can I say goodbye to someone with whom my heart is meek? Dear and dear, no matter how far apart we are.. If you are my forgetful person, do not forget the moment that brought us together.
– It is not the tragedy.. the departure of the one you love.. but the tragedy.. the departure of your heart.. with the one you love. Why do you leave me.. who stayed up all night for your eyes.. and gave you his soul, may I sacrifice it.. oh my life for your eyes.
– O soulmate, if your absence is long, do not think that you will disappear. If the absence is prolonged, you will find in your heart the abode of your preciousness in my life, which will not be left behind by absence or estrangement.
– You are gone, but you do not leave my imagination. You are the only one who is gone if you are gone.
– It is not the tragedy.. the departure of the one you love.. but the tragedy.. the departure of your heart.. with the one you love.
– And if the days separate you, do not remember the one you loved except with every sincere feeling, and do not talk about him except with everything that is wonderful and noble. He gave you a heart… and you gave him a life, and there is nothing more precious than the heart and age in a person’s life.
– They said, “Farewell.” I said, “Oh, it is difficult to say goodbye.” How can I say goodbye to someone with whom my heart is meek?
– Why do you leave me when I… who stayed up all night for your eyes… and gave you his soul, may I sacrifice it… my life for your eyes.