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My experience with vaginal fungi Eve’s World

Many women suffer from the problem of vaginal infections, or fungi in the vagina, which prompted us to research the experiences of women in Eve’s World to solve this suffering that faces married women in particular. Just keep reading for the next paragraph.
My experience with vaginal fungi Eve’s World – My experience with fungal treatment
– The first experience: Honestly, sisters, many of us are exposed to vaginal infections, and frankly, I have been suffering from this issue for more than a year. I turned to the doctor and there was no benefit. One time he took medication that was harmful to breastfeeding, and he was still breastfeeding, may God help us, and harmful medications. Once he took medication for more than a month and a half, and so it was to no avail. To some extent, God helped me with his grace, and my sister advised me to use white honey for a month, and in fact this is what happened. I put honey every day before bed using the vaginal cream for about a month, and every time I put honey on it, very difficult secretions come out, and sometimes very much water throughout the day, and so on until it decreases a little. After a while, the vagina began to reject the honey and came out as it was more than once. Praise be to God, the second infection has not occurred yet. May God protect us. But I asked more than one of my friend’s doctors, and she said that it is the best treatment with honey. It works like a natural uterine curettage process and cleans the uterus completely.
– The second experience: I have had a year between each period and I get severe itching and redness in the vagina on some days, with little liquids like milk without any smell, and I visited several doctors to no avail, and four days ago I had a vaginal secretion culture done and I had the Candida albicans fungus, which means Candida albicans, in large quantities, and she gave it to me. Dr. Afosin is an antibiotic cream placed inside the vagina with a tube and Gyno Dectarine suppositories. I will start the treatment after my period ends, God willing.
– The third experience: I spent a while in the Eve’s World forum looking for something that treats vaginal infections because I had a history with her that happened two years ago.. and more than once I treat it, it decreases, but as soon as I leave the treatment or my period comes, it makes me tired again, and I swear a lot, I stopped reviewing medications and creams, and I searched on the internet. After suffering, I decided to seek natural and magical treatment. I wish I had known it a long time ago, and had not known what it was with the medications. Yogurt with garlic, don’t come alone and say yes and I don’t like it. Of course we all don’t like its smell, but it has a strong effect on infections because it is considered an antibiotic and kills fungi as soon as it meets them. Yogurt increases the beneficial bacteria, which in turn fights harmful bacteria. It was my method every day after dinner, I cut a clove and a half of garlic into small pieces. Then I swallow them without chewing >> Be careful not to mash it because it will be hot on the stomach. Then I wash it with water and eat a box of Almarai yogurt. Thank God, now for 4 days after using it, I have not felt the symptoms of inflammation. The severe itching has disappeared and the secretions have decreased. God willing, I will continue to use it for a week as a precaution to ensure that it does not come back.

My experience with fungal treatment

Fungal infections may recur, and until now there is no medicine that guarantees a 100% cure, but when fungal infections recur, it becomes very necessary to do a sample of secretions, in order to determine the type of fungus causing; Because there are types of fungi, and there are some types that do not respond to the usual treatments for fungi, here are experiences with treating fungi.
My experience with fungal treatment
– The first experience: “I noticed that my vagina was secreting a thick, white secretion that had an unnatural smell. After a short while, I felt severe itching that made me unable to move. When I went to the doctor, I learned that I was infected with vaginal fungi, and he advised me to use antiseptic materials and shower with warm water. “I contracted vaginal fungi because I went through a period in which I felt intense pressure at work, so my doctor advised me to stay away from work for a while, drink large amounts of water and vegetables, wear cotton clothes, and rest at home.”
– The second experience: Girls, stop telling me that it is an instant treatment for vaginitis, itching, and tickling that comes occasionally to us alone, and the causes of which may be unknown. Just stop praying for me that God will make me steadfast on His straight path and forbid my body from burning. The treatment is to take yogurt and two cloves of garlic, cut into small pieces at once, and eat them with your mouthful, which are pieces of garlic, and do not chew them so that you do not eat your liver and spread to us. This is important, and fill the yogurt normally. Then you wash from below, dry carefully, and take it with your finger. Natural honey, and you insert them into the vagina and walk on the area externally, and wear a cotton robe and clean underwear, and see how it completely eliminates the itching and stops the secretions.

My experience in getting rid of vaginal discharge

White discharge is related to fungal infections, and green or yellow discharge with a foul odor indicates the presence of bacterial infections, and the occurrence and recurrence of vaginitis, perhaps due to infection from the husband, or due to bathing while sitting in antiseptics, foams, or shampoo, and perhaps also due to friction from clothing. Tight underwear made of nylon and synthetic fibers. Here are some experiments to get rid of secretions.
My experience in getting rid of vaginal discharge
– The first experience: I was relieved of the strange smell (may God bless you)! Although I maintain my personal hygiene and eat during menstruation and other days, I have rid myself of dirt and tan. Firstly, drinks: To clean the vagina from vaginal secretions and waste (emptiness or air). To tighten and tighten: Of course, I am not married, but this is very useful for married women: A very small spoon (swabbed) Ground white pepper (ready). (A cup of red tea. A very small spoon (swabbed)) ground cinnamon (ready-made), or instead of cinnamon if you prefer, ground or fresh ginger, crushed and cut (a small piece will do the trick) {Daily at sunset (after the Maghrib prayer) leave it with you as a habit. Secondly, pay attention to cleanliness: Chile The area and keep it hair-free. Use area washes on a daily basis before going to sleep (no one told me too much. A dermatologist herself told me that daily is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is beneficial. Continuing on it prevents infections) until the days of your period after the best type of women’s lotion is Spiamed.
The second experience: One of the girls says, “I did not notice that I was suffering from abnormal vaginal discharge until the symptoms began to get worse and I began to feel pain in the pelvic area and a burning sensation during urination. So I consulted my doctor and she advised me to use Cyteal medical lotion and wear cotton underwear. She also emphasized the difference between the discharge.” Natural secretions that have a functional role in the body and secretions that indicate the presence of a medical defect.”
– The third experience: My dear sisters, I convey, but my experience in getting rid of vaginal discharge after suffering for a long time, I thought it would never end, but with God’s grace and help, my condition now is much better than before. In the beginning, I thought that the discharge was normal, because many women complain about it, especially since it is not It causes me an itch or sometimes a slight itch… so I neglected myself… After I felt that it was too much, I went to the doctor. I was surprised. He said, “You have a severe infection.” She gave me treatment for two weeks. Only two weeks, and during the treatment period, I saw a wonderful result. In short, the treatment is three pills a day for two weeks. Dumozol. These pills are one pill daily before bedtime. Doxydar 100. It lasts for ten days and is an antibiotic in the form of capsules.
– Fourth experience: One of the women says, “To avoid unwanted vaginal secretions, I wear only cotton underwear and pay great attention to personal hygiene. I also drink a cup of ginger, which cleanses the body, and a decoction of chamomile regularly.”

Treating vaginal fungi

Vaginal thrush is a fungal infection that causes inflammation of the vagina. It affects women of all ages, but it rarely occurs before puberty. It is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, but the infection can be acquired or transmitted to a sexual partner, so how is it treated?
Treating vaginal fungi
– Vaginal treatment with a set of short-term doses. Taking antifungal medications for three to seven days usually clears up the yeast infection. Antifungal medications — which are available in the form of creams, ointments, tablets and suppositories — include miconazole (Monistat 3) and terconazole. Some of these medications are available without a prescription, and others are available only with a prescription.
The diagnosis is made by examining the vagina by taking a sample of vaginal secretions from the vaginal orifice (for a girl or a married woman) for microscopic examination, after which it becomes clear that there is a cell in the vaginal wall surrounded by bacteria. Treatment is by giving a cream or gel placed in the vagina or antibiotics such as metronidazole or tetracycline via Orally or locally in the form of a suppository in the vagina in the event that oral treatment is ineffective, because the antibiotic may sometimes not be completely absorbed through the stomach; Consequently, its ability to heal is reduced. To protect the vagina from fungi and infections, all internal reproductive organs must be taken care of and the necessary exercises performed for their safety, achieving marital happiness and procreation, and avoiding diseases. Caring for these organs and their cleanliness also achieves the desired sexual intercourse.
– A medication taken orally once. Your doctor may prescribe a single oral dose of fluconazole (Diflucan). Oral medications are not recommended if you are pregnant. To control more severe symptoms, you may take two single doses three days apart.
Examples of pharmaceutical options that are sold without the need for a prescription as a way to treat vaginal fungi are: miconazole, tetraconazole, and clotrimazole. These medications are used topically and are applied to the vaginal area, either in the form of creams, ointments, or vaginal suppositories. These treatment options fail to control vaginal fungi, or if it is not possible to resort to treatments sold without a prescription due to the failure of one of the above-mentioned conditions, then one should resort to medications prescribed by the doctor.

My experience with lavender for inflammation

Researchers have found that lavender, specifically its oil, may be effective in fighting fungal infections. The reason for this may be its ability to penetrate the membranes of fungal cells. Learn in this paragraph about lavender’s experiences in treating infections.
My experience with lavender for inflammation
– The first experience: The experimenter says that she used lavender herb for the sensitive area, which gave the area a refreshing scent and softness. The herb was also able to rid me of infections and secretions while continuing to use it, which made it distinct from the rest of the things I had used before.
– The second experience: I had some dark spots appear in the areas near the vagina after natural childbirth, as these brown spots appeared unsightly, so after searching for the right treatment, I did not prefer chemical treatments, given the sensitivity of the problem and the sensitivity of its location, so I researched. I looked for an alternative and natural option that did not cause any harm to me, and then I found the magic lavender lotion, which has many successful experiences, and many recommend its use. After I used it in the correct way intended for it, within a week these dark spots began to disappear gradually, with the elimination of The pain that accompanied me for a long time in this area after my last natural birth, and then I realized that this natural lotion is very important, and does not pose any danger, but on the contrary, it gives me a beautiful and distinctive scent.
– The third experiment: My use of lavender as a treatment was as follows: We grind an appropriate amount of dried lavender herb, which is ground manually and not with a grinder, and then we put the powder in a hot oven after lighting it a little and turning it off, and then we put the powder in the underwear for a period of not less than six months. Hours to eliminate fungi and microbes, and help expel air from the uterus, by using it three times a week.

Final treatment for candida

Candida is a type of fungus, and it is one of the most cunning and adaptable organisms. There are more than 200 species of it, and different strains of each species, and more than 20 species of them can cause infection in humans, and it is found in the superficial layers of the mucous membranes in the lining of the mouth, esophagus, intestines, and duct. Genital, Candida treatments include the following:
Final treatment for candida
Garlic: It is known that garlic is the most effective antibiotic in nature, and it is one of the best alternatives when we want to prevent the reproduction of Candida.
– Coconut oil: Coconut oil contains substances with antifungal properties. Consuming it in small quantities directly fights Candida and stops its reproduction.
Citrus is the best citrus fruit that affects the environment that Candida needs to reproduce. Its alkaline properties reduce excess acidity in the digestive system and prevent the growth of many types of bacteria.
Strawberries and red fruits are effective fruits in fighting this problem, as they contain a high percentage of vitamin C and contribute to strengthening the immune system.
– Apple cider vinegar Organic apple cider vinegar, meaning that it is vinegar that has not undergone a refining process, contains acidic compounds that directly fight fungi and change the composition of the environment they need to grow.
Ginger: Ginger contains substances such as gingerol and shogal, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and yeasts that support the treatment of fungi. Although it is not the first antifungal on this list, ginger is a wonderful option for eliminating waste and cleaning the body.

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