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Easy riddles with difficult answers

Easy riddles with difficult answers. Riddles are one of the means that help stimulate the mind and improve the ability to think and analyze to reach the desired result. In addition, they are a way to play and have fun. We will review for you some easy riddles with difficult answers.
Easy riddles with difficult answers
What is the thing that the more it decreases, the more it increases, and what is the thing that the more it decreases?
The well| the age
What is the thing that can walk without legs and cry without eyes?
The clouds
What is something that moves among us that none of us can see?
What time does the rooster give the call to prayer?
The rooster does not give the call to prayer
So strong that the stick of the knife leaves no marks on it, and so weak that the breeze moves it?
What is something that exists in a minute twice and in a century once but does not exist in an hour?
The letter Qaf
What is something that its maker sells, but its user does not see, and the person who bought it does not use it?
The shroud
Something that can hold a pound but cannot hold a nail?
the sea
What is something that does not read but writes?
the pen
What is something we own, but others use it more than us?
Our name
What door is impossible to open?
the door is open
What is the cage in which we cannot confine any animal?
Rib cage
What is a half moon twin?
The second half
What is the thing whose end is mine and whose beginning is an eye?
They love it very much and do everything they can to get it, and then they hit it with their feet. What is it?
Who is the person who does not eat or drink during the day?
The fasting person
His teeth and bite
What is the thing that speaks without a tongue and hears without ears?
It is the phone
A red city, its walls are yellow, its keys are made of iron, and its inhabitants are black
What is the thing that follows a dog wherever it goes?
His tail

10 easy and stupid riddles

Everyone loves to search for stupid riddles with the aim of thinking of the solution, racing with others, and laughing. Everyone wants to solve the stupid riddles that he encounters by chance in order to make him laugh, so our website offers you 10 easy and stupid riddles.
10 easy and stupid riddles
Puzzle 1
A family has six daughters, and each daughter has one brother. So how many members does the family have?
Seven individuals.
Puzzle 2
There is something in the middle of Mecca. What is it?
It is the letter K, so what is meant here is the one in the middle of the word Mecca, not the one in the center of the city of Mecca.
Puzzle 3
Then a question is asked for the purpose of joking, but some people are confused by it and may fail to solve this puzzle, which is that there is a house that does not contain doors or windows, so what is it?
House of poetry.
Puzzle 4
Then another riddle comes to say that a person in the family does not represent the mother, father, sister, or brother, so who is he? Many people may be confused about solving this riddle?
To explain the solution to the puzzle, which is you.
Puzzle 5
Another riddle is presented to say: A family member may be your uncle’s sister, but she was not your aunt, so who is she?
She is my mother.
Puzzle 6
Something that exists three times at night and appears once during the day?
It is difficult for many people to solve this puzzle, but the quick and easy solution is that the object is the letter L.
Puzzle 7
Eight letters that form a word that combines all the letters?
It is clear from the puzzle that it is complex and difficult, but when you focus, you find that the correct answer is an alphabetical word, as it consists of eight letters, but it means all the letters.
Puzzle 8
What are the top confusion ?
Someone tells you to sit in a corner in a round room.
Puzzle 9
What are the top intelligence ?
You find a corner in the round room.
Puzzle 10
What are the top of the pain ?
Skating on razor blades and broken glass.

The gases are easy to solve

A new, distinctive group of easy-to-solve riddles to increase your mental ability to think, increase your mental ability, raise intelligence, and also for entertainment with friends, cultural and entertainment competitions, with riddles with solutions. You can find all of this on our website, Read.
Easy solved puzzles 1
Something you eat but can’t eat?
C/ It is the dish or plate.
There is something that the more expensive it is for us and the less it becomes cheaper, what is it?
C/ is the mind.
Something that exists in all things?
C/ Name.
Who killed a sixth of the world’s population?
A/ He was Cain when he killed his brother Abel, and the population of the earth at that time was six people.
It walks without a sound and only enters the ear, so what is it?
C/ is the sound.
He sees his enemy and his friend with only one eye, so what is he?
C/ He is one-eyed.
Something is red in the house, green on the ground, and black in the market, so what is it?
C: It is tea.
Something you hear and see but he does not hear you or see you, so what is it?
C/ It is television.
Something that can hold a pound but cannot hold a nail, so what is it?
C/ It is the sea.
What is the end of space and time and the beginning of day?
C/ is the letter Nūn.
Something that can walk without legs and cry without eyes?
C/ It is the clouds.
It is so strong that a knife cannot affect it, and so weak that air can move it, so what is it?
C: It is water.
Something that is sold by the person who manufactured it, but the buyer does not see it used, nor does the buyer use it?
C/ It is the shroud.
The last thing is mine and the beginning is mine, so what is it?
C/ He is Ali.
Easy solved puzzles 2
A cage in which we cannot trap a bird, so what is it?
C: It is the rib cage.
If we delete the first month, it will escape?
C/ It is the month of Safar.
What is located in the center of Paris?
C/ is the letter Ra.
What is a house that has no windows or doors?
C/ It is a verse of poetry.
Something beats but has no heart?
C/ It is the hour.
Who is the person who died but was not born?
C/ He is our master Adam, peace be upon him.
Something that has four legs and can’t walk?
C: It is the chair.
Where is the sea without water located?
C/ It is located on the map.
Something that freezes if you boil it, so what is it?
C: It is eggs.
An animal scratches its ear with its nose, so what is it?
C/ It is an elephant.
Something that the bigger we take from it, what is it?
C/ It is the hole.
You eat and are not satisfied, so what is it?
C: It is fire.
Something that can write but cannot read?
C/ the pen.
It has teeth but does not bite, so what is it?
C/ It is the comb.

Puzzles with difficult solutions

Difficult puzzles with solutions, riddles or riddles are a means that helps stimulate the mind and improve the ability to think and analyze to reach the desired result, in addition to being a way to play and entertain, and we will review for you some difficult puzzles with solutions.
Difficult puzzles with solution 1
What is the longest verse in the Qur’an? The longest verse in the Holy Qur’an is verse No. 282 of Surat Al-Baqarah, and this verse is known as the “Debt” verse. What is the thing that you do not like to wear, and if you wear it you do not see it?
The shroud.
what’s the thing that’s found in everything?
What is it that you see three times at night and once during the day?
The letter L.
He walks without legs and does not enter except with permission. What is it?
the sound
Who sees his enemy and his friend with one eye?
one Eyed
Who is the human who killed one-sixth of the Earth’s population?
What is it that whenever increased decreases?
Hole and age
What is green on the ground, black in the market, and red at home?
Puzzles with difficult solutions 2
If a number is multiplied by the next number, the product is equal to the product of their addition + 19?
Five and six.
A word that consists of 8 letters but combines all the letters?
What is something you see three times at night and once during the day?
The letter L.
Where is the sea located where there is no water?
on the map.

Easy riddles with difficult answers

Easy riddles with difficult answers. Riddles are one of the means that help stimulate the mind and improve the ability to think and analyze to reach the desired result. In addition, they are a way to play and have fun. We will review for you some easy riddles with difficult answers.
Easy riddles with difficult answers
What is the thing that the more it decreases, the more it increases, and what is the thing that the more it decreases?
The well| the age
What is the thing that can walk without legs and cry without eyes?
The clouds
What is something that moves among us that none of us can see?
What time does the rooster give the call to prayer?
The rooster does not give the call to prayer
So strong that the stick of the knife leaves no marks on it, and so weak that the breeze moves it?
What is something that exists in a minute twice and in a century once but does not exist in an hour?
The letter Qaf
What is something that its maker sells, but its user does not see, and the person who bought it does not use it?
The shroud
Something that can hold a pound but cannot hold a nail?
the sea
What is something that does not read but writes?
the pen
What is something we own, but others use it more than us?
Our name
What door is impossible to open?
the door is open
What is the cage in which we cannot confine any animal?
Rib cage
What is a half moon twin?
The second half
What is the thing whose end is mine and whose beginning is an eye?
They love it very much and do everything they can to get it, and then they hit it with their feet. What is it?
Who is the person who does not eat or drink during the day?
The fasting person
His teeth and bite
What is the thing that speaks without a tongue and hears without ears?
It is the phone
A red city, its walls are yellow, its keys are made of iron, and its inhabitants are black
What is the thing that follows a dog wherever it goes?
His tail

Funny riddles with solutions

We are pleased to present to all our esteemed followers in this article funny riddles with solutions. We have collected in this topic a large group of funny and entertaining riddles with solutions. Who among us has not given in to the passion for these fun entertaining riddles, and through this paragraph we have presented some funny riddles with solutions, so even We will not be long for you, we will leave you with these fun puzzles that we hope you will really like, so let us continue together.
Funny riddles with solutions
Puzzle/What is located in the center of Paris?
Solution/letter Ra.
Riddle: Something that has teeth but cannot bite?
Solution/ is the comb.
Riddle/Who is the person who killed one-sixth of the world’s population?
Solution: Cain killed his brother Abel, and the population of the Earth at that time was 6 people.
Riddle/something: the more there is the less, what is it?
Riddle/Who is the person to whom the Emperor bows his head?
Solution: He is the barber.
Riddle/Is it something we can never eat at night?
Solution: Breakfast or lunch.
Riddle/Something we eat but are unable to eat?
Solution/is the plate.
Puzzle/If something is boiled, it freezes?
The solution is eggs.
Riddle: Something that eats and is not satisfied, what is it?
Riddle/something that has no beginning and no end, so what is it?
Riddle: If you touch him, he screams, who is he?
Riddle: He always tells the truth, but if he is hungry, he lies. Who is he?
Riddle/A bank that does not deal in blood, so who is it?
Solution/blood bank.
Riddle: He exists in heaven, but if we add a letter to him, he becomes present on earth. Who is he?
Solution/star, if we add (m) to it, it becomes a mine.
Puzzle/ A man and a woman. Neither a man is a son of Adam nor a girl is a daughter of Eve. So who are they?
Solution: They are Adam and Eve.
Riddle: He walks around your room without moving. Who is he?
Riddle: Made of iron and his rule satisfies everyone, so who is he?
Riddle: He died but was not born, so who is he?
Solution: Adam, peace be upon him.
Riddle: It is an animal that cannot give birth or lay eggs. So who is it?
Solution: He mentioned the animal.
Riddle/With the movement of one of your fingers, he speaks to you in all tongues, so who is he?
Solution/ is the radio.
Riddle/A person sees his friend and enemy with one eye, so who is he?
Solution: He is the one-eyed person.
Riddle: Why will strawberries enter heaven?
Solution/because it is full of good deeds.
Riddle: Why do tomatoes catch fire?
Solution: Because you dance in the blender.
Puzzle/What does the wall say to the wall?
Solution: We will meet at the corner.
Puzzle: What is the similarity between strawberries and apples?
Solution: Both are not bananas!
Puzzle/An ​​elephant is walking with an ant. Suddenly the elephant came down and hid. Why?
Solution: Because he saw the ant’s brother.
Puzzle/When can we put water in the sieve?
Solution/when frozen.

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