Does touching a lover cause obsession with death?
Does touching a lover cause obsession with death?
The meaning of touch is magic, but touching does not cause fear of death and it has nothing to do with it completely, but we must know that the fear of death is a natural thing and we all go through that period, but we must overcome it and realize that it is something that is written for us and that death is not painful, but rather we will move on to the life of the isthmus and meet our loved ones. We must engage with charitable awareness groups that influence us positively and stay away from the negative people surrounding us because they certainly have an influence on us.
Does the symptom cause obsession with death?
Does the symptom cause obsession with death?
The fear of death is a natural thing that every human being feels, but this anxiety and fear must not exceed the limits and control your mind, your feelings, and your thinking. If it exceeds it, it is from the devil, as the devil whispers to a person with the idea of death that he will not be able to live his life normally. Until it leads a person to the path of isolation and depression.
The honorable questioner can deter Satan and keep him away from you by staying away from sins and sins, being careful to perform acts of worship and duties, committing to recite the morning and evening remembrances, reciting the verses of tranquility, and sincerely praying to God – Glory be to Him – to ward off Satan’s plots and deception from you. God Almighty said: (Indeed, Satan’s plot was weak.” (An-Nisa’: 76)
The true believer is not afraid of death, but rather knows that it is a transition from this life to reach the afterlife, where there is eternal and immortal life. If this condition continues, there is no harm in consulting a psychologist, in addition to reading the legal ruqyah to help you return to the way you were.
I am obsessed with death
I am obsessed with death
A woman who recovered from an obsession with death says that it was such a real nightmare that haunted her life that she wanted real death in order to get rid of the fear of death or terrible accidents. Advertisements Thanks to the psychotherapy sessions that explained to her that there is no need to fear death as long as one lives in obedience to God Almighty, death for the believer will be exactly like a dream, except that it is only sleep and the transition of the soul and its separation from the body, which is the end of the psychological and physical pain for the patient.
The doctor advised the patient to go out and practice many life activities, such as exercise and work. She also encouraged new people to enter her life, in addition to psychological rehabilitation sessions. Her condition gradually improved. By focusing on doing different tasks and focusing on some goals that she wants to achieve in her life, the patient began to live differently, which distracted her from focusing on obsessions and obsession with death, and she began to live with new hope.
The patient says that she has become regular at night prayers, and that she has organized her life between work and getting closer to God, in addition to that she has gained new friendships and has begun to occupy her time with a lot of work. The doctor even says that she has recovered from the obsession with death by up to 90%. Also from the stories of those recovering from the obsession with death, where one of the men said that he suffered from the obsession with death, and he was unable to go anywhere where death was mentioned, and because of his intense fear of being exposed to death, he was also afraid to live a normal life, as he said that he was suffering from This disease for a long time.
He adopted various treatment methods, through the use of traditional methods and herbs, without any results. Then he decided to visit a doctor and began the actual treatment journey from there. The doctor helped him a lot to completely recover from death-obsessive disorder, as doctors rely on hadith in religion, except for clarifying that it is not As long as people live in the mercy of God, they will not fear death excessively, as death is an inevitable fact. Q
The patient said that he initially took a group of medications to help him overcome this ordeal and alleviate the symptoms of sleep disturbance or excessive anxiety and depression. During treatment, the doctor advised him to return to normal life and exercise, which is a good thing, as it helped him a lot, as the doctor confirmed that I was cured of the obsession with death by a percentage. A significant increase of more than 90%, which radically changed my life, as I became more active and energetic than before and more attached to worship, prayer, and other matters.
My experience with obsession with death and dreams
Here is my experience with the obsession with death and dreams through the following paragraph, as the obsession with death is one of the types of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is represented by the pathological fear of being exposed to death suddenly and the disturbing imagination and dreams about death.
My experience with obsession with death and dreams
– I have been afflicted with obsessive disorder for 29 years. All types of obsessiveness, including the obsession with death. All the stories that can come to mind about obsessiveness in its various forms have afflicted me, from dreams to speech, feeling, fear of going out, etc. I used to imagine that the word death follows me wherever I find myself and in anything I even do. On my bed, I find her and smell her scent and much more. If I go out, I say I will not come back. If I get sick, I say this is the illness of my death. If I am happy, I say this is my last joy. I used to interpret everything around me as saying that death is inevitably coming.
– I know that it is the real thing in our lives, but there is a big difference between surrendering to death and waiting for it. It is very, very exhausting and I may die over and over again from this feeling. Even people’s looks at me I interpret as meaning that they are planning my death. This feeling continued to haunt me until I sometimes began to feel the signs of death and the throes of death. I live this. I really feel that in the end I find that I am still alive, and despite that I was trying to resist and get out and try to live my life normally.
– Despite the feeling of fear and distress, I was certain that I definitely had a medical problem, but I used to say that I did not and would not give in to it. I was oscillating between recovery and illness. My problem was with various recurring dreams, all of which were about death and the dead, or that is how I interpret them. Unfortunately for me, I have a talent in interpreting dreams even My friends tell me their dreams and I interpret them, and some of them happen. The important thing is that all my dreams were related to death, and the dead haunt me and tell me that you will die, and they set times for my death. What is worse than that is obsession.
– He used to set a specific time for me to die, which was that I would die within two or a month, and time would happen and pass and nothing would happen, and the suffering would begin again, which is that I had made a mistake in calculating the specified period, and so on, an endless series of suffering, tension, anxiety, and fear, which made me calm down somewhat and shift my thinking and ease it. Is that I dreamed and was overcome by the idea that one of our relatives would die after 3 days! I am very tired and mentally tired. I have not been in contact with her for a while, which has increased my stress. Why does she come to my mind today and the matter remains stuck in my head?
– I even asked my brothers not to tell me if she died, and I intended to get rid of my life if that happened, but the surprise was that this relative of mine had died nearly 6 months ago. Only then did I realize that all this tension and obsessiveness had a place for interpretation and that it was wrong. Only then did I decide to go. For psychological treatment, I suffer from a real problem, and the first step in treatment was to spend the free time that makes all these obsessions control me.
– Indeed, I occupied myself with work, and invested in a small business that distracted me throughout the day, and I got rid of part of my anxiety, fears, and tension, in addition to some medications that the doctor prescribed for me in doses that he later began to reduce. After about 6 months, I felt that I had recovered from a big lie that I lived with such bitterness that it made me lose my taste. Life and I have completely become not afraid of death, and I leave, thank God, reassured that death can come to me in my home and not necessarily through an accident or otherwise.
Your experiences with the obsession with death, Eve’s World
There come periods when a person feels extreme anxiety and fear, and begins to think abnormally and without stopping, as the obsession with illness and death begins to haunt him whether in life or during sleep through dreams, so we will convey some of your experiences with the obsession with death, Eve’s World:
Your experiences with the obsession with death, Eve’s World
– The first experience: One of the girls talks about her experience with the obsession with death and how it took control of her, until it came to her in her dreams in the form of nightmares and terrifying ghosts that she does not remember anything about when she wakes up. The girl says that my brother died suddenly at the age of 27, which caused me and my family extreme panic and shock. Sadness filled our house and depression became the color of our lives. One day, I returned from university and sat waiting for the Maghrib prayer, but I was surprised by chills running through my body, fear and anxiety taking over my mind and thoughts, a feeling of wanting to vomit, and coldness in my fingertips. Then I felt that death had come and there was no escape from it. But after I returned from the doctor, my breathing began to relax a little, especially after performing prayers. Although I was unable to sleep that night, I was able to sleep before sunrise. In the morning, I began to research what happened to me, and it turned out to be an obsessive attack that affects some individuals as a result of exposure to an accident. As I became closer to God, prayed regularly and on time, and made sure to ask for forgiveness at all times, I felt much better, thank God.
– The second experience: I suddenly had a terrible fear of death for a period of time, to the point that any car or truck we passed by, I would say we would definitely crash and go under it, but thank God, I resorted to legal ruqyah and began giving myself messages that death is coming, the fear will not push it away or bring it closer, and then Why are we afraid of death? Sometimes death is better than life, and if death comes, it comes in a moment, so that you become afraid of it. The soul is taken away in seconds. The most important thing we do after death. As for death, there is no fear of it in itself. The most important thing is for a person to recite a lot of remembrance and good deeds only, and God is Most Merciful. By the slave from his mother and father.
– The third experience: Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. We have all been through this situation, and for a week or two or more I cannot sleep. I am overcome by anxiety, insomnia, and fear of the obsession with death, and even any situation I am exposed to, I interpret it as saying that I am dying like my little son. He said, “I dreamed that you left and left me.” I said, “But this is death, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.” My Lord, grant me healing. Praise be to God. I have maintained my prayers at their appointed times, my remembrances, reading the Qur’an, supplications, Witr prayers, the regular Sunnahs, and the Duha prayer. Praise be to God, thanks to my Lord, I am relieved. Praise be to God. I advise you to adhere, pray, and draw closer to God Almighty. Rest and light for you in your chest. And the first thing that comes to you is the thought of others, and put you at ease. Glory be to me, seek forgiveness, perform ablution, and read the Qur’an. Try to read more than 20 pages, play the Holy Quran radio on your device, and stay away from sin, such as TV series, songs, or music. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
– Fourth experience: One of the women narrates her experience with obsession with illness, death, and dreams. She said that she was severely shocked when one of her relatives died suddenly. Which made her feel extremely afraid that she would die and that death was close to her, especially while she was going to sleep, to the point that she could not sleep for several hours until she fell asleep and fell asleep without her knowing it. She also became extremely afraid of the night period and hated being in the house at night alone, but she quickly overcame this matter by drawing closer to God Almighty, committing to prayer and reading the Holy Qur’an, performing the obligatory and voluntary prayers and continuous supplication, and the certainty that God Almighty will not take the soul of a slave. Until his due date comes.
– Fifth experience: The treatment is very easy, God willing, and many specialists and scholars recommend it and it has effective results. The solution is to ignore and then ignore any idea that comes to your mind about death or fear, because you are essentially a believer, praise be to God, and your thinking does not advance or delay, so get lost and ignore the thought and move on to a new, happy idea or At the very least, review in your thinking the way to prepare a meal, the multiplication table, or solve arithmetic problems. The most important thing is to stay away from the negative thought and never discuss it with yourself or your thinking. It is an important thing that I advise you to have your vitamin D level checked in the hospital. There is a high possibility that you have a severe deficiency. Check your glands and hormones. Do not underestimate them because they cause confusion and depression. Forget about renewing your life and correcting your thoughts, and look for something useful that will occupy you, for example, a job or a sports schedule, skin and hair care, nutrition, and something important that relaxes your psyche, remembrance, seeking forgiveness, recitation of the Qur’an, and legal ruqyah, especially at the end of the night, if you pray one rak’ah, then sit down and pray for yourself and ask for forgiveness.