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My experience with learning to drive a car

Learning to drive a car is not as difficult as it seems; Once you sit behind the wheel and put your foot on the gas pedal for the first time, it will become as easy as playing car racing in video games. Below, we will learn about experiences and some opinions on learning to drive a car.
My experience with learning to drive a car
– First experience: The first time I drove a car after I got my license, it was with my uncle’s car and I was about to commit a crime with it. Praise be to God, God will protect me. I was going to enter the neighbor’s garage and my uncle started yelling at me to press the brake and to stop me. Because of the shock, I forgot where the brake was and I was screaming at him to stop. He turns on the light for me to see her, and in my second experience, I was going to kill my intimate friend who was in front of me, and I wanted to go backwards, and instead of changing the situation to the back, I changed it to the front, and the car accelerated with me, and I would have trampled my friend over the hill in front of me, had it not been for God’s protection, so one of the young men was in the place, and he began to guide me. He kindly calmed my nerves, so God protected us. The third experience with my husband gave me the car to drive and sat next to me. I was going to fall from a high place as well, because it was night and the way was not clear to me. In short, a woman like me will not be of use in giving advice.
– The second experience: My advice from my personal experience: The first thing is to start with an automatic car > I expect the ordinary is starting to disappear. Automatics are very easy and comfortable, as if you are playing an arcade game, R2 gas, and L2 brakes – Do not enter public or crowded streets at all times, start gradually. First, an empty place like plans, then in small neighborhoods, and then public streets – always, always, keep your eyes on the front, on the line you are walking on, do not look back or to the right – the matter is very simple and easy and only requires control, I guarantee you. The moment you master driving, you will ask yourself: How were you afraid?
– The third experience: For me, I obtained a driving license 10 years ago. I failed four times to obtain it and succeeded on the fifth, which is considered a miserable failure. Haha, the exam in my country is divided into 3 parts: driving in the city center, driving outside the city, and finally The maneuvering stage (parking the car, driving backwards in a straight line) and before starting to learn, you must pass a theoretical test in traffic, ambulance and safety laws. It should be noted that driving is limited to cars with a manual transmission (automatic is prohibited).

My experience with driving school

My experience with driving school
The first experience says: I went to a driving school office and booked the course. In the first session, I was excited and reassured, and the trainer was happy with me and thought I received the teaching well. Although her words encouraged me, fear began to creep into my heart in the following classes, but I ignored my feelings. I was trying to live up to her expectations that she had built about me from the first class, and to implement everything she asked of me, regardless of my fear and my level of readiness to implement it. Of course, this affected my driving. She felt frustrated, and I began to see that I was a slow learner, and that I needed to put pressure on myself to be faster. These feelings of tension, fear, frustration, and self-doubt caused me to commit many mistakes, which resulted in me colliding with a car, but praise be to God who was able and kind. This experience of mine in learning to drive made me more accepting and sympathetic to my daughter as she said she did not want to go to nursery and then return from it. happy. I felt it because even though I returned from driving lessons feeling strong, I put a lot of psychological and nervous effort into it. I also learned how to be more respectful of her fear and better able to deal with it. Some fears are not as clear to those who have them as irrational, as it is clear to others. I experienced that, and what helped me overcome those fears was talking to me logically and calmly, without belittling them or blaming me for them. Those ten days were a step towards learning to drive a car, and to drive myself as well.
The second experience says: My experience with the traffic school. With the implementation of the women’s driving decision, I began searching for driving schools spread within Saudi Arabia. During my research, I found 5 schools launched by the Saudi Traffic Authority in 5 diverse cities: Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Medina, and Tabuk. The five schools work to train women to drive cars according to the international method that provides them with complete safety. In addition to helping her obtain a license after completing the driving training program. The Tariqa website monitored many opinions regarding the experiences of some women with traffic school, the most prominent of which was: “The “simulator” car was used for training at first to break the barrier of fear, and then training was conducted on real cars provided by the schools.” “The female instructors are very patient with the applicants and are very determined to teach you how to drive correctly.” “The number of hours of training is very large and I do not need it, except that I had to complete it to obtain the license.”

The world of Eve driving a car

The world of Eve driving a car
– First experience: The driving test has two theoretical sections (either paper or computer). Whoever passes it gets a permit and is allowed to drive with a companion only. My practical test is driving, and whoever passes it gets a license. I went to the driving center in the city and paid money and waited for my turn in the theoretical test on the computer. I entered and found a group of computers. I took one, put the headphones on, and started testing each question with a picture explaining what it meant, and the computer reads the question to you in voice. There were 25 questions, of which I answered only 20. Suddenly, the screen stopped and wrote to me: Congratulations, you passed the test. They gave me a permit, not a license. Praise be to God, I passed the first attempt in theory and the second step, which was practical training. It is the most difficult. I went out with my husband training me, but unfortunately the men do not understand how we are bad at driving. We need someone to teach us. Of course, I froze in place and started sweating, and my hand was slipping from the steering wheel. I could not hold it, and he was afraid that I would be shocked and he would quarrel with me and go around with me. I ate mockery and quarrels. After only three weeks, I mastered all 15 skills and left. With my husband, he saw my driver and was very impressed. He did not expect the huge development. Then I went to the driving center to test the practicality. I went to them alone, and they did not even say why do you drive without an escort! I entered and it was my turn to go with the military and she asked me questions before I started the car and then we got in together and the test was real in the crowded streets and she was telling me to do this and stand here and come back and park the car and so I applied everything required and passed the first time.
– The second experience: My first experience when I was fifteen years old, just as an experiment. After the age of 20, I decided to take the matter more seriously. I trained with my brother, then my husband, and then a driving instructor. Every time I got into the car, part of the fear disappeared, and I remember the first time I drove the car alone, my nine-month-old daughter was sitting in the back, but circumstances forced me to drive alone to a place that was not far away, but it was very dark, and I started repeating this prayer: “O Ever-Living, O Ever-Living, by Your mercy I seek help, rectify all my affairs for me and do not leave me alone.” To myself for the blink of an eye.” I continued repeating it until I reached my destination. A calmness overtook me, I do not know where it came from, and the fear disappeared little by little, until, thanks to God, I was able to go out on the highways alone. Whenever something is difficult for you, seek help from God for it, for He is the facilitator of every difficult thing.

How do I focus on driving a car?

How do I focus on driving a car?
The steps that must be followed to concentrate while driving a car are as follows:
– When you practice driving, the focus is not on driving itself, but on the feeling of your car. This includes lateral stability, speed, stopping distances, etc. When you learn how to feel a car, you will be able to drive anything.
– Do not talk too much with your companions while driving. Avoid talking too much with those accompanying you in the car. Talking is a distraction. If the people with you expect you to chat with them, there is nothing wrong with telling them politely that they can talk to each other but you will not be able to participate. Talk to them because you want to concentrate on driving, no offense to that, especially during heavy traffic and rush hours.
Staring at the road for long periods of time makes you forget to blink, which can cause dryness to the eyes, so keep eye drops on hand in the car, and if you wear contact lenses, always carry an extra pair in the car, as a backup if you need to make a change. fast.
– Anticipating all possibilities while driving. A skilled driver is one who prepares for all possibilities while driving. For example, a skilled and attentive driver notices the car in front of him and calculates that the driver will stop suddenly without warning. This requires the driver to maintain a sufficient distance to stop before colliding with the car in front of him. In front of him.
– Practice positivity. Studies have shown that people who approach life with a “glass half full” mentality often get tired less quickly than those who do not look on the bright side, so keep a paper or audio book that includes motivational or inspirational quotes in the car.
– Do not eat or drink while driving. Also avoid eating or drinking while driving. Many driving accidents occur due to eating or drinking in the car. First, eating or drinking requires you to use one hand to control the steering wheel, which is never sufficient to gain control. Ideally while driving, secondly drinking requires you to tilt your head back, making you lose the correct view of the road
– Make sure to sleep enough at night for a period of between 7 to 8 hours, as sleep gives the body and mind the ability to think and focus properly, helps you relax in difficult times, and also contributes to preventing feeling tired during the day.
– Play songs whose lyrics you realize will help you focus on your current task. When you hear those songs and sing along to them, you will reach your destination safely.

How did you learn to drive a car?

How did you learn to drive a car?
The experience of driving a car for the first time can be exciting and scary, and although most people have already studied the rules of the road and correct driving techniques before they actually drive a car, there are still some things to consider when sitting behind the wheel for the first time, including: :
– Find a place to train. An abandoned airport due to its straight road, or a place with wide spaces, or deserted town roads as well, or old parking lots, these are very good places for training. Empty spaces allow you to train to the fullest.
– Starting in the places designated for driving. It is important to start learning in the designated places, because they are free of people and cars, and the roads are often flat.
– Sitting with an experienced person. It is necessary to accompany someone experienced in driving when learning it, so that he can guide and give advice. Start slowly and gently: Do not drive fast from the beginning, so you must take your time and drive slowly.
There are two types of cars, the first is a manual car in which the driver is forced to change speeds according to the need on the road, while the second type is an automatic car in which the transmission is automatic, and driving the second type of car may be much easier in terms of controlling the car than the first type, which requires concentration. Larger, and in general, those who can drive a manual car can easily drive an automatic car, while the opposite may be difficult, but it is not impossible.
It is worth noting here that the automatic car has only two pedals, the right one for the accelerator, and the left one for the brakes, while the manual car has three pedals, the right one is for the accelerator, which increases and decreases speed, so the more you press it, the speed of the car increases, the middle one is for the brakes, and the left one is the clutch, which is used to shift gears from One speed to another. There is what is called a clutch pedal or handbrake. This clutch is two basic plates that connect the engine to the driving wheels. When this clutch is lowered, it separates the engine from the wheels.

Daring to drive a car

Daring to drive a car
A woman can control her fear of driving a car. Every woman has a different way of dealing with the fear of driving, and the ideal solution is for the woman to practice driving for long hours, under the supervision of a specialized trainer, before applying for a driver’s license. If a woman finds herself unable to control the car’s steering wheel; She can turn to a psychologist who will help her overcome her fear of driving.
Husbands stress the need to encourage their wives to drive a car, and not criticize or belittle them in this field. A woman who receives encouragement from a man feels doubly confident to prove herself. Facing fear is the best way. Facing fear is the best way to overcome it, and escaping from facing the truth leads, over time, to the deepening of fear. A woman must also overcome the shyness of driving a car because of society’s view. Above all, she must have a real desire to learn. Driving; Many women prefer to sit next to a man who drives the car, and she feels that she does not need to drive; As long as someone meets the need.
– Therefore, for everyone who suffers from a lack of courage and fear of driving, set a goal for yourself, which is to relax and calm down, and this is normal, and millions of women drive cars without a problem, and start repeating positive words about yourself that you are capable, and you learn, and you work, and you achieve, and you can repeat the word “I am capable and I can do anything.” Repeat it constantly and you will find it. Your situation has improved, and you should relax, calm down, and take things easily. You are strong, capable, and a bold woman. Think about your need to always drive, and that it is fun and entertaining.
There are also some men who are afraid to drive a car and have a “phobia of driving,” which has many different types. It is a negative thought that overwhelms a person’s mind and affects his nerves, causing him to fear something, such as fear of the sea, or high places, or Darkness, and it may be the result of a certain situation, or a specific story that affected the recipient and caused him an adverse reaction that remained with him for a period of time, indicating that the “phobia of driving” suffers from some men, and constitutes a great burden for them.
Among its causes is major psychological disturbance, as a result of multiple “physiological” problems, which may include seeing a terrifying accident, an ugly sight, or the occurrence of an accident for the person that left him with a fear of driving. The reason may be the person’s psychological makeup, indicating that some people have a fragile psychological structure. He does not have the courage and audacity to stand behind the wheel, especially in excessive traffic, in which driving is considered annoying.

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