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سر بياض العتيبيات

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The secret of the whiteness of Al Otaybiyat

Of course, not all people in Damascus are white because of the products, mixtures, and creams. There are many people who are white from God Almighty, but there is a secret that most women use to maintain their beauty, skin clarity, and glasses. I know many people who continue using this product, and God willing, they have skin like milk, clarity, and awesome glasses.
– The secret is now available to those who love guaranteed and fast whiteness, and most importantly, thank God, there is no harm, not even 1%.
– It is used for the face, the entire body, sensitive areas, knees, elbows, and neck
– It won’t bother you. I swear my sisters and I use it. It’s amazing. You can see a difference and glasses from the first use. Awesome.
– It is used for whitening quickly, noticeably and guaranteed
– Treats freckles, palms, and spots
– It gives natural glow to the skin. It contains natural vitamins and consists of jasmine flower powder, natural collagen, and gold powder.
The product is delivered to you in powder form and comes with a complete method of use
The method is very easy, and the most important thing is a natural product, not like those products that are packed in the markets, all of which are cortisone and chemicals
– The product causes more harm than benefit. If you try it and are sure of it, God will bear witness to what He has never revealed.
– If you want true whiteness and purity of the skin, and most importantly without any harm, may God bless you. A cream is available with the same ingredients as the powder. It can be used after using the powder, increasing the results and preserving the skin.
– Radiance, moisturizing, whitening, treatment, and permanent youth, God willing
The price of the powder is 200 riyals. The quantity can last for 6 months or more, and the price of the cream is 90 riyals. It can last for the face for approximately a month and a half if used daily. If the cream is ordered with the powder, the set becomes 275 riyals.

The secret of my friend’s whiteness, you won’t believe it

In this paragraph, here is an exciting experience that contains the secret of my friend’s whiteness. You will not believe it:
– The lady speaks and says: “My dear girls who are looking for beauty, I ransomed you, by God, and you deserve someone to give you advice. I will not go into the subject and the secret unless I tell you the previous story and the story in detail so that I can convince you. The story was when I was studying in secondary school, approximately 4 years ago, and I still remember it because of the wonder of the previous one. There was a girl in it. She studies with us, but I don’t know her at all. I see her from far and wide. She was almost isolated from the girls, but she was very distinctive in her appearance, and everyone was talking about her. The girl, God willing, has whiteness. May God not harm her – an unnatural whiteness. Even the color around her eyes became orange, so light, and her lips were very pink, as if they were strawberries, God willing. Because of the severity of her whiteness, the girl dyed her hair platinum blonde, whitish. The important thing is that the girl looks amazing, but I did not care about that level because I expected her to be born in this way. Within days, she became my colleague (it is me who leaves anyone alone) and I got closer to her until she became my best friend. I did not bring her a biography of the secret of her whiteness, because, as I said, A blessing from my Lord. One time, a very brunette woman passed by us. She said to me, “This is my lip. I was darker than hers.” Yes! No, no, I can’t believe where the woman is. I don’t look like I knew her!!! Is she the brunette in front of me? I swear I couldn’t believe it – something unnatural. Well, how have you changed so much? Excuse me for the question, but where are you and where are you? You are white and European. She laughed happily – she has the right – she said, “May God leave the mixtures for us, of course. Praise be to God. I am white, but I am a greedy son of Adam.” I took out the pen and paper and said, “Oh God, bring me, give me what you have.” She was so full of laughter, she gave me creams, and as soon as I went home to the market, these words were before I got married – and I bought all the creams – and I swear it’s like the Bengali who sells, saying, “Where is the girl?” He was in a war with the black man. I closed all his shops, and I said, “Let’s see what happens to me.” She took the creams and went home excitedly. Oh my God, mixing and mixing excitedly, the room smelled like creams, but it doesn’t matter, and I started using it. After a week, one of my married sisters came and greeted her. She said, “I’ll say, ‘One day after the other, you ovulate.'” Oh, God, what will you put on? She said, “Hey, where’s your face? What’s on it? What’s important?” She went to school, and when I was in class, the principal came in and asked me, surprised. “Okay, is there foundation this morning?” I say, remember God… Say, Mashallah, this is my natural color – a happy one. And mind you, honestly???? I don’t know you????? The girl looks at me proudly and says I saw your mixture and what did it do???????? The girl has been using it for four years and on her entire body, and by God, her elbows and knees are orange and of course white.”

The secret of whiteness belongs to me and my friend

In this paragraph you will find women’s experiences with the secret of white hands:
– The first experience: “The secret to the beauty of the hand is not the same, but the most important thing is softness and whiteness. Whiteness means that the color is not uniform. I see some girls’ hands are thin and long, but they are soft and their color is uniform, God willing. I am the one who whitens my hands with olive oil and a natural scrub, olive oil with a little sugar, and scrub your hands every day.” Mix the gelcolide with lemon and olive oil as a daily hand cream, apply it every once in a while.”
– The second experience: “I have weak and long hands, and my sister is like me, but my sister is rough and there is no secret, but my sister is the first to drink very little water. I drink a lot of water. You honor the bathroom. I go to it more than once, and ice and cream. I forgot the name of it, but I took it a long time ago in London, and it was amazing, and I took it with the least problem. My mother took it and forgot its name. It is a regular cream in the society. Its name is Jergens. It is white in color and has long green covers. The ice has become an addiction to my hands and cold water.”
– The third experience: “Believe me, they continue with the creams and lemon, and after massaging the hand, they sweeten it and leave it lubricated. I am now making the mixture of red glysolid with lemon and continuing, and now it has been two days, but I have not noticed anything significant, and I am frankly disgusted by the fact that their hands look like butter and the pores never show, and they tell you not to use anything, and there is no time. We do not go to the salon.”
– The fourth experiment: “Vaseline, on the contrary, tans the skin. The solution is revealed, and from experience, by God, mix glysolid and liquid glycerin and put as much as you can, and some starch, rose water, and almond oil, and before bed, apply them and see how your hands become.”

The secret of girls’ sudden whiteness, Eve’s World Forum

In this paragraph, we will mention the secret of girls’ sudden whiteness, Eve’s World Forum, about the experience of some women:
– The first experience: “Attention, then interest, then interest. I am white, but after a while I became interested and applied a mixture of creams from the pharmacy, and I became white and white. In the past, they used to say, ‘Why is your skin so tired?’ And now everyone asks, ‘What are you putting on your skin?’ I swear before I cared. And now I began to care and apply natural mixtures and creams, and they improve my skin to a certain degree.” 80% in two months.”
– The second experience: “Hey girls, I’ll tell you what I told you, my friend, when we were almost at university, we were 5 girls, and it was just me, God willing, may God bless them. The eggs among them were important. One of the girls was wheat and disappeared for the summer period, and the day I came back for the second semester, God willing, God bless you, they were even white.” Her veins are very clear because of the intensity of the color. I mean, my second friend and I went to her side and nothing happened, God willing, God bless. The important thing is that she told us that she was a queen, and the day she went to the studio, the hairdresser said to her, and she is Egyptian, “You will grow old and your color is like this.” She pointed at her and said, “My friend was amazed. The important thing is that she is Egyptian.” Half of Egypt’s girls use this mixture, and my friend brought us creams (I don’t remember them exactly, but they contain Kelly cream). I didn’t use them. I said, thank God, my color is nice, but the second time I used them, after a week, my face was burned, and the day she went for treatment, the doctor told her, “It turns out that your face is fine. It can fit.” Girls and girls, no, and this friend of mine says that I used to put it on at night, and when I got up in the morning, I would swim and put on sunscreen, and after two weeks, the results would be visible, and if I remember the creams, I told you that I only remember them as part of a lot of what I see in Abu Rialin.”

The secret of the whiteness of Al Otaybiyat

Of course, not all people in Damascus are white because of the products, mixtures, and creams. There are many people who are white from God Almighty, but there is a secret that most women use to maintain their beauty, skin clarity, and glasses. I know many people who continue using this product, and God willing, they have skin like milk, clarity, and awesome glasses.
– The secret is now available to those who love guaranteed and fast whiteness, and most importantly, thank God, there is no harm, not even 1%.
– It is used for the face, the entire body, sensitive areas, knees, elbows, and neck
– It won’t bother you. I swear my sisters and I use it. It’s amazing. You can see a difference and glasses from the first use. Awesome.
– It is used for whitening quickly, noticeably and guaranteed
– Treats freckles, palms, and spots
– It gives natural glow to the skin. It contains natural vitamins and consists of jasmine flower powder, natural collagen, and gold powder.
The product is delivered to you in powder form and comes with a complete method of use
The method is very easy, and the most important thing is a natural product, not like those products that are packed in the markets, all of which are cortisone and chemicals
– The product causes more harm than benefit. If you try it and are sure of it, God will bear witness to what He has never revealed.
– If you want true whiteness and purity of the skin, and most importantly without any harm, may God bless you. A cream is available with the same ingredients as the powder. It can be used after using the powder, increasing the results and preserving the skin.
– Radiance, moisturizing, whitening, treatment, and permanent youth, God willing
The price of the powder is 200 riyals. The quantity can last for 6 months or more, and the price of the cream is 90 riyals. It can last for the face for approximately a month and a half if used daily. If the cream is ordered with the powder, the set becomes 275 riyals.

The secret of stark whiteness

Syrian girls and women are known for their white skin color, and many researchers have identified this reason. This mixture helps a lot in lightening the color of the body and skin. It also helps unify skin tone and give it a distinctive soft texture. Here are the ingredients and method.
– Ingredients: green laurel soap. 2 cups of rose water. Half a cup of liquid glycerin. Half a packet of cocoa butter. Kerabel box.
– 2 boxes of Differin. 2 cups of Loreal milk. A box of vitamin C cream.
– How to use: – First, bring an empty bowl, then put rose water in it and put the soap to soak for a day. After that, bring the electric blender, then add rose water with soaked soap, glycerin, Kerabel, Differin, L’Oreal milk, and vitamin C, and chop the whole mixture well.
-Then put the cocoa butter in a water bath until it is completely heated and melted. Then put it on the mixture inside the blender, then start chopping again.
– After chopping all the ingredients and mixing them well together, store them in a glass jar. Then paint the mixture all over the body and leave the mixture on the body for five hours.
– After that, wash the entire body well with warm water, then put the rest of the mixture in the refrigerator for use.
You must use these steps step by step every day for a month and you will see the effective result.

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