A supplication after the rain
Rain is a gift and blessing from God to us, as there is a supplication after the rain falls that is desirable and answered. Rain falls in the winter and brings us happiness and comfort. There is nothing more wonderful than rain, and it is a form of water droplets that fall from the clouds in the sky. Below we mention in this paragraph of our article the most beautiful supplication after the rain.
A supplication after the rain falls 2
– Oh God, I ask You for its good, the good of what is in it, and the good of what you were sent with, and I seek refuge in You from its evil, the evil of what is in it, and the evil of what you were sent with.
– O God, around us and not against us, O God, on the hills, the valleys, and the treetops.
– Oh God, do not kill us with your anger, do not destroy us with your torment, and protect us before that.
– Glory be to Him whom the thunder praises and the angels glorify in His fear.
– Oh God, grant us a beneficial disaster.
– We received rain, thanks to God’s grace and mercy.
– Glory be to Him whom the thunder praises and the angels glorify in His fear.
– Oh God, have a good rain. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, narrated that if the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, saw something emerging on the horizon of the sky, he would abandon work, even if he was in prayer, and then say (O God, I seek refuge in You from its evil), and if it rained, he would say: (Oh God, grant us a good rain). Congratulations) .
– O Lord, give water to your servants and livestock, spread your mercy, and revive your dead country.
– O God, around us and not against us, O God, on the slopes, the hills, the treetops, and the bottoms of the valleys.
– The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to say when the rain was intense (O God, around us and not against us, O God, on the trees and the hills and the treetops and the bottoms of the valleys, O God, provide watering with mercy, not watering of calamity or torment, nor drowning or destruction, O God, on the treetops and the trees, O God around us and not against us. ).
– When seeing clouds and clouds or rain falling, O God, grant us a beneficial disaster.
Prayer for rain for children
The supplication for rain to fall and teaching it to children is one of the great supplications that we must teach to our children, and our young children must know that there is a supplication when it rains, and the supplication for rain to fall for children is one of the supplications that came from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and God Almighty is the One who is able to bring down rain. And on the authority of the Mother of the Believers, Aisha, may God be pleased with her, she said that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he saw rain, said: Oh God, a beneficial rain, so we must teach our children the Sunnahs of the Beloved, may God bless him and grant him peace, when we see rain. Below we present to you in this paragraph on Read the most beautiful supplication for rain to fall for children.
Prayer for rain to fall for children 2
– Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the disappearance of Your grace, the change in Your well-being, and all of Your anger. Oh God, I seek refuge in You from reprehensible morals, deeds, and whims. Oh God, I seek refuge in You from a heart that is not humble, a supplication that is not heard, a soul that is not satisfied, and knowledge that is not beneficial. I seek refuge in You from these four.
– Oh God, I seek refuge in You from a bad day, from a bad night, from a bad hour, from a bad friend, and from a bad neighbor in the abode of residence. Oh God, You are God, there is no god but You, You are the rich, and we are the poor. Praise be to You if You have sent down rain upon us. Oh God, make what You have sent down for us strength and enlightenment for a while.
– O God, grant us a beneficial rain, O God, grant us a happy rain. O God, do not kill us with your anger, and do not destroy us with your torment, and grant us health before that.
– Oh God, make it rain of goodness and blessings. Oh God, do not kill us with your anger, and do not destroy us with your torment, and protect us before that. Glory be to Him who praises the thunder and whose fear the angels glorify.
Rain prayer for the dead
With the rain falling, the gates of the sky open, and supplication is desirable, but it must be with pure intention. People wait for the rain to pray with what is on their chests, whether for themselves or for others. The dead need supplication as it reduces the torment and makes the loneliness of the grave easier. Many people deliberately pray in the rain for the dead, thinking that it will be answered, and there are There are many prayers for the dead, in more than one form, and there is a prayer for rain for the dead, which we will present to you in this article.
Prayer for rain for the dead 1
– Oh God, forgive him and have mercy on him, pardon him and keep him well, honor his abode, widen his entrance, wash him with water, ice and hail, and purify him of sins as the third is purified. Remove the white from filth, and replace it with a better house than its own, and a better family than its family, and a better spouse than its spouse, and protect yourself from temptation. the grave and the torment of the Fire)
– (O God, forgive our living and our dead, our present and our absent, our young and our old, our male and our female. O God, whoever of us You make alive, let him live in Islam, and whoever of us You cause to die, cause him to die in faith. O God, do not deprive us of his reward and do not lead us astray after him. ).
– (Ask forgiveness for your brother, and ask for steadfastness for him, for he is being asked now.)
– (O God, so-and-so, the son of so-and-so, is under your protection and by your side. He has escaped the temptation of the grave and the torment of the Fire, and you are worthy of loyalty and truth, so forgive him and have mercy on him. Indeed, you are the Forgiving, the Merciful).
– Oh God, my father is under your protection and a cord of protection from you, the jurisprudence of the temptation of the grave and the torment of the fire, and you are worthy of loyalty, and praise be to God. Oh God, forgive him and have mercy on him, for you are the Forgiving, the Merciful. Oh God, he is in your hospitality, so is the reward for the guest except honor and benevolence, and you are the people of generosity and generosity. Oh God, receive him with you free of sins and transgressions, and receive him with your free will and forgiveness, and you are satisfied with him, not angry with him, with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
Prayer for rain for the dead 2
O God, forgive my father, have mercy on him, grant him good health, pardon him, honor his abode, expand his entrance, wash him with water, ice, and cold, purify him of sins as a white garment is purified of filth, replace him with a better home than his home, and a better family than his family, and admit him to Paradise without reckoning, and protect him from the torment of the grave.
– (O God, You are her Lord, You created her, You guided her to Islam, You took her soul, and You know best her secrets and her openness. We have come as intercessors, so forgive him.)
– Oh God, enlighten the resting places of all our dead, sweeten their resting places, comfort their loneliness, protect them from the torment of the grave, and make Paradise their home with your mercy, O Most Merciful.
– O Lord, heal the brokenness of our hearts due to separation from our loved ones, and do not make our last covenant with them in this world, and build homes for us and them in Paradise, and make our meeting place there.
– Oh God, keep our dead under the shade of your throne on the day when there will be no shade but your shadow and nothing remaining except your face. Oh God, grant them good fortune, honor their resting place, and make Paradise their abode and shelter, and may God reward you with goodness.
– Oh God, send down light, space, and joy to the graves of our dead. Oh God, reward them with good deeds with kindness and with bad deeds with pardon and forgiveness. Oh God, Amen, Lord of the worlds.
– My Lord, moisten the soil of those who left us with drops of Your goodness and make the breezes of Paradise blow upon them, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
– Oh God, have mercy on the souls who ascended to you, and there is nothing left between us and them except supplication. O Lord, forgive them, protect them, and pardon them.
A prayer when it rains for marriage
Perhaps it is one of the most sought-after supplications that hearts yearn for and hope of winning, such as the supplication when the rain falls for marriage, as we have become accustomed since we were young to meeting the rain with our dreams and wishes, hoping for victory and the fulfillment of hopes, and with a supplication when the rain falls for marriage, your life may change and change to the best of conditions, and from here. We present to you the most beautiful supplication when the rain falls for marriage.
A prayer when it rains for marriage
– Oh God, purify my heart, expand my chest, make me happy, accept my prayers and all my obedience, answer my supplication, reveal my anguish, anxiety and fainting, forgive my sin, fix my condition, relieve my sadness, whiten my face, make Al-Rayyan my door, Paradise my reward, and Al-Kawthar my drink, and grant me a share in what I love.
– Oh God, I am your servant and I am waiting for joy from you soon that will comfort my heart and bring tears to my eyes, so give me good tidings, and I ask you for healing, so grant me well-being, and for your mercy, so have mercy on me, and peace of mind and freedom from hell.
– Oh God, I ask you, by your glory, your greatness, and your majesty, to grant me my wishes and the wishes of everyone I love, and not to break my back, and not to make a need difficult for me, and not to make a matter too difficult for me, and not to make my stature weak, and not to make my misfortune a burden on my religion, and not to make this world my greatest concern, and not to reveal I have no cover or secret, so if I disobey you openly, forgive me, and if I disobey you secretly, cover me, and do not put my test in my body.
– Oh God, we ask you in your great, greatest name, by which if you are called upon, you answer, and if you are asked by it, you give, and in all of your most beautiful names, what we know of them and what we do not know, to answer our prayers for us, fulfill our desires, fulfill our needs, relieve our distress, forgive our sins, cover our faults, and repent. upon us, and grant us recovery, and pardon us, and set right our families and our descendants, and prolong our lives, and improve our outcome, and have mercy on us with your vast mercy.
O God, O God who brings people together for a day about which there is no doubt, gather me with those whom You love and are pleased with in this world and the hereafter, O He whose command is between the Kaf and the Nun, and He says to the thing “Be” and it is, grant me a righteous husband and righteous offspring that will please my eyes and the eyes of my father and mother and everyone who cares about my affairs, O Friendly, oh Friendly, oh Friendly, O Possessor of the Glorious Throne, O Effective for what You want.
Oh God, increase me closer to You. Oh God, make me one of the patient ones, make me one of the thankful, make me small in my eyes, and big in people’s eyes. Oh God, forgive my sins, purify my heart, and fortify my chastity. Oh God, make me a good husband. Oh God, beautify him in my sight, and make me beautiful in his sight.
A prayer in the rain Twitter
A supplication in the rain Tweets: A Muslim can say whatever supplication he wants when the rain falls, and here in this article on Iqra we show you a group of rain supplications. Do not hesitate to publish them and share them with your friends on Twitter.
A supplication when the rain falls for sustenance 1
– Oh God, grant him a beneficial child and provide him with ample, good and blessed sustenance.
– Oh God, give us abundant, beneficial rain.
– Oh God, help me, open for me the doors of your mercy, and provide for me from where I do not expect.
– Oh God, I ask you, my Lord, to make me one of those who are thankful, patient, mindful, and willing.
– My Lord, answer my prayer and open the doors of your generous provision for me.
– O Lord, confirm my proof, accept my repentance, guide my tongue, guide my heart, and grant me lawful sustenance.
– O Lord, enlighten my path, help me, forgive my sins, and grant me what my heart desires and what my eyes see.
– O Lord, You are the rich and we are the poor, so enrich us with Your lawful deeds from Your unlawful things and write us among the righteous.
– Oh God, I ask you, my Lord, to make me one of those who are thankful, patient, mindful, and willing.
– My Lord, answer my prayer and open the doors of your generous provision for me.
A supplication when the rain falls for sustenance 2
– O Lord, you are the rich and we are the poor, so enrich us with your lawful things from your forbidden things and write us among the righteous.
– Oh God, I seek refuge in You from every sin that follows heartbreak, deprives sustenance, rejects supplication, and causes regret.
– O Lord, give us water to drink of your mercy, but do not give us water to drink of your torment, destruction, affliction, or drowning.
– O Lord, open my chest to me, reveal my distress, forget their loneliness, and bless me, O Lord.
– Oh God, grant us lawful and good sustenance, O God, grant us a happy disaster.
– O Lord, bless me, make me happy, purify my heart, and answer my prayers.
– Lord, I ask you, by your glory, majesty, and greatness, to provide for me and open for me the doors of goodness and blessing.
– Oh God, I ask you, O Lord, to bestow your blessings on me and open for me the doors of your grace and mercy, O responder to the prayers of those in need.
– O Lord, help me, grant me victory, provide for me, and guide me.
– Oh God, I ask you, O Lord, to bestow your blessings on me and open for me the doors of your grace and mercy, O responder to the prayers of those in need.
– O Lord, confirm my proof, accept my repentance, guide my tongue, guide my heart, and grant me lawful sustenance.
– Oh God, help me, open for me the doors of your mercy, and provide for me from where I do not expect.
– O Lord, enlighten my path, help me, forgive my sins, and grant me what my heart desires and what my eyes see.
A prayer in the rain
There are many sayings and supplications mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet, which Muslims resort to during the rain and throughout the winter. The supplication for rain includes several supplications, including those that were reported from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and some that were not mentioned. The supplication for rain, in order for it to be answered, requires a sincere intention and heart. He is attached to God and has complete certainty that God Almighty will not return him disappointed and will respond to him. Below we present to you in this article on recite the most beautiful supplication in the rain:
A prayer in the rain 2
– (Oh God, give us help, O God, give us help, O God, give us help).
– Oh God, I seek Your forgiveness for every sin that follows heartbreak, causes remorse, withholds sustenance, and rejects supplication. Oh God, open for me the doors of Your mercy and bless me from where I do not expect. Oh God, enlighten my path for me, forgive my sins, and grant me what is best for me and what I wish for. O God, grant us mercy, not torment, calamity, destruction, or drowning.
– Oh God, purify my heart, expand my chest, make me happy, accept my prayers and all my obedience, answer my supplication, reveal my distress, anxiety and fainting, forgive my sin, fix my condition, relieve my sadness, whiten my face, make Al-Rayyan my door, Al-Firdaws my reward, and Al-Kawthar my drink, and grant me a share in what I love. Oh God, give us rain, relief, soreness, beneficial, and harmless.
– Oh God, I am your servant, and I am waiting for joy from you soon that will comfort my heart and bring tears to my eyes, so give me good tidings, and I ask you for healing, so grant me well-being, and for your mercy, so have mercy on me, and peace of mind, and freedom from hell. My Lord, I ask you, by your glory, your greatness, and your majesty, to make my hour come while I prostrate before your hands, and my heart beats from your fear, O God, purify me from all My sins, then take me to you.