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Prayers for success at work

Work and livelihood are among the things that preoccupy the minds of many people, and throughout their lives people continue to search for livelihood in all possible ways through work. Work and livelihood must also be among the lawful works, so that a person can obtain God’s help and satisfaction. We will learn below about the most beautiful supplication. Good luck at work.
Prayers for success at work
– Oh God, revive me with peace, for You are peace, and from You is peace, and to You peace will return. Blessed are our Lord and exalted be He, O Possessor of Majesty and Honour.
– Oh God, I call upon you and ask you as I enter this workplace, and I am certain of your presence and that you are watching over me. I ask you to protect this office of mine with your blessing, forgiveness, wide mercy, and your wonderful system.
– Oh God, I bear witness to your vast knowledge and great ability over everything that takes place within these walls of words, ideas, and decisions.
– Oh God, grant the “name” a sustenance that he did not expect, and a good that he did not think about, and the fulfillment of wishes that he once thought were impossible, and the response to prayers that are always repeated by my Lord, grant him success, make fun of him, comfort his mind and heart, make him happy, pardon him, have mercy on him, read his sample, land his curse, Grant him what he desires and what he wants, O God.
– Oh God, we ask you to work in what pleases you, and we seek refuge in you from what makes you angry, and we ask you for success in obeying you, and we seek refuge in you from disobeying you.
– Oh God, I thank you for the vast blessings that you have bestowed upon me. Oh God, help me to use your grace in what pleases you, and grant me strength and honesty when performing my work.
– Oh God, I ask you in it what pleases you, and I seek refuge in you from what harms you, and I ask you to grant you success in it so that I obey you and do not disobey you, O Generous of those who ask.
– I ask God Almighty, at this hour, to send down upon you from the clouds of His mercy and the abundance of His blessings what you can reassure yourself with and fulfill your wishes. O God, grant him success in praising You and thanking You, and bestow upon him Your pardon and protection, and clothe him with the garment of well-being. May God ease your affairs, open your chest, bless you, and protect you from all evil.
– Feel the blessing of God upon you that He has made you among those who pray Fajr at its proper time. So whoever fulfills the rights of his Lord and honors His rituals, God Almighty will extend joy and tranquility to his heart and feelings and open for him the doors of success in his home, work, money, and all his affairs.
– Oh God, grant him joy without sufficiency, comfort his heart, and make him happy. My Lord, you know what is in his heart, so grant him what he wishes, expand his chest, guide him, and be with him, O God, and ease his affairs.

A prayer for success and success in life for a person

A supplication for success and success in life for a person. God Almighty will write a great reward for him, and the Muslim must pray for his Muslim brother to preserve him and guarantee him goodness and success. Success, and he is looking for time and reasons to respond.
A prayer for success and success in life for a person
– Oh God, I ask you to erase his pains from him, and enlighten the darkness of his nights, O God, give him joy, and provide him with all the approaches to goodness, O God, O strong, who can help the weak except You, O God, O Rich, who can help the poor except You, O God, O Mighty, who can help the humble except You, O God, enrich him with Your lawfulness from Your forbidden things, And I sing thanks to you more than anyone else.
Oh God, make him happy, comfort his heart, expand his chest, fulfill his wishes, and keep away from them all distress and sadness. My Lord, I love him so much to an extent that only you know. I entrusted his soul and heart to you, so protect it for me, O God.
– My Lord, bless his life, his wealth, and his health. Oh God, grant him lawful sustenance, and do not make him sad, O Lord of the Worlds.
– Oh God, you gave me the best friends in this world without me asking you, so do not deprive me of their company in heaven. Oh God, make them happy, make their hearts happy, relieve their worries, fulfill their wishes, and make heaven their abode. Oh God, do not reject my prayer, for I love them in you.
– Oh God, be for him a friend, a supporter, a helper, a supporter, a supporter, and a successor, so let him entrust him to anyone but you, and have mercy on him and repent on his behalf, for the one who is powerful is the one who is not capable of you.
– Oh God, inspire him in his affairs to do what is right, facilitate an answer for him in every question, save him from all kinds of torment, whiten his face on the day when the reckoning becomes severe, decorate his gathering with the best of companions, and make his supplication an answered supplication.
– Oh God, have mercy on one of your servants, for I call upon you to grant him success, facilitate his affairs, set him straight in this world, grant him success in everything that you love and are pleased with, and remove his worries and anguish, for you are capable of all things.
– Oh God, we ask you for success and guidance, guidance and assistance, contentment and maintenance, love and repentance, supplication and answers. Oh God, grant us light in the heart, adornment in the face, and strength in work.
– Oh God, help me and do not help me, support me and do not support me, plot for me and do not plot against me, guide me and facilitate guidance for me, and grant me victory over those who transgress against me.
– Oh God, I ask you for the best success and the best outcome. O God, with your mercy, you sought help, so have mercy on us, ease our affairs, and grant us success in everything that you love and are pleased with, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

Pray for your loved one for success in exams

Sometimes we need supplications in order to pray with a person dear to us for success in exams in order to pass them successfully and excel, but when some of us want a supplication for success and success with a close person, we do not find the appropriate prayers to say. Here is the best supplication for your loved one to succeed in exams.
Pray for your loved one for success in exams
– Oh God, make him one of the outstanding winners and do not return him disappointed, grant him success in his exams, and conclude his efforts and work with success, joy and prosperity. Oh God, grant him success in every moment, success in every moment, and success in this world and the hereafter
– Oh God, help me to study, and do not let my heart get tired of it, and be with me in every moment, and guide me to what you love and are pleased with, and grant me success. Oh God, honor me with quality memorization, speed of understanding, and stability of mind, mind, and memory, in truth of your saying, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: (The Most Merciful taught the Qur’an and created man. Teach him the statement.)
– Oh God, I ask you to provide and grant success to your servant, and to be with him and not against him, and to be his helper and supporter at all times, so I entrust him, O God, to your protection and care, so protect him with your eyes that never sleep, for you are capable of all things.
– O Forgiving, O Generous, O Most Compassionate, O Merciful, O Kind, O Benevolent, O Responder of the distressed and the needy, O God, I ask You to open Your servant’s heart, make all his affairs easy for him, direct his steps, and guide him in saying and doing good deeds, O He who says to a thing, “Be,” and it is. Be of help to your servant who is weak to you and do not be against him.
– Oh God, with your mercy, make this exam easy for him, open it to him, and grant him the right answer, O God, the facilitator of every difficult thing.
– Oh God, make it easy for your servant and do not make it difficult, and make all matters easy for him, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful. Glory be to You, there is nothing easy except what you make easy. Oh God, grant your servant the memorization of the messengers, and the understanding of the prophets, and protect him with your eyes that never sleep at all times, and plot for him, O God, and do not plot for him, and make him thankful for your grace, generosity, and blessing, and guide him to do what you love and are pleased with, and write him down with you as one of the righteous servants.
– Oh God, there is nothing easy except what you make easy. Oh God, make the difficult easy. Oh God, remind me of what I forgot. There is no power nor strength except in God. Oh God, I have put my trust in You, and I have entrusted my affairs to You. There is no god but God, the Forbearing, the Generous, Lord of the Great Throne.
– Oh God, do not return your servant a disappointment and a loser, and make him one of the outstanding winners, make every difficult thing easy for him, grant him success in exams, and delight his eyes with joy and happiness.
– Oh God, open for me the doors of Your wisdom, spread Your mercy upon me, and bestow upon me preservation and understanding. Glory be to You. We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Oh God, open upon us the knowledge of knowledge, improve our morals with forbearance, facilitate for us the doors of Your grace, and spread upon us from the treasures of Your mercy. Most Merciful.

A prayer for your loved one for success on Twitter

It is one of the most wonderful things that a Muslim can offer to his Muslim brother, when a person raises his hands to Heaven and cries out to God Almighty for success, success, speedy recovery, and support for his Muslim brother in an unseen light. Get to know with us the most wonderful supplication for your loved one’s success on Twitter.
A prayer for your loved one for success on Twitter
– Oh God, you know my great love for your servant. Oh God, I ask you to protect him, grant him success, and facilitate his affairs, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
– O God, I love one of your servants, so O God, make him happy and make success a companion to his path, and do not see me as harm in him, and be his protector, O the best of protectors.
– Oh God, grant him success wherever he goes. Oh God, make all good things easy for him, and grant him what he desires.
– My Lord, open his chest to him, make his affairs easy for him, and untie the knot from his tongue, so that they understand his saying, In the Name of God the Fattah, O God, there is no easy thing except what You have made easy, and You make sadness easy whenever You wish, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.
– Oh God, grant him success in every matter, achievement of every goal, and grant him the pinnacle of knowledge.
– Oh God, we put our trust in You, and we surrender our affairs to You. There is no refuge or refuge from You except in You. Oh God, he lost and inspired him to do what is right.
– Oh God, I ask you to grant success to one of your servants whom I love. O God, make things easy for him and grant him success in everything that you love and are pleased with, and be his guardian and helper.
– Oh God, I ask you for the best of your success for a servant whom I love. Oh God, grant him success, ease his affairs, repent from him, and make him one of your righteous servants.
– Oh God, I ask you to prolong his life, increase his livelihood, facilitate his affairs, and protect him with your eyes that never sleep.

Pray for your loved one’s success

A Muslim prays for success and success for those he loves, including his brothers, family, and friends, and for that he will receive a great reward from God Almighty, provided that the intention is sincere in the supplication. We list for you as follows a prayer for success for a loved one:
Pray for your loved one’s success
– My Lord, I have a person whom I love, for whom my soul fears everything, so protect him. Oh God, I entrust you with his comfort, his well-being, and his heart, so keep away from him everything that harms him and distresses his chest.
– My Lord, grant him success, subjugate his evil, comfort his heart, and comfort his mind, make him happy, pardon him, have mercy on him, grant him comfort for his eyes, be pleased with him, grant him what he wishes and what he wants, and comfort his mind, O God, O God, make him subject to the means of comfort for his heart.
– My Lord, protect for me a traveler whom I love as much as this universe and more. Oh God, I entrusted you with a piece of my heart, so protect it for me. Oh God, protect me in my own way, with God’s protection.
– May God help him, grant him success, and ease the path to his future. Oh God, grant him success, for it is from You. Oh God, comfort my friend’s heart so that my heart may be at ease. Oh God, I entrusted you with his heart, so keep it away from all distress and sadness.
– O Lord, with your knowledge you loved this companion, so with your mercy widen every path for him, save him from every distress, fill his heart with light, protect him from dangers, make you happy as long as night and day last, and make his life the life of the righteous and righteous.
– My Lord, I advise you to do well for him, and you are the best one to recommend. My Lord, help him in everything. Oh God, grant him success, ease his affairs, grant him what he desires, and protect him with your eyes that never sleep.
– Oh God, protect him from all harm, grant him success, protect him, and keep away from him all evil. Oh God, I entrusted him to you, O you who do not waste his deposits, O Lord.
– Oh God, I ask you, so do not return me disappointed, for there is no one who is disappointed who you are his master. Make the hearts of my friends happy, give them what they wish for, make their eyes happy with what they love, never rob them of a blessing, perfume their chests with faith and the Qur’an, and grant them eternity in Paradise.
– Oh God, grant him success wherever his steps take place. Oh God, grant him success and grant him everything he aspires to.
– Oh God, we ask You for the sincerity of trust in You, the good reliance on You, the strength of certainty in You, subject our feelings to obey You, fill our hearts with Your love, relieve us from the worries of the world, and grant us success in all our affairs.
– Ask God to bring you together with those you love, open the doors of happiness and success for you, give you everything you want and desire, and provide for you from where you do not expect.

A prayer for your loved one in the morning

One of the best things that we wish for our loved ones is to pray for them with goodness, sustenance, and peace of mind. We will explain in detail the most important supplication for a loved one in the morning and the supplications that should be said in the morning.
A prayer for your loved one in the morning
Make this morning a relief for all worries, a fulfillment of every hope, an answer to every prayer, a mercy for every dead person, and a healing for every sick person.
– My Lord, complete my coming affairs well and give me good tidings of what I expect from you, for you are the best of good tidings, O God.
– Oh God, I entrusted you with my affairs, for you are the best agent, and manage my affairs, for I am not good at managing them. Oh God, open for me the doors of your sustenance and provide for me from where I do not expect.
– My Lord, make me happy with everything that is beautiful from You. Oh God, grant me lasting happiness, great joy, a smile that does not disappear, and a heart that does not grieve. Oh God, beautiful compensation after long fatigue and patience.
– We have come and the kingdom belongs to God, Lord of the worlds. Oh God, I ask you for the goodness of this day, its conquest, its victory, its light, and its blessings, and I seek refuge in you from the evil of what is in it.
– The largest doors have small keys, so do not be incapable of the enormity of your wishes. Perhaps one prayer you raise to God will bring you the impossible. Just say, O Lord.
Oh God, look at us with a look of satisfaction, guide our hearts, forgive our sins, and bring us back to You in a beautiful way.
– Morning invitation. Ask God, to whom foreheads prostrate, whose words moisturize lips, and whose glory be to Him, Glory be to Him, and who answered on this day who called upon Him, to make you happy in this life and grant you Paradise and His satisfaction.
– O He who holds the reins of affairs and all goodness in His hand, make all my loved ones this morning an answered invitation, and with every breath of air a displaced anguish, and in every moment closeness and obedience, my happiness, every morning, communication with hearts is white and has a place in my heart.

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