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A mixture to increase weight and increase the background

The complete beauty of a woman is what all women, young and old, are looking for. They are looking for various ways to appear attractive, and in addition to their need for skin care and other things, each of them also needs to take care of the shape of their body, including the buttocks, so learn with us about the most important mixtures to gain weight and enlarge the back.
– Fenugreek recipe for fattening the buttocks: This herb, usually found as seeds in the spice section, is known for its properties in stimulating appetite and digestion and its ability to promote weight gain. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens, which have the effect of naturally increasing the size of the buttocks. Usage: Massage the buttocks with fenugreek oil. If you don’t have oil, you can grind some fenugreek seeds into a powder. Then add vegetable oil and soak overnight. The next morning, use the oil to massage your buttocks. You should apply it once daily for a maximum of 7 to 10 days. Take a break for three months before renewing the treatment.
– Mixture of moisturizing cream and olive oil. Follow these steps to apply the mixture to the buttocks: Add a few drops of olive oil to the moisturizing cream. Apply a small amount of cream to your buttocks and massage it in a circular motion throughout the area until it is absorbed by the skin. Apply this cream daily on your butt to get results.
– The recipe for the herb of burdock for weight gain. It works as an anti-inflammatory and also has the ability to stimulate blood circulation, which helps in fattening the buttocks. One of the ways to use this herb is: Soak a few grams of 3 to 6 grams of burdock root in half a liter of hot water and leave it for a period of time. Take a cup of this herb infusion 3 times daily. It should not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, or those suffering from gallstones.
– A Moroccan recipe to enlarge the buttocks in a week. Even if you do not have results, it is important to use natural ingredients, because nature will not harm you like the dangers of chemicals, so please follow the following recipes that will help you nourish your skin and use it for fattening: Prepare two tablespoons of fenugreek oil + a tablespoon A tablespoon of natural soybean oil + half a teaspoon of yeast powder. Mix fenugreek oil with natural soybean oil, then add yeast powder to it. Mix the ingredients well until they are completely combined, then place the mixture in the refrigerator until it rests. After that, you can use this mixture on the bottom and spread it outward in a circular motion to enhance blood circulation in the area. Use 3 times a day until the desired effect is obtained.

Weight gain drinks for women

These are some drinks and foods that may help you gain weight:
– Black honey coffee drink: This drink helps to significantly increase body weight and provides it with the necessary food and energy. It also treats anemia, as it contains high levels of calories.
– Cocoa drink with milk: Consuming this drink contributes to the treatment and treatment of body slimness and greatly helps in gaining weight due to it containing a large group of nutrients, and it must be drunk before going to sleep daily.
– Milk and coconut drink: Regular consumption of coconut juice mixed with milk for two months increases body weight significantly, as it contains a high percentage of calories and provides the body with the energy it needs.
– Licorice: Licorice is one of the best herbs used to gain weight. It also helps strengthen the body’s immunity to resist many diseases and types of fungal and bacterial infections.
– Fruit juice: If you are a fan of eating fruits in the form of juice, juices made from natural fruits may help you gain weight, while eating fruits in their solid form may have the opposite effect, as they may help you lose weight. In order to be able to benefit from fruit juices to gain weight in a healthy way, be sure to: Drink the juices of the following types of fruits: grapes, strawberries, mango, pomegranates, and peaches.
– Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an Indian herb commonly used in many natural and therapeutic recipes. It helps treat stress, body weakness, appetite and general weakness. By taking it with a healthy diet to gain weight, you can gain weight in a healthy way within a short period.

Recipes to gain weight in a short period

Below are recipes to gain weight in a short period. All recipes are completely safe and there is no need to consult a doctor because they are natural herbs and are as follows:
– The first recipe: It consists of ingredients that have high calories and are also beneficial. Ingredients Almond. Natural bee honey. Dates (3 pieces). Nuts (sudanese, almonds, walnuts). Preparation method: Mix all these nuts and sweeten with white honey. This mixture should be taken twice daily, before breakfast and before dinner. You must adhere to this mixture for 15 days until you achieve the ideal weight, as well as these benefits and nutritional elements, and it contains calories that help increase body weight quickly.
– Second recipe: Weight gain with soybeans. Soybeans (soybeans) are a rich source of proteins, fiber, and vitamins, as well as many other nutrients. Soybeans can also help increase weight in the body by increasing protein. Proteins form the basic building blocks of muscles and thus can To help gain weight, people interested in gaining weight can use soybeans. Personally tested soybeans have a terrible effect, but you must have a little patience until you get satisfactory results. I do not advise you to buy chemicals that actually give results but are harmful and can cause you serious diseases.
– The third recipe: One of the recipes to gain weight quickly in 15 days. Ingredients: A cup of water. 3 tablespoons of ground fenugreek. 3 tablespoons of white bee honey. How to prepare it: We bring boiling water, put the ground fenugreek in it and boil it well until completely boiling. The mixture must be filtered well from the water, leaving only the thick mixture. Sweeten the thick mixture with white honey and stir well. It is best to take this recipe three times a day before eating meals.

Weight gain mixtures for women

Many people seek to get rid of the problem of thinness, and many resort to natural methods that help to gain weight. Is there a recipe that helps to gain weight in one day? This is what we will know. In this paragraph, we present the most important weight gain mixtures for women.
– Nuts and dry fruits snack recipe: Nuts should not be absent from the diet of anyone who wants to gain weight. It will allow us to gain weight naturally and without endangering our health at any time. If you had to choose a specific type, nuts are the most distinctive, especially because they fill us with calories and contain many good fats, as well as nutrients, vitamins, and proteins that are healthy for the body.
– Omelette is considered one of the recipes rich in protein and high in calories, which helps in gaining weight and is beneficial for the body. It is eaten as a snack or for breakfast and food ingredients are added such as: mashed potatoes, any type of cheese, and vegetables such as parsley, thyme, and onions.
– Bananas with milk to gain weight. Bananas contain a high percentage of calories and give the body energy and vitality, so it is recommended for athletes, as well as those who want to gain weight. It is also recommended to add milk to bananas and drink a cup daily in the morning and evening instead of drinking tea or coffee.
– Creamy Soup Recipe Adding cream and its substitutes to various soup recipes helps increase its content of calories, protein, calcium, and fat. As a healthy alternative in terms of fat, you can use milk with a little starch instead. Preparing creamy soups to gain weight. There are many soup recipes that add creamy sauce, such as: creamy mushroom soup, or chicken soup with cream.
Eating peanut butter daily for breakfast. Peanuts contain a high percentage of fatty acids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Peanut butter also contains a high percentage of calories, so it increases body weight. Therefore, it is recommended to eat peanut butter on a daily basis for a month. , to obtain positive results.
– Black honey mixture and condition: In a bowl, put a kilogram of honey with fenugreek, boil them over the fire, add a tablespoon of olive oil, and leave it on the fire for 15 minutes or more. Leave the mixture until it cools, then put it in a jar in the refrigerator and eat it more than once in a while. Today, it can be eaten with white bread or local bread.

A terrible mixture for weight gain

Most health and nutrition advice revolves only around fat loss, and therefore, may lack information on how to properly eat fats to fatten the body. There are also other ways to gain weight quickly, such as fattening recipes. Here are awesome recipes for weight gain.
A terrible mixture for weight gain
– The first mixture: dates and milk for fattening. Whole milk is one of the most important drinks that a skinny patient should be keen on, in addition to the fact that dates are very effective in gaining weight as they contain natural sugars in addition to the benefits and vitamins they contain, and it is done by: soaking about 5 dates in a cup of milk. Try to soak dates in milk about 12 hours before eating them so that the dates take in the elements and benefits. After that, put a cup of milk and dates in an electric blender and blend it well until it becomes a date-colored juice. You can eat dates soaked in milk as is as well. Eating one cup of it daily and continuing increases weight significantly.
– The second mixture: Ingredients: – A cup of boiled fenugreek (we only take water) – A large spoonful of yeast (food yeast for baked goods) – Black honey (it can be sugar, but honey is much better because it eliminates anemia). The method is to add all the ingredients together and drink several times daily. I swear to God, the Most High, the Great, and I swear to God that I am a martyr. Within 10 days, thanks to God, you will notice the difference. Your cheeks will appear, and your cheeks will turn pink and red, and your appearance will remain beautiful, and your body will fill out a little. Weigh your body before you take the mixture, and after 10 days, weigh it and you will see what the increase will be, but the most important thing is to continue with it, and this recipe requires patience and determination. And insistence, and as for the smell of the fenugreek, after you drink the fenugreek, take a nice shower and paint your body with any scented lotion, oud oil, or anything scented that you have, and by God, it will not have any smell left.

Natural medicine for weight gain

There are many proven and fast-acting medications for weight gain in pharmacies. Many of those who suffer from the problem of thinness suffer from poor mental health, and it also negatively affects the health of the person suffering from extreme thinness. There are many natural medications for weight gain.
– Spirulina is a natural dietary supplement, and it is a weight gain medicine from the pharmacy. Extracted from a type of blue-green algae found in the sea or lakes, which absorbs sunlight. It is considered an alkaline lunch that maintains the body’s pH in an ideal state of balance, which keeps away the specter of diseases that flourish the more acidic the body becomes by eating meat, seafood, and grains.
Holy thistle is characterized by its yellow flowers. It also helps in stimulating the appetite by stimulating the secretion of stomach acid and bile. The reason for this is because it contains sennisin. Specialists must be consulted before taking this herb to ensure the correct dosage and method of use.
Protein supplements: One of the most common types of weight gain supplements and medications is protein supplements or protein powder, as proteins are the main component of muscles, so taking these supplements regularly helps increase muscle weight. Protein supplements are also commonly used by athletes, especially those who exercise. Bodybuilding.
– Centauri herb: Centauri herb also works to help stimulate appetite by stimulating the secretion of stomach acid. It can be taken with chamomile or burdock roots, after medical advice, of course.
– Vitamins to gain weight. Nutritional supplements and vitamins are among the most important medicines that help treat body problems and deficiency of important vitamins and minerals such as iron, which causes anemia and loss of appetite and thus weight loss. They are among the safe and effective medicines to stimulate the appetite, which increases weight, and one of the most important vitamins that increase weight naturally. And security.

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