Funny phrases about love
Funny phrases about love. You can share with your loved ones funny and wonderful love words that make the heart full of the psychological comfort that loved ones sing about among themselves. Make the heart of your loved one comfortable with types of laughter mixed with the flavor of flirtation that expresses your feelings with a wonderful and funny joke.
Funny phrases about love
He told her: “You deserve someone better than me.” She wiped her tears and told him, “Give him his number.” She had no feelings or conscience.
You know the kiss that comes half on the mouth and half on the cheek? I got a palm with the same specifications.
– I go with the sheep so that I may forget you, and with every goat’s face I remember you.
– You don’t have sweet words that make my heart beat three times. As long as your love is honey mixed with cream, do not blame me if I took Samoli’s riyal.
– The height of love is to end all conversations and leave the conversation with the one you love. I delete all the conversations and leave the ones I quarreled with so that we can continue.
– I love her as a curious person loves a quarrel, and I love her as a Nasrawi loves victory.
A Lebanese woman says the best feeling is when you are riding with your husband in the car, and he tells you to hand me the handkerchief behind your phone and you get a bouquet of red roses. She replied, “Our friend said, ‘I tried asking for the handkerchief that fell at my feet, and if I put my head down, he caught the brakes and hit my head on the drum.’”
– I am the girl to whom Kazem sang: Bring your left hand so that I can settle in it, but I told him no, there is a safs in it.
– Do not believe that men are hurt by your departure, your crying, or your absence. Men are only hurt by the death of their mothers, the loss of their jobs, and the scratching of their car.
– When a man commits foolishness, they say: How foolish he is. And when a woman commits foolishness, they say: How foolish women are!!!! A man loses his illusions first, then his teeth, and finally his recklessness.
He addressed a man’s mind, a woman’s heart, and a fool’s ear.
Men can resist a valid theory and surrender to a look.
-Men dream before marriage and wake up after it.
A man’s strength is with his mind and a woman’s strength is with her tears.
Funny phrases for Facebook
Funny phrases for Facebook. Sometimes we need to entertain ourselves with a smile and a laugh, even if it is fake, in order to extricate ourselves from the many difficult and arduous moments we live through, from the various troubles of life, and search for what makes us happy, even if it is for simple moments.
Funny phrases for Facebook
The naive man asks the woman to love him, while the experienced man makes her love him.
The man is the raw material on which the woman works the finishing touches.
Men say what they like about women, and women do what they like about men.
Men love quickly but hate slowly.
– I saw the man, Jogja Mamari, admiring himself. He had lost.
There are three types of men: a man who claims that he is right and is stubborn, a man who admits that he is wrong and is rational, and a man who asserts that he is wrong when he is right and this is the married man.
A man afflicted with love turns from a hunter into a prey.
There are two things a man loves: danger and amusement, and he loves a woman because she is the most dangerous type of amusement.
Every man has unattainable dreams that sometimes exist on earth and are often in the conscience of the unknown.
– When a man commits foolishness, they say: How foolish he is. And when a woman commits foolishness, they say: How foolish women are!!!!
A man loses his illusions first, then his teeth, and finally his recklessness.
He addressed a man’s mind, a woman’s heart, and a fool’s ear.
Men can resist a correct theory and surrender to a view.
Men dream before marriage and wake up after it.
The strength of a man is with his mind and the strength of a woman is with her tears.
– The strong man: He is the one who can subject a woman to his management… without ordering her to do so.
– The bus driver: The only man… who imposes on a woman the route she should take…
– The man works and is guided by reason.. The woman works and is guided by: emotion
Before marriage: The man keeps thinking all night about a word the woman said. After marriage: The man sleeps before his wife opens her mouth.
– A man reaches the middle of his life… when the girl he winks at thinks… that there is a disease in his eye…
– A man who does not win secrets from his wife either has no secrets or has no wife.
A successful man: He is the one who can earn more money than his wife spends.
– Adam… is the only man who met Eve… without asking her the traditional question: “Wasn’t I honored, lady, to meet you before this time?”
Funny phrases about studying
You can now express in a funny way about the school in which you study with one of these funny words. We have created for you a short funny saying about school that suits you and is suitable, for example, for WhatsApp statuses about school. We hope that you will benefit from it well.
Funny phrases about studying
– We have been sitting on the Internet all year… our smartness will come out now
– By studying, we are thinking……to carry out the duty in the morning
– In the middle of the night, of course, we stay up late…in the classes, we are all asleep
– In exams, we are all fake. They said we are lazy. We say we are smart
– They said, “You succeeded.” We said, “We are dreaming……..the length of the classes is ridiculous.”
– Always thinking about counting…………..they asked, “Do you understand?” We said we understand
– They said, “A test.” We said, “O Moeen…” The break came and we became crazy
– We eat our food and there are players…in the corridors, all of us running
– If we escape, tell us where we are going….We say: Cafeteria, supervisors
– They said, Welcome, you are welcome… The paper came out and we became afraid
– Give us the pen on the pledge, signed… the middle comes and we say we have failed
– We do something good in practice…. We present the final Fazzanin
– After a week of testimony of recipients…we put our hands on our hearts
– Bless us, we are successful….Bless us, we have brought sixty
– He who seeks glory sleeps at night
-And he said, “I have no money.”
– Take the zero and don’t care
– Zero is one of the characteristics of men
– I did the exam with out prepared
I found the first question difficult
– And I did not find an explanation for the second
– And the third, my mind almost flew
– Oh God, you are the agent
-And make him a long hose
– Oh God, have a social worker
-And make it something that snakes and serpents devour
– Oh God, bless your history teacher
-And drift away to Mars
– Oh God, you have a geography professor
– Because he is from a mafia gang
– Oh God, bless your mathematics teacher
-And put him in the operating room
– Oh God, bless your biology professor
-And make him a fashion model
– Oh God, grant you a science teacher
-And hold it between the mouth and pharynx
– Oh God, give the director a heart attack
– And teachers are a strong blow
-The school is an atomic bomb
-The students are on summer vacation
– Oh God, this is a joke
– We do not ask you to respond
Funny phrases about girls
Funny phrases about girls, funny phrases about girls have spread, which many people share on their Facebook pages, so that they get more attention on social networking sites among their friends.
Funny phrases about girls
A woman never forgets a man who killed a cockroach for her.
– Did you know that the female is life, but there is no life for whom she calls? The female is carrying two purses, two meters by one meter, and carrying the car key, the telephone, and the samples in her hand. And the box hanging on your shoulder?
– She was unable to tidy her room. She wrote, “I am a scattered woman.”
– If she says to you, “I trust you, beware, you foolish fool, it is a trap.” What does your boyfriend do? He doesn’t work, but he is a professional athlete. What does he play? He runs after girls.
– He said to her, “You are my soul, so what more do you want?” She said, “I want two points so that you can become my husband.” And since then, she has been singing, “I will see you, where are you, immigrant.”
– Despite your leadership, your size, and the harshness of your voice, a gentle female will tame you and play with your beard like a goat.
A woman who does not listen to Fayrouz, does not like roses, does not wear nail polish, or drinks coffee must join the army immediately.
– When you get out of his car angrily, my dear, because of the famous gesture, you forcefully close the door. Get out and leave it open. This way, he will be forced to get out and close it himself. This will annoy him even more.
– When will a girl get lost if her brothers are quarrelsome? One says: Club with my father or your line, and the other says: Club with him and see what happens to you. Ok, we will come to an understanding, my dear.
– The girl who writes the most cold and upset by young men’s responses to her. I mean, what do you expect them to say in response, my believing sister, may I warm you with the light of faith that never goes out?
Funny phrases about love
Funny phrases about love. You can share with your loved ones funny and wonderful love words that make the heart full of the psychological comfort that loved ones sing about among themselves. Make the heart of your loved one comfortable with types of laughter mixed with the flavor of flirtation that expresses your feelings with a wonderful and funny joke.
Funny phrases about love
He told her: “You deserve someone better than me.” She wiped her tears and told him, “Give him his number.” She had no feelings or conscience.
You know the kiss that comes half on the mouth and half on the cheek? I got a palm with the same specifications.
– I go with the sheep so that I may forget you, and with every goat’s face I remember you.
– You don’t have sweet words that make my heart beat three times. As long as your love is honey mixed with cream, do not blame me if I took Samoli’s riyal.
– The height of love is to end all conversations and leave the conversation with the one you love. I delete all the conversations and leave the ones I quarreled with so that we can continue.
– I love her as a curious person loves a quarrel, and I love her as a Nasrawi loves victory.
A Lebanese woman says the best feeling is when you are riding with your husband in the car, and he tells you to hand me the handkerchief behind your phone and you get a bouquet of red roses. She replied, “Our friend said, ‘I tried asking for the handkerchief that fell at my feet, and if I put my head down, he caught the brakes and hit my head on the drum.’”
– I am the girl to whom Kazem sang: Bring your left hand so that I can settle in it, but I told him no, there is a safs in it.
– Do not believe that men are hurt by your departure, your crying, or your absence. Men are only hurt by the death of their mothers, the loss of their jobs, and the scratching of their car.
– When a man commits foolishness, they say: How foolish he is. And when a woman commits foolishness, they say: How foolish women are!!!! A man loses his illusions first, then his teeth, and finally his recklessness.
He addressed a man’s mind, a woman’s heart, and a fool’s ear.
Men can resist a valid theory and surrender to a look.
-Men dream before marriage and wake up after it.
A man’s strength is with his mind and a woman’s strength is with her tears.
Funny sayings about food
Funny phrases about food. You can express in a funny way the love of food, hunger, the home refrigerator, or the eating person by downloading it and sending it to him or changing your WhatsApp picture. This person could be you. Express yourself now with pictures showing food, as we presented funny pictures about hunger in another topic.
Funny sayings about food
– Bring more food, I want to eat everything.
My flat stomach is much more beautiful than your face.
– One must eat to live, not live to eat. -Socrates.
– The comfort of the soul lies in the lack of sins, and the comfort of the body lies in the lack of food. -Arabic saying.
– Gluttonous people dig their graves with their teeth. – Indian proverb.
-All problems are solved at the dining table. -French proverb.
– The one who is quick to eat is the one who is quick to do everything. – J Kelly.
– The dog feels comfortable when he sees you.
If the soul finds comfort in not committing sins, then the body finds comfort in eating less.
– All disagreements and problems are resolved when you sit down to eat.
– Reduce your food in order to prolong your life.
– Hungry stomachs cannot hear anything.
The cat wants to eat fish, but does not want to touch water.